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This is a guide for EPA users of the Lyris ListManager system. The following guide contains basic information for subscribers on how to go about creating new messages for a list, reading existing archived messages for the list, and updating their subscriber information.


The Interface

How To

The Web Interface

Once you arrive at the Public Access section of EPA's Lyris ListManager system, you will see a table with the list of all of the public lists available to everyone.

NOTE: If you know of a list that you wish to enter, but you can't see it in the table listing on this first page, then you can simply enter that list by typing out the URL for it.
    Where listname is the name of the list that you are trying to enter

Once entered, you will be asked to log into the list as all lists require you to be a subscriber to read or post messages.

In order to enter a list and view the messages or post a message, you will need to log into the list. This means that you must be a subscriber in order to do anything on the list system. If you are a regular user and not a list administrator, a password is optional, but recommended.

Also, you can tell how you are logged in and to what list you are logged into in the upper right hand corner of the page, in the blue header bar. In this area, you will see text reading "Current forum:" and should the forum (or list) which you are logged into. If the text is blank, that means that you are currently not logged into any forum. The same goes for the "You are:" text. The text next to this should be your email address. If you see the text "not logged in" that means that you have yet to enter any given list and will need to do so.

Also on this section, if you are in a particular forum and wish to change to another forum which you belong to, simply clicking on the "Current forum" link will take you to a list of forums which are available to you.

NOTE: If you have just asked to be subscribed to a given list, or have not sent back your confirmation message, this new list will not show up here. You will need to wait until your approvals are all set up before viewing any messages from that new list.

The same goes for the "You are" link, except rather than taking you to a list of your available forums, it will take you to your account settins.

The Messages tab

Once logged into a given list, you are then sent to the Messages tab where you will find all of the archived messages that have been sent to the list (if the list has been set up for archives). You can read message threads (multiple posts responding to a single message are all part of a single thread), get information on the author of the original post, see how many messages are in a given thread as well as create a new post.

The Search tab

The Search section allows you to search through the archives for a particular topic. The Advanced Search simply allows you to narrow down your search criteria to find a smaller yet more specific group of results.

The Conference tab

This section is not availble for use.

The My Account tab

In the My Account section, you can view and edit any of your own subscription information. You can change your email address, your Name and/or your password. And if you belong to multiple lists and want to make the same changes, rather than having to go to every single list to make these changes, you can simply go to the Advanced tab and update the Apply changes section to show that you want to make these changes to your other subscriptions on this server as well. Not just this one list.

The My Forums tab

In the My Forums section, you will see a list of forums which you are actively subscribed to. If you wish to change to another forum to read messages, simply click on the name of the list in the table to switch. Or, if there is a particular list you wish to unsubscribe from, you can click on the unsubscribe link on the right hand side of each list name.

The All Forums tab

This is the same table that you saw when you first arrived at the public site. This section holds all of the current public lists on the EPA Lyris ListManager server and gives you the ability to subscribe to lists you aren't currently subscribed to.

The About tab

When logged into a particular list, the About section will give you some information on the list itself. It shows information on the list name, description, the email address for the list administrators, how many members there are, how many posts have come in, both in total, in the last 30 days, in the last 7 days and today, and it also shows the date created. If there is more information that you need, contact the list administrator.

How To...

Create a New Mailing

Sending a new mailing from the web

    Creating a new post
    1. Click on the Messages tab.

    2. Click on the "create new message" button just above the table of posts.

    3. Fill out the Subject and the Message body.

      NOTE: If you leave either one of these sections blank, the message will not send.

    4. Click ok.

    Responding to an existing post
    1. Click on the Messages tab.

    2. You will see a list of all of the current posts archived on the list. Click on the subject of the message you wish to respond to.

    3. Find the exact post you wish to respond to and click the "reply" button.

    4. Fill out the Message body.

    5. Click ok.

NOTE: If the list you belong to requires the list administrator to approve each message, your message will need to be approved before posting to the list.

Sending a new mailing from your email client

  1. Once logged into your email client, simply send an email to, where listname is the name of the list which you belong to.

    NOTE: The list you belong to must not be an admin only posting list in order for you to send a message, unless you are a list administrator. If you try to send a message to a list which you are not allowed to, you will receive a message from the system telling you that you are not allowed to post message. If this message should not have been sent, please contact your list administrator at: (again, where listname is the name of the list you are subscribed to)

Retrieve your password

This process will send your password directly to your email inbox.

  1. Go to the Public site: (where listname is the name of the list you are subscribed to, and not the word listname)
    For instance, if you are subscribed to a list called epa_info, you would use the address

  2. Enter your email address that you are subscribed with and click the "ok" button

  3. Since you don't know your password, click on the "email password" link and your password will go directly to your email account.

Lyris - Email Marketing Software