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Water Enforcement Division


Director: Mark Pollins

Associate Director: Kate Anderson
Phone Number: (202) 564-2240
FAX (202) 564-0018

Protecting our water resources from pollutants is one of our most important environmental goals. Clean water is a significant natural resource which supports the health of man and other species, provides recreational opportunities, and serves as a habitat for aquatic species. Protecting our drinking water supplies, preventing contaminants, including dredged or fill materials from being placed in our waters, and preserving our wetlands all are vital to protecting our valuable natural water resources.

Through the years, Congress has enacted a series of statutes or laws aimed at protecting our waters. The Federal Water Pollution Control Act or Clean Water Act (1987); the Public Health Services Act or Safe Drinking Water Act (1996); the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act or Ocean Dumping Act (1972); and the Oil Pollution Act (1990) provide the primary tools for EPA's water enforcement efforts. EPA's Water Enforcement Division (WED) relies on the following seven major programs to enforce the requirements of these statutes:

Clean Water Act

Oil Pollution Act

Safe Drinking Water Act

The Water Enforcement Division serves as the national water enforcement programs manager. As such, the Division provides national direction and leadership in case selection, resolution, and appeals; provides technical and legal support to the development of enforcement actions; and has the lead in developing certain nationally significant cases. In addition to case work, the Division participates in regulatory development and interpretation, develops national enforcement policies, including settlement policies and policies encouraging pollution prevention, environmental justice, and innovative enforcement programs.

Additionally, WED develops various enforcement initiatives and participates in legislative efforts related to the various water statutes. It works closely with other Office of Enforcement and Compliance Assurance (OECA) offices, EPA's Office of Water (OW), EPA's Office of General Counsel (OGC), and the U.S. Department of Justice's Environment and Natural Resources Division Graphic: Exit EPA and Disclaimer on water enforcement matters. WED also represents OECA on water enforcement issues with other Federal agencies and to external groups.

We are located in the Ariel Rios Building, near 12th Street and Pennsylvania Avenue adjacent to the Federal triangle MetroRail Station, in downtown Washington, DC. Our mailing address is U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Water Enforcement Division (2243A), 1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20460.

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