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In December 2000, the U.S. EPA, in cooperation with NSF International, completed a revised version of this guide entitled "Environmental Management Systems: An Implementation Guide for Small and Medium Sized Organizations". This revision replaces the original Guide, published in 1996. Like its predecessor, the revised Guide is intended to offer a plain English, common sense guide to organizations interested in implementing an EMS, using the basic Plan-Do-Check-Act model. The revised guide includes a number of updated examples and can be used by organizations of all sizes. We encourage you to take advantage of this easy to read guide and share it with your colleagues. Around March 1, 2001 EPA will make bound copies of the Guide available through its Water Resource Center. The number for the Water Resource Center is (202) 566-1735. When calling the Center, you will receive a voice message. Please respond to the message and refer to the Guide by name. Thank you for your interest.

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The Environmental Management Systems: Demonstrations Project Final Report is available for review/downloading in several formats. After you have decided which option(s) you desire, click on the appropriate number(s) corresponding to your selection(s).

View Abstract: Environmental Management Systems: Demonstrations Project Final Report

PDF Format (PDF) (116pp, 284K)
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