cern VL logoPoultry Science Virtual Library

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This CERN Library (begun in 1994) is maintained by the Web Administration Group, Poultry Science Department, Texas A & M University, College Station , Texas, USA . We are constantly trying to "serve" you better, by offering other servers to find information that you could not find here. If you would like your server listed, or corrections on links to your server, send email to, and we will contact you. Thanks for your contributions!
Created 10/15/94, Last updated 5/6/02 By G. Martin, C.A. Bailey, R. Pottberg & L. Hirschler.

WWW servers dealing directly with poultry science

  • Universities and Research Centers...
    • Texas A & M University (TAMU) Poultry Science Dept. WWW site. Poultry, Nutrition and Other great sources of Info. Host of the Virtual Library of Poultry Science (this site)
    • Poultry Science Department, Auburn University. Extension Publications, Department and Graduate program information.
    • Poultry Science Department, NCSU. Departmental programing pertaining to academic affairs, research. and Cooperative Extension.
      Poultry Science Department, MSU. Poultry, Pork Genome Information.
    • Poultry Science Department, Univ. of Wisconsin Department, Research, and Club information; other sites.
    • Poultry Science Department, Penn State . Faculty and Departmental Information, Poultry Club and internship opportunities.
    • Poultry Science Department, Mississippi State University. Programs and department Information.
    • Poultry Science Department, University of Georgia. Programs, extension, faculty and department Information.
    • Center of Excellence for Poultry Science, U of ARK Center Programs and Personnel
    • Animal & Vet Science Department, Clemson University. Poultry Program Information, Avian Hematology program.
    • Center for Avian Biology, UC Davis. Information on undergraduate program, graduate program, facilities, and faculty.
    • Poultry Web Page of the Animal Science Department, UC Davis. Extension, extension publications, meeting schedules, 4 H poultry information and other sources of poultry information..
    • Animal Science Department OregonState University. Turkey Parthenogenesis Project featured.
    • Animal Science Department Purdue University (Indiana). Poultry Programs, Egg & Egg product references featured.
    • The University of Alberta Poultry Research Center With research news and their Broiler Breeders On-line pages
    • Centre for Applied Poultry Research in the Netherlands.
    • VA Extension Poultry Resources. Other information is available at the Dept. of Animal and Poultry Sciences of VA Tech.
    • Catalog of Single Gene Mutations in Turkeys from T.F. Savage and E.I. Zakrzewska, Oregon State.
    • Animal & Avian Sciences Department Universityof Maryland. Faculty listings, recent research activity, student programs.
    • Animal Science Department OK State Poultry Breeds, and Extension Publications.
    • Animal Science Department Universityof Kentucky. Poultry Program Overview and Course Descriptions.
    • Scottish Agricultural College SAC. Avian Science Research Center.
    • University of New England Animal Science Department Poultry Research and Teaching Unit. Program description.
    • USDA-ARS ADOL Avian Disease and Oncology Laboratory. Program description and news, Publications, Contacts and other associated links.
    • USDA-ARS PPPSRU Poultry Production & Product Safety Research Unit at the Univ. of Arkansas
    • USDA-ARS Southeastern Poultry Research Lab SEPRL Programs, Missions, and reports of accomplishments in research.
    • Agricultural Technology Research Program at Georgia Tech. Home of PoultryNet. Program Descriptions, Poultry Newsletter, Research Reports.
  • Associations
    • Poultry Science Association, (PSA). Association news, journal contents, jobs, meeting information, and related items.
    • World’s Poultry Science Association, including history and detailed branch news and links.
    • Indiana State Egg Board. Numerous contacts on eggs and their products.
    • California Poultry Industry Federation Information on the California poultry market, and supporting industry.
    • NetVet: Birds. Points to all types of Poultry Related Information, including commercial sites.
    • American Poultry Asociation APA. Standard of Perfection ordering info, membership and officer information.
    • Food Marketing information From Urner Barry.
    • American Egg Board Learn more about eggs here !
    • National Chicken Council See their "Eat Chicken" Campaign
    • National Turkey Federation Foodservice, Consumer and press pages are just a few of the offerings listed.
    • Food Safety (HACCP) information From the International Meat and Poultry HACCP Alliance.
    • U.S. Poultry and Egg Association. (Formerly Southeastern) Industry Organization, and sponsor of largest poultry trade show on earth.
    • Manitoba Chicken Production, From the Ministry of Agriculture


Commercial Sites

We are pleased to make these commercial links available as a convenience to our website visitors and their listing here is not an endorsement of their products or services by the TAMU Poultry Science Department or the Texas A&M University System.

  • Poultry Producers
    • Butterball, Inc. Producers of whole Turkey and Turkey products. Recipies and cooking tips.
    • Cargill Turkey Products, Inc. (formerly Plantation). Producers of whole Turkey and Turkey products. Recipies and cooking tips.
    • Norbest, Inc. Producers of whole Turkey and Turkey products. Recipies and cooking tips and company history.
    • Pilgrims Pride Complete line of poultry products. Recipes, product information, news, corporate information, in several languages.
    • Perdue Farms Complete line of poultry products. Recipies, product information, contacts.
    • Tyson Foods Producers of a wide variety of poultry and other foods. Company history and information
    • Sanderson Farms Complete line of chicken products. Corporate news, product descriptions, shareholder information.

WWW servers with related Information

Other Sources of On-Line Poultry Info:

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Gregory P. Martin, for the Poultry VL team…