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  • EPA Programs - Provides links to specific EPA programs and initiatives related to Animal Feeding Operations.
  • Other Federal Programs - Links to programs at USDA, Department of Energy, and other federal agencies.
  • State Regulations - Links to state AFO/CAFO regulations and requirements.
  • State Web Sites, Permits, and Other Publications - Links to state AFO/CAFO web sites, state agricultural web sites, example general and individual CAFO permits, fact sheets, inspection forms, guidance, and compliance assistance publications
  • Nutrient Management - Information and tools to help develop nutrient management plans, including state technical standards.
  • Livestock and Trade Associations - Links to trade associations involved with the livestock industry.
  • Best Management Practices and Controls - Links to web site and documents highlighting best management practices related to controlling discharges from AFOs/CAFOs.
  • Cooperative Extension and Land Grant Universities - Links to land grant universities, extensions, and other universities conducting agricultural research and providing assistance to the agricultural community.
  • Research - Links to research projects and papers developed by universities and other institutions.
  • Funding - Funding options for AFOs/CAFOs, including federal funding programs.
  • Environmental Issues - Links to information about water quality, air quality, public health, and energy issues associated with AFOs/CAFOs.

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Last updated on September 29, 2004 1:19 PM