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Entering Intranet
Many links on the Web Guide are available to EPA Intranet users only. If you are an outside contractor working for EPA, please contact your EPA representative for more information. If you are another federal agency or other party interested in EPA's web policies and procedures, please contact EPA through the "Contact Us" page on this site.


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Deployment Basics

The EPA provides a wide range of hosting services ranging from the basic static HTML site to dynamically generated sites utilizing ColdFusion, GIS Technology, Java, LotusDomino, Oracle Application Server, etc. If you wish to deploy an application at the Agency, there are some basic requirements common to all applications.

Identify the Required Technology

After you have determined your application requirements, you'll need to identify the technology best suited for your application. If you do not have developers on staff, there are Web Design Services through a Working Capital Fund (WCF) mechanism.

You can also contact the NCC Application Managers (Stephen Fogarty, Tim Richards, and John McQuaid) with any questions. Stephen Fogarty may be reached at (919) 541-5127 or fogarty.stephen@epa.gov.Tim Richards may be reached at (919) 541-5307 or richards.tim@epa.gov. John McQuaid, may be reached at (919) 541-7679 or mcquaid.john@epa.gov.

Additional technology information is available at the following portals:

Obtain the Appropriate Working Capital Fund (WCF) Subscriptions

When you begin designing your application, contact your senior budget officer (SBO) to ensure that funding will be available to support it. You should then verify that you have the necessary WCF subscriptions for each application you wish to deploy. For more information, please visit Working Capital Fund Services Entering Intranet.

Submit the Application Deployment CheckList (ADC)

The Application Deployment Checklist (ADC) is both the actual form submitted to NCC and also the mechanism which tracks your application's development and deployment in the National Computer Center (NCC). This form must be on file and "approved for development" before access is granted to the NCC staging server environment. This same form will also be reviewed and approved before final deployment in the the production environment. For more information on the ADC, refer to the ADC Web Site. Entering Intranet

Obtain a TSSMS (Time Sharing Services Management System) Account

Obtain a TSSMS (Time Sharing Services Management System) account for services on the appropriate server. This assigns disk space on a shared system environment. It also is used to facilitate the WCF billing process. You will need to contact your ADP Coordinator so that he or she can set up the account. If you don't know who your ADP Coordinator is, call the EPA Call Center Entering Intranet at 1-866-411-4EPA (4372). If you are an ADP coordinator and need assistance, review the NCC Registration Guide for ADP Coordinators, ADP BackUps and Account Managers Entering Intranet

Obtain Access for Your Developers

Access to EPA servers is available via computers within the Agency's network and on a restricted basis to those outside the network. In order to publish and manage data in the National Computer Center, the Application Owner must request user accounts and ID's under his TSSMS area. For contractors, other business partners and EPA staff using computers outside of the Agency's network, the Application Owner must also request AAA access) For more information on obtaining access, refer to Access to EPA Servers andTSSMS Accounts.

Complete an Application Security Plan, if necessary

  1. An application security plan is required for any application that:

  2. If your application does not meet the criteria of a Major Application or contain data that is "high sensitivity", you may submit an Application Security Certification form to confirm that your application does not require a security plan.
  3. Application Security Certification Form (Microsoft Word)

  4. See the information at NCC Security Plan Reviews. Entering Intranet

Obtain Office of Public Affairs (OPA) Approval for All Public Access Web Sites

All EPA Public Access web sites must follow the Web Content Development and Approval prior to web site deployment. Each AAship, Regional Administrator or Lab Director must submit a plan to OPA describing how they peer review their content and comply with the EPA's Publishing Rules. Upon OPA approval an Internet Protocol (IP) restriction is lifted and the web site is available to the public over the World Wide Web (www).

Request Deployment

When the above procedures have been completed and the application development has been completed, tested and is ready to be deployed onto the production server environment, send an e-mail requesting production deployment to the "ADC Reviewers" email box in Notes.

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