Last updated Monday 10 November, 2008 01:18 PM


Daily Features

Nov. 11 celebrates service, sacrifices of past 90 years

Nov. 11 celebrates service, sacrifices of past 90 years

— the guns fell silent over the bloody battlefields of Europe after four years of slaughter, ending World War I. View Article

Soldier wounded on patrol in Iraq defies death three times

Soldier wounded on patrol in Iraq defies death three times

s body to cost him his life -- and it did, at least temporarily. View Article

173rd Airborne Brigade Soldier earns Silver Star for actions in combat in Afghanistan

173rd Airborne Brigade Soldier earns Silver Star for actions in combat in Afghanistan

VICENZA, Italy -- A 173rd Airborne Brigade Combat team Soldier was awarded the Silver Star for valor in a ceremony here Oct. 31. Spc. Dillon Bergstad of Headquarters Company, 1st Battalion (Airborne), 503rd Infantry Regiment, received the medal for his actions Aug. 27, 2007, in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, while deployed with the 173rd ABCT in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. View Article

Healing Together: Soldier inspires others, refuses to give up on goals

Healing Together: Soldier inspires others, refuses to give up on goals

“shark attack.” His Able Troop squad leader, Staff Sgt. Christopher Howell, nods solemnly in agreement but starts to crack into laughter as Schar tries to detail the attack, giving the joke away. View Article

Flying under the radar: Raven migrating to a new digital data link

Flying under the radar: Raven migrating to a new digital data link

The Raven unmanned aerial system, will be receiving a much needed upgrade with the migration to a digital data link. View Article

Army Spotlight

Warrior Care Month
"Warrior Care Month" is a month-long, DOD-wide effort designed to educate the military and to increase awareness of DOD’s Warrior Care programs and resources.

Army Quote

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Since our Nation's founding, every generation has stepped forth -- brave patriots willing to place the freedom of others before their own lives. Their sacrifices have given meaning to our values and ideas. For that, we thank them.

Senior Army leaders

Related Link: Senior Army leaders Veterans' Day message

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