U.S. Geological Survey home page

icon Software


The Spectroscopy Lab has developed a number of software tools and packages that are of general and specific use in remote-sensing image processing.

icon Davinci

A tool for 3-D data set manipulations, with intelligence for analyzing imaging spectroscopy data. Anonymous ftp from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/davinci

icon PicWorks (pw)

PicWorks (pw) Image display, cube spectral extraction, and multiple image overlay package. Pw works on standard X-windows, and has an excellent point and click user interface. It has the most flexible and interactive image stretching we've seen. We use it to create the materials maps shown on this site. Anonymous ftp from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/pw

icon P3

A tool to format 24-bit ppm images for output on the HP Paintjet-300xl and the Designjet-650C, 750C. P3 creates HP RTL output, so it will work with any HP RTL compatible printer. Anonymous ftp from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/p3

icon Specpr, Radtran

SPECtral Processing Routines. Spectral analysis system. Radtran is radiative transfer mineral mixture reflectance computations. (Updated 5/2004)

icon Tetracorder information, papers, and source code.

Tetracorder is our mapping software that analyzes spectra and determines what materials are present. (Updated 1/10/2003)

icon spview

MS-DOS spectral library database viewer. Anonymous ftp from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/spview

icon Remapp

a simple image processing systems for PC's and Unix systems.
Anonymous ftp pcremapp from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/pcremapp
Anonymous ftp remapp for Unix from ftp://ftpext.cr.usgs.gov/pub/cr/co/denver/speclab/pub/remapp.sparc (this is specifically a Sun Sparc version, but should work with most systems with little change.

icon AVIRIS Geometric Correction Software

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U.S. Geological Survey, a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Interior

This page URL= http://speclab.cr.usgs.gov/software.html
This page is maintained by: Dr. Roger N. Clark rclark@usgs.gov
Last modified May 5, 2005.