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North American
Lake Management Society

PO Box 5443
Madison, WI 53705-0443
Phone (608) 233-2836
Fax (608) 233-3186

Policy on Links from the NALMS Web Page

The NALMS website exists to advance the mission and objectives of the society. It provides a service to NALMS members (individual and corporate) and afilliate organizations. The opportunity to establish e-mail and Web links is available to members and afililiates and to those entities explicitly cited below. The Society will allow others to link from our website after review and approval and payment of an appropriate fee.

NALMS Affiliates – All NALMS affiliates may have a web link from the website at no charge.

NALMS Corporate Members – All Corporate members may have e-mail and web links from the website at no charge.

NALMS Members – All NALMS members may have an e-mail link from the directory pages at no charge.

Certified Lake Managers – All CLMs may have an e-mail link from the CLM Page at no charge.

Non-Corporate Members (includes anyone, NALMS member or not) – Under the policy adopted by the Board in May 1997 in Chicago, non-corporate members may have lake-related links from the NALMS website for a yearly payment. Non-Corporate member links will be removed if their site fails to meet the following conditions:

  • their site will be used in a manner consistent with all state and federal laws; and
  • their site will not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights of others or contain anything obscene, discriminatory or intended for harassment purposes.

Education/Information Sites – If information or education materials are accessible to all at no charge and if the materials support NALMS’ mission and objectives, the source can be linked from the website at no charge. If the material is sold, the Chair of Technology Transfer Committee and the Chair of the Education Committee will jointly review it and determine whether it should be linked or listed (at the standard cost or at no charge) from the NALMS website.

Events – All affiliate and regional activities will be able to link from the website at no cost. Events that relate to the Society’s objectives and are sponsored by non-profit organizations, including federal, local, state and provincial agencies, academic institutions, and citizen groups will be able to link from the website at no cost. Events sponsored by commercial entities can maintain a link from the website at a charge of $25 per month.

Individual Lake Organizations – A free link will be available to those demonstrating that the missions and objectives of NALMS are advanced as a result of their linkage. One of the primary elements of a lakes website must be that lake management information or education useable by NALMS members is available at little or no cost. The value of the linkage must exceed, in terms of recommendations, examples and lake management information, the cost of maintaining the link. Those selling a product or service should be able to secure listing in the Sponsors and Services section of the website.


Those seeking to establish a link from the NALMS website shall submit their request to the Webmaster.

If the requester chooses to link a site from the NALMS website, he or she will sign an agreement with NALMS that will specify that:

  • their site will be used in a manner consistent with all state and federal laws;
  • their site will not be transferred to any other entity without NALMS being given the opportunity to review the entity’s compliance with NALMS policies described above;
  • their site will not violate or infringe any copyright, trademark, patent, or proprietary rights of others or contain anything obscene, discriminatory, or intended for harassment purposes.

© 2000 - 2007 North American Lake Management Society
Send mail to the NALMS Webmaster with questions or comments about this web site.
Link Policy