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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP)
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International Activities

Learn more about how LMOP works in conjunction with the Methane to Markets Partnership to promote landfill gas energy project development globally.

Creating LFG Energy Opportunities Abroad

The Methane to Markets Partnership Exit EPA is an international initiative that focuses on advancing cost-effective, near-term methane recovery and use as a clean energy source. Since the Partnership's November 2004 launch 16 countries have joined the initiative to target methane capture and use opportunities from landfills, underground coal mines, and oil and natural gas systems. The Partnership facilitates collaboration among national governments, the private sector, development banks, and other organizations to identify solutions that overcome barriers to project development and reduce global emissions of methane. This voluntary initiative builds on the successful work done in LMOP as well as its sister programs, the Coalbed Methane Outreach Program (CMOP) and the Gas STAR Program.

LMOP's efforts to promote landfill gas (LFG) recovery and use extend beyond U.S. borders. On the international level, LMOP works with organizations to promote LFG recovery and use by offering a broad spectrum of outreach, education, and technical assistance services to countries interested in LFG project development.

Over the past 7 years, LMOP has assessed the technical and economic feasibility of LFG project development at selected landfills in a number of countries around the world. Specific cities that have been evaluated as potential hosts for LFG project development include Sao Paulo (Brazil), Manila (Philippines), Bangkok (Thailand), Seoul (Korea), and Mexico City (Mexico). The objective of these feasibility assessments is to identify economical and technically feasible project development opportunities, both in the host country and for international project developers, and to promote the benefits of LFG use as a local source of renewable energy.

Another aspect of LMOP's international efforts is to assist and participate in workshops and training opportunities conducted overseas under sponsorship by EPA and other organizations (see presentation below). To date, EPA has held workshops in Seoul (Korea), Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), Warsaw (Poland), Bangkok (Thailand), Kiev (Ukraine), Mexico City (Mexico), and Nanjing (China).

For more information regarding international LMOP assistance:

For general Methane to Markets and international inquires, contact:
    Rachel Goldstein
U.S. EPA (6207J)
1200 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20460
Phone: (202) 343-9391
Fax: (202) 343-2202
Rachel Goldstein (
For China, India, and South Korea, contact:
China flag India flagSouth Korea flag   Rachel Goldstein
Phone: (202) 343-9391
Fax: (202) 343-2202
Rachel Goldstein (
For Russia and Ukraine, contact:
Russia flag Ukraine flag   Swarupa Ganguli
Phone: (202) 343-9732
Fax: (202) 343-2202
Swarupa Ganguli (
For Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, and Mexico, contact:
Brazil flag Colombia flag Ecuador flag Mexico flag   Victoria Ludwig
Phone: (202) 343-9291
Fax: (202) 343-2202
Victoria Ludwig (
For Argentina, contact:
Argentina flag  

Tom Frankiewicz
Phone: (202) 343-9232
Fax: (202) 343-2202
Tom Frankiewicz (

Exploring Opportunities for Landfill Methane Recovery in Guatemala

Results of the El Trébol Landfill Pre-Feasibility Study
October 25, 2005
Guatemala City, Guatemala

LMOP and the U.S Agency for International Development (USAID) conducted this 1-day workshop to engage organizations interested in pursuing a landfill gas energy project at the El Trébol Landfill in Guatemala. The purpose of this event was to present the encouraging results of a pump test and preliminary feasibility study conducted by EPA. View the agenda to access copies of the presentations or results of the El Trébol Landfill pump test and pre-feasibility study report.

LFG Project Resources and Publications

International Landfill Inventory and Economic Data
U.S. EPA collects data on international historical and projected greenhouse gas emissions and estimates costs associated with reducing emissions from landfills and LFG energy projects. Historical and future baseline emission estimates are primarily from country specific government sources, and can be obtained from the Economic and Inventory, International Analyses Web site.

Central America Landfill Gas Model

LMOP developed the Central America Landfill Gas (LFG) Model, in conjunction with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), to help landfill owners and operators, end users of landfill gas, and other interested parties in Central America evaluate the feasibility and potential benefits of collecting and using LFG for energy recovery. The Central America LFG Model calculates the maximum expected LFG generation and recovery potential of individual disposal sites based on factors such as the amount of waste in place, waste acceptance rates, methane generation rate (k), and methane generation potential (L0).  EPA worked with each country in the region to gather data used to develop country-specific default variables for such inputs as k and L0.  The Model requires site-specific data for other variables, including landfill opening and closing years, disposal rates, and collection efficiency.  EPA developed a new module as part of this Model to help users accurately estimate a site’s collection efficiency potential.

The Central America LFG Model, which is an Excel spreadsheet, is based on the U.S. Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM) and incorporates aspects of LMOP’s Mexico LFG Model, the CDM Method AM0025, and the IPCC Waste Model.  A comparison of model results shows that the Central America LFG Model typically provides estimates of LFG generation that are approximately mid-way between the CDM Method and IPCC Waste Model results.

Both the Model and its accompanying User’s Manual can be downloaded below. [Selecting on this link will launch the spreadsheet. To download the data, right click the link and save the file to your computer.]

EPA held a workshop in El Salvador in March 2007 to train potential users from the region on the Model. The workshop agenda and presentations are available on the LMOP Workshop page. If you have difficulty accessing or obtaining the information from these PDF documents, please contact LMOP.

For more information about the Central America LFG Model, or for assistance in using the model, Victoria Ludwig (, U.S. EPA LMOP, at (202) 343-9291.

Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano

LMOP desarrolló el Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano en colaboración con la Agencia Desarrollo Internacional de los Estados Unidos (USAID) para ayudar a operadores y dueños de rellenos sanitarios, usuarios finales de biogás y otros grupos interesados en Centro América a evaluar la vialidad y los beneficios en la captación y uso del biogás como fuente de energía. El Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano proyecta la generación y recuperación de biogás máxima de cada relleno sanitario basándose en factores tales como la cantidad de residuos sólidos depositados en el relleno sanitario, cantidad anual de residuos sólidos recibidos, el índice de generación de metano (k), y el potencial de generación de metano (L0). La U.S. EPA colaboro con cada país de la región para recolectar información para desarrollar variables predeterminadas específicas a cada país para los constantes de entrada k y L0. El Modelo requiere información específica de cada  relleno sanitario para otras variables incluyendo los años de apertura y cierre del relleno, las cantidades de residuos sólidos depositados, y la eficacia de captación. La U.S. EPA desarrollo un nuevo módulo como parte de este Modelo para ayudar a los usuarios estimar el potencial de la eficacia de captación de un relleno sanitario con precisión.

El Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano, una hoja de cálculo de Excel, se basa en el Modelo de Emisiones de Biogás (LandGEM por sus siglas en ingles) de los EE.UU. e incorpora aspectos del Modelo de Biogás Mexicano, el Método de CDM AM00255 y el Modelo de Desechos IPCC. Una comparación de los resultados del modelo muestra que el Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano provee estimados de generación de biogás que se encuentran aproximadamente en el medio de los resultados arrojados por el Método CDM y el Modelo de Desechos IPCC.

Ambos, el Modelo y su manual pueden ser descargados en los enlaces proveídos abajo. [Haciendo clic en este enlace abrirá la hoja de cálculo.  Para descargar la información, haga clic con el botón derecho en el enlace y guarde el archivo en su computador.]

La U.S. EPA realizo un taller en El Salvador en marzo del 2007 para entrenar a usuarios potenciales de la región en el uso del Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano. Para ver las presentaciones del taller use los enlaces proveídos a los documentos en PDF que se encuentran debajo de cada tema de la agenda. Por favor contacte LMOP si tiene alguna dificultad en acceder u obtener la información de estos documentos en PDF.

Para más información sobre el Modelo de Biogás Centroamericano, o para asistencia en el uso del modelo, favor de comunicarse con Victoria Ludwig (, U.S. EPA al teléfono (202) 343-9291.

Mexico Landfill Gas Model

LMOP developed the Mexico Landfill Gas (LFG) Model in conjunction with the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and several Mexican government agencies to help landfill owners and operators and other interested parties in Mexico evaluate the feasibility and potential benefits of collecting and using LFG for energy recovery. Similar to the Landfill Gas Emissions Model (LandGEM), an EPA model for estimating air emissions from U.S. landfills, the Mexico LFG Model calculates the maximum expected LFG generation and recovery potential based on factors such as the amount of waste in place, waste acceptance rates, methane generation rate (k), and methane generation potential (L0). The Mexico LFG Model reflects differences between Mexican refuse and U.S. refuse. Higher levels of organic matter and higher moisture content in refuse found in Mexican landfills affect LFG generation.

The model provides default values for the methane generation rate (k), and methane generation potential (L0), which were developed using precipitation data and site-specific LFG data gathered from representative landfills in Mexico. These data enable users to produce typical LFG generation and recovery rates for landfills located in various regions of Mexico.

The model, which is an Excel spreadsheet, is accompanied by a Users Manual. Both the spreadsheet and the model can be downloaded below. [Clicking on this link will launch the spreadsheet. To download the data, right click the link and save the file to your computer.] For more information about the Mexico LFG Model, or for assistance in using the model, contact Victoria Ludwig (, U.S. EPA LMOP, at (202) 343-9291.

Spreadsheet (Excel, 120 KB)
Users Manual (PDF, 25 pp., 574 KB)

Modelo de Biogás Mexicano

LMOP desarrolló el Modelo de Biogás Mexicano en colaboración con la Agencia Desarrollo Internacional de los Estados Unidos (USAID) y otras agencias gubernamentales mexicanas para ayudar a operadores y dueños de rellenos sanitarios a evaluar la vialidad y los beneficios en la captación y uso del biogás como fuente de energía. En forma similar al Modelo LandGEM, un modelo de la USEPA para estimar la cantidad de gases emitidos en rellenos sanitarios en los EEUU, el Modelo de Biogás Mexicano proyecta la generación y recuperación de biogás máxima basándose en factores tales como la cantidad de residuos sólidos depositados en el relleno sanitario, cantidad anual de residuos sólidos recibidos, el índice de generación de metano (k), y el potencial de generación de metano (L0). El Modelo de Biogás Mexicano refleja las diferencias entre los residuos sólidos de México y los EEUU. Los altos niveles de materia orgánica y alto contenido de humedad que existe en los rellenos sanitarios mexicanos afectan la generación del biogás en los rellenos sanitarios.

El modelo provee valores de índice de generación de metano (k) y potencial de generación de metano (L0). Estas dos constantes fueron desarrolladas utilizando datos de precipitación y datos de biogás de rellenos sanitarios recopilados en diversas partes de México. Los datos recopilados ayudan al usuario de este programa para producir proyecciones de generación y captación del metano en rellenos sanitarios localizados en las distintas regiones de México.

El modelo es una hoja de cálculo en Excel acompañada del Manual del Usuario. Ambos, la hoja de cálculo y el manual pueden ser obtenidos en los lazos proveídos abajo. Para más información sobre el Modelo de Biogás Mexicano, o para asistencia en el uso del modelo, favor de comunicarse con Victoria Ludwig (, U.S. EPA al teléfono (202) 343-9291.

Modelo de Biogás Mexicano (Hoja de Calculo de Excel) (Excel, 162 KB)
Manual del Usuario (PDF, 30 pp., 549 KB)

International Landfill Database

LMOP developed the International Landfill Database, as a contribution to the Landfill Technical Subcommittee of the Methane to Markets Partnership.Exit EPA The database serves as a Web-based, voluntary data repository to promote the development of landfill gas energy projects. The application is being launched for data entry and we anticipate increasing amounts of landfill information in the upcoming months. The success of this database relies on Methane to Markets Partner Countries, Project Network members, and affiliates entering landfill-specific data. The database can be used to identify suitable landfills for landfill gas to energy project evaluation.

Content and Functionality

The International Landfill Database has the capability to store the following types of landfill data: general location and contact information, landfill physical characteristics, gas collection system characteristics, waste characteristics, landfill operations, and additional information and comments.

The International Landfill Database can be queried by country, city, or landfill name. In addition to these queries, users are encouraged to enter new landfills in the database.


Access to the International Landfill Database Exit EPA is open to the general public, however a user name and password are required to enter or modify data in the database. Users can create a user name and password with a valid e-mail address. For more information about the International Landfill Database, or for assistance in using the database, contact Swarupa Ganguli, (, U.S. EPA LMOP, at +1 202-343-9732.

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