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Ocean characteristics
The attributes and process of seas and oceans.
Ocean salinity (2 items)
Ocean temperature (5 items)
Sea-floor characteristics (37 items)
Sea-level change (5 items)

Ocean monitoring (29 items)
Oceans (7 items)
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Results 1 - 53 of 53 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Global sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration: data display software [New Window]
Downloadable data with software showing composite average ocean characteristics (sea-surface temperature and sea-ice concentration). Includes documentation, source code, data, and executable programs for Linux and Microsoft Windows.
PDF Beyond the Golden Gate--oceanography, geology, biology, and environmental issues in the Gulf of the Farallones [New Window]
A geologic and oceanographic study of the waters and Continental Shelf of Gulf of the Farallones adjacent to the San Francisco Bay region. The results of the study provide a scientific basis to evaluate and monitor human impact on the marine environment.
Climate-Driven Ocean Changes Affect Estuaries [New Window]
Research findings and examples of application to real problems--Pacific Ocean cooling triggers phytoplankton blooms in San Francisco Bay.
Coastal ocean modeling at the USGS Woods Hole Field Center [New Window]
Fly-by and circulation movies, effluent concentration, tidal flushing, sea level, and temperature in Massachusetts Bay and Boston Harbor
The U.S. Geological Survey Ocean Bottom Seismometer Facility [New Window]
The Ocean Bottom Seismometer facility provides technical support for a variety of scientific investigations ranging from deep crustal structure to gas hydrate and surface sediments.
What is an Ocean Bottom Seismometer? [New Window]
Description and uses of the Ocean Bottom Seismometer; a self contained data-acquisition system which free falls to the ocean floor and records seismic data generated by airguns and earthquakes.
Bering and Chukchi Sea databases bathymetry coverages [New Window]
Downloadable files of digital bathymetry of U.S. waters, the Bering and Chukchi Seas, Bering Strait, and Gulf of Anadyr in polygon ARC/INFO. Coverage generated from both digital and paper bathymetry sources developed to support marine research.
Central California Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and bathymetry images [New Window]
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images and bathymetry data of the San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara, and the Monterey Bay and Canyon areas.
Coastal and Marine Geology (CMG) InfoBank [New Window]
Access to InfoBank, an online data catalog, to browse or retrieve coastal and marine geology program information, images, and data on gravity, bathymetry, seismic activity, magnetics, samples, facilities, cruises and equipment.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program [New Window]
Home page for Coastal and Marine Geology with links to topics of interest (sea level change, erosion, corals, pollution, sonar mapping, and others), Sound Waves monthly newsletter, field centers, regions of interest, and subject search system.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program interactive map server [New Window]
Interactive map server to view and create maps using available coastal and marine geology data sets of offshore and coastal U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico. Links to available data and metadata that can be downloaded.
Continental shelf GIS for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary [New Window]
Interactive maps of the continental shelf of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with GIS layers for sediment data, bathymetry, geology, bathymetry, sonar imagery, and tectonics.
Cruise report by Coastal Surveyor Cruise C-1-99-SC: multibeam mapping of the Long Beach, California, continental shelf [New Window]
Description of the work and results of a cruise by the Pacific Sea Floor Mapping project to map the Long Beach, California continental shelf based on data from high-resolution multibeam technology.
Digital library: USGS Monterey Bay science [New Window]
Online catalog of scientific reports and data around and about Monterey Bay, California, indexed by author, agency, project, location, feature type, and topic
Erosion of a sea stack over 100 years [New Window]
Series of photographs showing the demise of Jump-off Joe, a sea stack at Nye Beach, Newport, Oregon from 1890 as a result of erosion.
GLORIA Mapping Program [New Window]
GLORIA is a digital sidescan sonar capable of producing digital image maps of the sea floor from reflected sound waves. Site includes description of digital processing, mosaicking, and links to samples of image maps.
Geologic history of Cape Cod, Massachusetts [New Window]
Describes the history, geologic changes (including the glacial formation and sea level changes), and geologic mapping of Cape Cod, Massachusetts.
Gulf of Maine internet map [New Window]
Gulf of Maine regional overview interactive map depicting research activities of the U.S. Geological Survey showing surficial sample sites, bathymetry, continental margin and coastal areas.
Hydrates cruise in the Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Investigation of the upper- and middle continental slope of the Mississippi Canyon, including the Gulf of Mexico, for the distribution of gas-hydrate deposits with links to a DEM image map, bathymetry data, and research technology.
Long Island Sound [New Window]
Long Island Sound interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Long Island Sound sidescan sonar mosaics [New Window]
Sidescan sonar image, surficial geologic interpretation, and bathymetry of the Long Island Sound sea floor.
Louisiana continental slope [New Window]
Louisiana continental slope interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Marine aggregate resources and processes [New Window]
Regional studies mapping the seafloor sedimentary character and assessing marine sand and gravel resources around the United States, to inform beach nourishment and coastal restoration, benthic habitat and sediment transport studies
Mississippi Fan internet map [New Window]
Mississippi River alluvial fan interactive map with GIS data and imagery depicting core sites, depositional and channel interpretation, Gloria and SeaMarc datasets.
Moored time series data [New Window]
Oceanographic time-series data obtained from moored instruments, generally provided in NetCDF format.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
Multibeam mapping of the Pinnacles region, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Report on multibeam sonar imaging to produce bathymetric mapping of the reef tract known as The Pinnacles, northern Gulf of Mexico with links to images (ASCII or ArcInfo formats), data, metadata, ArcExplorer 2.0 project, and cruise report.
Multibeam mapping of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Georeferenced high-resolution mapping of bathymetry of the West Florida Shelf, Gulf of Mexico of areas suspected to be critical benthic habitats for fisheries. Includes links to images, data, metadata, and TIFF image files.
National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: preliminary results for the U.S. Pacific Coast [New Window]
Report on the potential of coastal change due to future sea level rise using the coastal vulnerability index (C.V.I.) with two regional examples in San Francisco and Monterey Bay and Tillamook Head, Oregon, to Ocean Shores, WA.
National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: preliminary results of the U.S. Atlantic coast [New Window]
Brief report on map showing the relative vulnerability of the Atlantic coast to changes due to future rise in sea level. Includes links to similar maps in Open-file report 2000-178 on the Pacific Coast and 2000-179 on the Gulf of Mexico Coast.
National geologic studies of benthic habitats, northeastern United States : Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts [New Window]
Geological research of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary sea floor are presented in the form of maps, posters, fact sheets, sonar images, and bottom photographs.
Nearshore Benthic Habitat Project [New Window]
Homepage for the Nearshore Benthic Habitats Project for mapping geophysical characterization of the coastal sea floor to identify benthic fish and shellfish habitat with links to research cruises and preliminary results.
Pacific Seafloor Mapping Project [New Window]
Homepage for the Pacific Sea floor Mapping Project with links to images, downloadable data, applications, fly-by movies, products, publications, and contacts for studies of San Francisco Bay, Puget Sound, Lake Tahoe, and other Pacific areas.
Salinity variation in an estuary used for oyster cultivation in southeastern North Carolina during the passover of the eye of Hurricane Bertha [New Window]
Review of a study monitoring changes in salinity in Alligator Bay, NC during a 1996 hurricane due to the influx of fresh and saltwater and the effect it would have on oyster aquaculture.
Satellite imagery: Lake Pontchartrain Basin and Gulf of Mexico [New Window]
Report on satellite imagery collected by the NOAA Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) on NOAA polar-orbiting weather satellites. Links are provided to imagery of north-central Gulf of Mexico and of the Lake Pontchartrain.
Sea-floor mapping technology [New Window]
Integrated shipboard data collection, processing, and archival system for digital sidescan sonar and seismic data used in mapping the inner continental shelf.
Sea-floor morphology between Año Nuevo and Santa Cruz, California [New Window]
Report with preliminary sea floor map displaying submarine rock exposures found along the northern part of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, extent based on side-scan sonar records, seismic-reflection records, and underwater video.
Seabed Observation and Sampling System (SEABOSS) [New Window]
Link to PDF fact sheet describing the SEABASS system that collects seabed images and sediment samples in coastal regions.
Seafloor image map of the Monterey Bay region: USGS Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Project [New Window]
Monterey Bay sea floor image maps.
Sound waves [New Window]
Monthly online newsletter covering coastal and marine science with links listed under sections titled fieldwork, meetings, outreach, and research.
Studies in Long Island Sound: geology, contaminants, and environmental issues [New Window]
Description of Long Island Sound projects and links to research topics, data, publications, photos, and technology on sediment transport, sea floor mapping, contaminant sampling, sediment texture, and environmental issues.
Studies of polluted sediment offshore Los Angeles [New Window]
Overview of studies of marine sediment on the continental shelf south of Los Angeles contaminated with DDT and PCBs from past sewage effluent discharges with links to research on Santa Monica Bay, Los Angeles Shelf and Palos Verdes Peninsula.
The role of climate in estuarine variability [New Window]
Article from American Scientist on study of the San Francisco Bay estuary as a component of the global climate system showing that natural fluctuations might be mistaken for anthropogenic trends affecting waterflow and salinity.
The sea-floor mapping facility at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts [New Window]
Fact sheet on the sea-floor mapping facility at Woods Hole describing state-of-the-art technology used to produce accurate geologic maps of the sea floor and reporting on its data-acquisition, data-processing, and archiving capabilities.
U.S. Atlantic East Coast [New Window]
Atlantic East Coast interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
U.S. Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Change [New Window]
Interactive map of the Gulf of Mexico coast reflecting shoreline changes.
U.S. Pacific West Coast internet map server [New Window]
Interactive map of the U.S. Pacific West Coast with data layers of Gloria sidescan data, multibeam backscatter and shaded relief imagery.
USGS East-coast sediment analysis: analysis, procedures, database and georeferenced displays [New Window]
Grain-size analysis of marine sediments of the U.S. eastern coast with sampling and lab methods, surficial sediment database in three formats (Excel, Dbase IV, ASCII), and use of geographic mapping tools for visualizing sediment data layers.
USGS studies in the New York Bight [New Window]
Describes and provides links to USGS research in the location of the estuary and coast of Long Island, New York, to map the sea floor and to study sediment transport, contaminants, and sand resources and coastal vulnerability.
Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Program [New Window]
Site for Western Region Coastal and Marine Geology Program conducting scientific research in the coastal and offshore areas of California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii, and other U.S. Pacific Islands.
Whales and walrus: tillers of the seafloor [New Window]
Report on sea floor marks in the Northeast Bering Sea and Chukchi Sea that were identified as pits and furrows caused by whales and walruses in the process of feeding on bottom crustaceans.
Woods Hole Coastal and Marine Geology Field Center [New Window]
Site with links to projects of the field center of the Woods Hole Coastal Marine Geology Program on underwater areas between shorelines and the deep ocean, off the U.S. East Coast, the Gulf of Mexico, and in parts of the Caribbean and Great Lakes.
usSEABED (marine sediment and rock distribution) [New Window]
Data on sediment and rock distributions in the waters off the United States, shown using an internet map service with links to downloadable data files

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