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How the Print Version Works

EPA's new print style sheet looks a lot different than the old one. In fact, the old one didn't exist.

Sample Output

Here an image capturing the print output of template 3.2.1.

sample printed output, top of page

The above image shows what the top of the print output looks like.

Top of page

URLs Provided for your Reference

The "URLs Provided for your Reference" section is generated by a JavaScript function (first developed by Aaron Gustafson Exit EPA Disclaimer, but edited for our purposes). The function searches for all qualified links within the main content section of template 3, attaches an endnote, and writes out the URL for each unique link at the bottom of the print output. We believe this list is incredibly helpful for our readers, especially with a long list of links in the content.

To print out the links for a specific page, wrap the part of your page with the links in a div with an id of "printURLs". Here's an example:

<div id="printURLs">
	{content with lots of links here}

Additionally, this JavaScript function ignores the following kinds of links:

sample printed output, bottom of page

The above image shows what the bottom of the print output looks like.

For more information, please see the original article, by Mr. Gustafson, at A List Apart Exit EPA Disclaimer.

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