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Maps and atlases
Representation, usually on a flat surface, of a part or whole of the Earth or other parts of the universe. Collections of maps linked digitally or bound together in a book are called atlases.
Geologic maps (28 items)
Topographic maps (4 items)

Aeromagnetic maps (4 items)
Earthquake occurrence maps (12 items)
Geochemical anomaly maps (9 items)
Gravity anomaly maps (5 items)
Hydrologic maps (28 items)
Landslide maps (4 items)
Landslide susceptibility maps (1 items)
Magnetic anomaly maps (8 items)
Species distribution maps (16 items)
Surficial geologic maps (16 items)
Tectonic maps (7 items)
Seismicity maps (6 items)
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Results 1 - 229 of 229 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
30 day animations of US daily streamflow maps [New Window]
Animated WaterWatch streamflow maps showing daily highs and lows.
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) shaded relief maps [New Window]
Color images of western states containing digitized topographic data. The images have been compressed and don't show as much detail as full-sized maps.
Digital representation of tree species range maps from "Atlas of United States trees" by Elbert L. Little, Jr. (and other publications) [New Window]
Maps of the ranges of tree species in North America compiled by Elbert Little and others were digitized for use in USGS vegetation and climate modeling studies. Can be downloaded as ArcView shapefiles and in PDF graphic files.
Earthquake hazard maps [New Window]
National seismic hazards maps, global seismic hazards map, predictive intensity maps, shaking hazards maps and probabilities for California, and a variety of fact sheets on earthquakes.
Geomagnetic charts [New Window]
Links to charts of the Earth's magnetic field in different projections showing declination, inclination, and total, horizontal and vertical intensities plus references and note on limitations.
Hydrologic unit maps [New Window]
Overview of hydrologic unit maps adapted from USGS Water-Supply Paper 2294 giving description of hydrologic units, link to list of hydrologic units, paper maps and digital spatial data sets.
Magnetic and gravity anomaly maps of West Virginia [New Window]
Colored map in two parts and text in PDF files requiring Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 to view.
Maps On Demand: limited printing of digitally supported U.S. Geological Survey maps and reports [New Window]
The USGS provides map-on-demand (MOD) printing for selected infrequently requested geologic and other theme map products providing high-quality paper-copy maps as needed. Site links to available map products with thumbnail views and how to order.
Maps of distribution and abundance of selected species of birds on uncultivated native upland grasslands and shrubsteppe in the northern Great Plains [New Window]
Links to maps of breeding distributions of bird species on grasslands and shrublands in the northern Great Plains. Maps can also be downloaded from *.zip files in HTML format.
Maps of recent earthquake activity in California-Nevada [New Window]
Near-real-time maps of location, ground motion, and shaking intensity of earthquakes in California and Nevada for the past hour, past day, and past week and links to other earthquake information.
Maps of the distribution and occurrence of ground water quality constituents and early 1970's land use in New Jersey [New Window]
Links to maps of New Jersey showing nitrate levels, pesticides, Total Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), and radium in wells and land use of the 1970s.
Raised-relief maps [New Window]
Address list for companies selling shaded and raised-relief maps (three dimensional) to show contours and elevations and may be in plastic, rubber or vinyl and not available from the USGS.
Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP): find geologic maps [New Window]
Download digital geologic databases produced by the Southern California Areal Mapping Project (SCAMP) or view SCAMP work in progress by clicking on 1:100,000-scale, 30x60' quadrangles.
Tapestry of time and terrain: union of two maps, geology and topography [New Window]
Colored map compiled by merging geologic and topographic maps of the United States through computer processing and enhancement with links to panoramic movie using QuickTime, descriptions of features, and a game entitled Puzzle of Regions.
Teacher's guide to the San Francisco Bay area geophysics maps (U.S. Geological Survey GP-1006 and GP-1007) [New Window]
This publication (Open-File Report 95-479) is a teacher's guide to two U.S. Geological Survey maps that show gravity and magnetic data in contour form superimposed on a LANDSAT satellite image of the San Francisco Bay area.
The National Map: topographic maps for the 21st century [New Window]
Description of the The National Map project intended to provide a seamless, integrated, and continuously maintained set of geographic base information for easily accessible, up-to-date, accurate mapping of the United States.
Three-dimensional geologic maps and visualization [New Window]
Techniques of computer-based representations of areal geology to construct three-dimensional geologic maps that retain all the information of traditional geologic maps while providing a more detailed picture of the subsurface.
Topographic maps [New Window]
General information on topographic maps with links to topographic mapping, USGS topographic maps, digital raster graphics, how to find and order USGS maps, map revision, and map symbols.
U.S. - Mexico Border Environmental Health Initiative: interactive maps [New Window]
Geographic and scientific information focused on health issues in the area of the US-Mexico border
USGS maps [New Window]
Overview of the types of maps sold and distributed by the USGS.
View USGS maps and aerial photo images online [New Window]
Portal to selected USGS Business Partner Program and Cooperative Research and Development Agreement (CRADA) partner sites where USGS maps and aerial photo images may be viewed with a Web browser.
Washington aeromagnetic maps and data [New Window]
Colored geomagnetic and gravity maps and related data and graphical plots for the state of Washington.
Water resources maps and geographic information systems (GIS) information [New Window]
Portal for links to United State water resources maps and geographic information systems (GIS) data for the United States for viewing or downloading.
West Nile Virus maps [New Window]
Map showing which states are positive for West Nile Virus. Clicking on state outline links to state West Nile Virus or public health website. Site also has links to other West Nile Virus maps.
Generalized surficial geologic map of the Pueblo 1 degree x 2 degree quadrangle, Colorado. [New Window]
Surficial geologic map of the Pueblo quadrangle in Colorado with text and references in PDF format, metadata, and GIS files to download.
The sea-floor mapping facility at the U.S. Geological Survey Woods Hole Field Center, Woods Hole, Massachusetts [New Window]
Fact sheet on the sea-floor mapping facility at Woods Hole describing state-of-the-art technology used to produce accurate geologic maps of the sea floor and reporting on its data-acquisition, data-processing, and archiving capabilities.
Costly landslide events in the United States: map layer description file [New Window]
GIS data set from the USGS National Landslides Hazards Program showing major landslide events in the United States and Puerto Rico with metadata. Map layer can be downloaded in shapefile format or SDTS format.
Digital geologic map techniques clearinghouse [New Window]
This site is a prototype clearinghouse for techniques, procedures, documentation, software and macros that support the creation, use and release of digital geologic map datasets.
Earthquake Hazards 101 [New Window]
Provides links to explanatory materials for the layperson, including information on concepts behind earthquake maps, the use of probability, what the maps mean, how they are made, and answers to frequently asked questions.
Earthquake Hazards 201 - Technical Information [New Window]
Provides detailed technical information on earthquake hazards in the form of frequently asked questions. Desisigned for the technical audience, including building and safety planners.
Earthquake Hazards Program - Southern California [New Window]
Site for the Southern California Earthquake Hazards Program with links to latest quake information, real-time earthquake maps and shaking maps, general information, hazards and preparedness, research, networks, and earthquakes for kids.
Joshua Tree National Park geology: on shaky ground [New Window]
Description of earthquake that was felt in Joshua Tree region (1999) and links to earthquake summary, shaded relief map, aerial photos of the rupture zone, shaking intensity maps, damage reports, and seismograph network map.
Lewis and Clark and the U.S. Geological Survey in North Dakota [New Window]
Homepage linking the historic journey of Lewis and Clark and the research of the USGS in the same region with links to mapping history, remarkable points on the Missouri River, educational activities, photo gallery, and publications.
Major drainage basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island [New Window]
Location and geology of drainage basins in Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Map showing geology, oil and gas fields and geologic provinces of Africa, ver. 2.0 [New Window]
Digitally compiled interactive maps with links to metadata, descriptions of map units, and data files.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District home page [New Window]
Home page for the Massachusetts and Rhode Island District office for water resources with links to drainage basins, water, stream statistics, projects, publications, news reports, and location.
Massachusetts and Rhode Island District water data [New Window]
Links to streamflow, surface and ground water, water quality, flood, drought, and precipitation data in real-time and for historic time periods for Massachusetts and Rhode Island.
Multielement geochemical dataset of surficial materials for the northern Great Basin [New Window]
This report presents geochemical data generated during mineral and environmental assessments for the Bureau of Land Management in northern Nevada, northeastern California, southeastern Oregon, and southwestern Idaho, along with metadata and maps.
National geologic studies of benthic habitats, northeastern United States : Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary Region off Boston, Massachusetts [New Window]
Geological research of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary sea floor are presented in the form of maps, posters, fact sheets, sonar images, and bottom photographs.
Pacific Northwest geologic mapping and urban hazards [New Window]
Description of research underway in the Pacific Northwest including geologic mapping and urban hazards studies with links to geologic maps, publications, and data.
Pacific Northwest geologic mapping and urban hazards [New Window]
Overview of the Pacific Northwest Urban Corridor Geologic Mapping Program concerned with geology and urban hazards with links to online geologic maps, current research, publications, and contacts.
San Francisco Bay change detection and mapping: use of Landsat Thematic Mapper Multitemporal images to detect and map changes in the San Francisco Bay area [New Window]
Remote sensing images of San Francisco Bay and Delta region.
Seismic properties of North America and the surrounding ocean basins [New Window]
Presentation of maps of the seismic properties of North America and the surrounding ocean basins compiled from seismic refraction and reflection data, earthquake studies, and surface wave analyses showing crustal thickness and geologic provinces.
Studies in Long Island Sound: geology, contaminants, and environmental issues [New Window]
Description of Long Island Sound projects and links to research topics, data, publications, photos, and technology on sediment transport, sea floor mapping, contaminant sampling, sediment texture, and environmental issues.
Surface-water data and statistics from U.S. Geological Survey data-collection networks in New Jersey on the world wide web [New Window]
Streamflow-gaging and water quality sampling sites with real-time and historical surface-water data for many of the sites in New Jersey.
This dynamic planet: World map of volcanoes, earthquakes, impact craters, and plate tectonics [New Window]
Online world map with booklet (PDF format) giving an account of plate tectonics, volcanology, earthquake activity, and impact craters.
Alaska Geospatial Data Clearinghouse [New Window]
Clearinghouse for the description and availability of multiple geospatial datasets relating to Alaska from many federal, state and local cooperating agencies under the coordination of the Alaska Geographic Data Committee.
Arsenic in ground water of the United States [New Window]
Information on arsenic in United States ground water largely as a result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. Includes links to publications, data, maps, and links to other sites with information on arsenic.
Arsenic in ground water of the United States [New Window]
Arsenic is a naturally occurring element in rocks, soils, and the waters in contact with them. It is found in ground water as the result of minerals dissolving from weathered rocks and soils. This site links to data, maps, and more.
Astrogeology Research Program [New Window]
Primary homepage for the Astrogeology Research Program with links to solar system, space missions, technology, data & information, research programs for geology, remote sensing, and ice & polar, hot topics, photo gallery, and Astro Kids.
City of Flagstaff Project: ground water resource evaluation, remote sensing component [New Window]
Flagstaff atlas webpages including digital elevation model images, Landsat Thematic Mapper images, SPOT panchromatic stereo images, and digital photos of Flagstaff. Includes link to the original Open File Report OF-96-739.
Coal on federal lands [New Window]
Information on coal on federally owned public lands with links to database and maps for federal coal ownership of the United States, Rocky Mountains and Great Plains, and Colorado Plateau.
Coastal and Marine Geology Program interactive map server [New Window]
Interactive map server to view and create maps using available coastal and marine geology data sets of offshore and coastal U.S. and the Gulf of Mexico. Links to available data and metadata that can be downloaded.
Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse [New Window]
The Crater Lake Data Clearinghouse website is a gateway to information and data on Crater Lake with links to data downloads of bathymetry, maps and imagery, a fly-by movie, photos, and information on geology, maps, history, and biota.
Databases and simplified geology for mineralized areas, claims, mines, and prospects in Wyoming. [New Window]
This data release contains mineral resource and geology data for metallic and nonmetallic mineral sites in Wyoming. Data is provided in both spreadsheet format (Microsoft Excel) and in GIS ArcView and MapInfo. Text available in PDF format.
Devils Postpile National Park geologic story [New Window]
Site has links to Devils Postpile's geologic history, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps.
Distribution of high-temperature (>150 °C) geothermal resources in California [New Window]
Description and map of geothermal resources in California.
Earthquake preparedness information [New Window]
Links to web sites, publications, and fact sheets on earthquake preparedness.
Effects of management practices on grassland birds [New Window]
Links to grassland bird species with detailed descriptions and bibliographic database in *.zip files to download in ProCite 5, Rich Text Format or ASCII formats.
Generalized geologic map of the Yosemite National Park area [New Window]
Surficial geologic map of the Yosemite National Park area with links to the legend and text.
Geologic framework and process of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin [New Window]
Field methods, topics of investigation, shoreline changes, publications, and satellite imagery related to geologic and hydrologic processes affecting Lake Pontchartrain and adjacent lakes which form a large estuary in the Gulf Coast region.
Geologic framework of the central Death Valley region [New Window]
Description of a multi-disciplinary effort to develop an integrated tectonic, geologic, and hydrogeologic data model for the central and southern Death Valley area with links to geologic map index, location maps, and 1999 conference.
Geologic mapping data: Las Vegas urban corridor [New Window]
Downloadable digital maps of the Mesquite and Moapa West quadrangles, and links to shaded relief maps of California, Nevada, and Arizona.
Geologic mapping in National Parks: National Park Service Support Project [New Window]
Summaries of geologic projects in cooperation with the National Park Service including Grand Canyon National Park, Lake Mead National Recreation Area, Golden Gate National Recreation Area, Joshua Tree National Park, Yosemite National Park, and others.
Geologic mapping: Las Vegas urban corridor [New Window]
Downloadable geologic data and 1:100,000-scale geologic maps of the Las Vegas Valley.
Geology of Death Valley National Park [New Window]
Site has links to Death Valley's geologic history, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps.
Geology of Lake Meade National Recreation Area [New Window]
Site has links to Lake Mead National Recreation Area: geologic field trips, geologic history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps, and glossary.
Geology of Mojave National Preserve [New Window]
Site has links to Mohave National Preserve: geologic field trips, geologic history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps, and glossary.
Geology of Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument [New Window]
Site has links to Sunset Crater Volcano National Monument geologic field trips, geologic history, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, geologic maps, and glossary.
Geology of the onshore part of San Mateo County, California: a digital database [New Window]
This digital map database represents the general distribution of the geology (bedrock and surficial deposits) in San Mateo County. Accompanying text file (*.txt or *.ps) provides current information on the geologic structure and stratigraphy.
Geomagnetic models [New Window]
Description of magnetic models with link to on-line calculation, freeware calculator (DOS and Windows), descriptions of model types, and references.
Geophysical products [New Window]
Links to products of magnetic, gravity, magnetotelluric, and multi-discipline reports and surveys of regions in the U.S. and Antarctica plus geophysical software tools. Some products are in PDF format.
Geopubs: on-line geologic publications of the western United States [New Window]
Access to USGS on-line geologic publications of the western United States categorized by state, region USGS series, geologic maps, and software with links to state geologic survey publications.
Global inventory of natural gas hydrate occurrence [New Window]
This updated global inventory reports on natural gas hydrate recovered or inferred from geophysical, geochemical, or geological evidence. Includes links to world location maps, inventories, references and posters. Also in PDF format files.
Ground water atlas of the United States [New Window]
The U.S. ground water atlas consists of information on ground water resources of 13 regions covering the 50 States, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Text and maps can be viewed online and downloaded as ASCII, GIF, and *.eps files.
Hazards, disasters, and the National Map [New Window]
Fact sheet describing the value of The National Map designed as a network of digital databases that will provide a consistent national geographic data framework in responding to natural hazards and human-induced disasters.
Introduction to geologic mapping [New Window]
A brief summary of the principles and practices of geologic mapping.
Lake Tahoe Data Clearinghouse [New Window]
This website is a gateway to information and data on Lake Tahoe with links to Lake Tahoe Initiative, geography, history, lake facts, GIS Data, DEM, DOQ, DLG imagery, bathymetry, satellite imagery, land cover, census, soils, pictures, and general maps.
Latest earthquakes in the USA - Past 7 days [New Window]
Real-time earthquake maps of the conterminous U.S., Alaska, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico displaying magnitude and location of earthquake activity in the past hour, past day, and past week.
Long Island Sound [New Window]
Long Island Sound interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Long Island Sound sidescan sonar mosaics [New Window]
Sidescan sonar image, surficial geologic interpretation, and bathymetry of the Long Island Sound sea floor.
Louisiana coastal land loss [New Window]
Homepage for Louisiana coastal land loss, including links to press release, animation of wetland loss, and PDF digital images of land change maps.
Louisiana continental slope [New Window]
Louisiana continental slope interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
Missouri River InfoLink: a clearinghouse of Missouri River information [New Window]
Portal for Missouri River Infolinks, a clearinghouse to multiple links giving Missouri information, photo gallery, river weather forecast, projects and features, maps, meetings, history, and science research.
National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program [New Window]
Homepage linking to National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) components: FEDMAP for federal mapping projects, STATEMAP for state geological survey projects, and EDMAP for geologic mapping education projects.
National Earthquake Information Center [New Window]
Information on world earthquake activity with links to facts and lists on large earthquakes, earthquake e-mail notification, hazards and preparedness, educational links, news and highlights and other seismic information.
National Geologic Map Database Catalog [New Window]
Search tool for locating print and online U.S. geologic maps by area, title, author, etc.
National Wetlands Research Center [New Window]
Homepage for the National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana with links to general information, staff, issues and capabilities, library, publications and data.
National Wetlands Research Center (NWRC) publications and research products [New Window]
List of National Wetlands Research Center, Lafayette, Louisiana publications.
National analysis of trace elements in ground water, streams, stream and reservoir sediment, and fish and clam tissue across the United States [New Window]
Trace elements are inorganic chemicals occurring in small amounts in nature. This web site of the National Water Quality Assessment links to U.S. data, publications, news, and other sites on trace metals, metalloids and radionuclides in water.
North Cascades National Park geology, a mountain mosaic [New Window]
Homepage for information on geology of the North Cascades National Park in the state of Washington. Includes links to geologic story, geologic field trips, geologic maps, plate tectonics, rocks and minerals, geologic time, and glossary.
Our dynamic desert landscape [New Window]
Overview of studies of fragile and active landscape of the American Southwest deserts, including projects on geologic mapping, surface processes, remote sensing research, ecological processes, and earthquake hazard applications.
Post-fire burn assessment by remote sensing on Federal lands [New Window]
Remote sensing and field sampling techniques to support national assessment of burned areas
Preliminary geologic map of the Santa Barbara coastal plain area, Santa Barbara County, California [New Window]
A geologic map of the Santa Barbara coastal plain region in PDF format with data in GIS format (ArcInfo export, shapefile, and TIFF)
Recent earthquakes in Hawaii [New Window]
Interactive maps of earthquakes of last 2 hours, last 2 days, and last 2 weeks in Hawaii.
Rocky Mountain Mapping Center [New Window]
Home page for the USGS Rocky Mountain Mapping Center in Denver, CO with mapping activities in the western U.S. and links to research activities, products, mapping liaisons, and education.
San Francisco Bay Region geology [New Window]
Gateway to the geology of the San Francisco Bay region with links to geologic maps, paleontology, marine geology, earthquakes, landslides, and geophysics. Includes maps, 3-D models, and photos.
USGS geology in the parks [New Window]
U.S. Geological Survey and National Park Service virtual geology sites organized by geology topics and individual parks.
Use of remotely sensed image data to automatically map wind erosion vulnerability (eolian mapping) and rainfall mapping [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring wind erosion and rainfall in Arizona.
Water use in Tennessee [New Window]
Tennessee water-use information including links to a fact sheet, data, charts, and maps.
Western Region geologic information [New Window]
Links to geologic information on western states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Hawaii, Idaho, Nevada and Oregon including information on coastal and marine geology, mineral resources, earthquakes, landslides, earthquake hazards and geologic maps.
Western Region geophysical investigations by the Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park, Calif. (GUMP) [New Window]
Overview of the research group Geophysical Unit of Menlo Park (GUMP) with links to studies, models, and maps on gravity and geomagnetism in Nevada, California, Oregon, Washington and the U.S.
Wildland fire managers site [New Window]
Site with GIS maps of western wildfire areas with some access limited to wildland fire managers.
World Data Center for Remotely Sensed Land Data, Sioux Falls [New Window]
Description of the World Data Center for Remotely Sensed Land Data (WDC/RSLD), the world's largest collection of space and aircraft imagery. Includes aerial photography, DOQs, Landsat satellite imagery and photography and AVHRR imagery.
Access USGS - San Francisco Bay and Delta [New Window]
Main page for accessing links for information and data on the San Francisco Bay estuary and its watershed with links to highlights, water, biology, wetlands, hazards, digital maps, geologic mapping, winds, bathymetry and overview of the Bay.
Alaska Volcano Observatory [New Window]
Homepage for Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) with offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks monitors and studies Alaska's hazardous volcanoes. Links to featured news, updates, publications and products, and a volcano atlas for Alaska.
Amphibian Research and Monitoring Initiative [New Window]
Homepage for the Dept. of the Interior's Initiative coordinated by the USGS, for amphibian (frogs, toads, salamanders and newts) monitoring, research, and conservation. Links to National Atlas for Amphibian Distribution, photos, and interactive map serve
Aquifer basics [New Window]
Links to general information on water supply by aquifers based on rock types and to principal national aquifers by name.
Ask USGS [New Window]
Gateway to easy access for new visitors, students, and general audiences to the array of USGS information on the web with links to the USGS at work, events, news, how to get answers to questions, buying maps and products, and educational resources.
Atlas of Antarctic research [New Window]
Entry to the Atlas of Antarctic Research giving a common base map for displaying research results, data, and descriptions of projects. Layers can be viewed or downloaded as Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), digital aerial photos, and satellite images.
Atlas of the spawning and nursery areas of Great Lakes fishes [New Window]
Atlas recording spawning and nursery areas of fish in the Great Lakes and associated rivers listed by area and then by species. A 14-volume atlas in PDF format. Published in 1982 by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
Availability of USGS geospatial data and aerial photography products [New Window]
Website to search and locate United States digital cartographic data (U.S. GeoData and Digital Raster Graphics) and aerial photography of the National Aerial Photography Program (NAPP). Files can be downloaded in HTML or PDF format.
Bird Conservation Node [New Window]
The Bird Conservation Node facilitates rapid access to North American bird population and habitat data maintained by a broad coalition of Federal, state, and non-governmental partners in conservation. Includes life history, range, and habitats.
Bird checklists of the United States [New Window]
Geographical access to multiple bird checklists developed by others that indicate the seasonal occurrence of birds in a given area. A Record Documentation Form to document supporting details of rare bird observations is also available.
Boston Harbor ecosystems [New Window]
This web site is an outgrowth of an agreement between the USGS and the New England Aquarium, designed to summarize and make available results of scientific research. It will also present educational material of interest to wide audiences.
Butterflies and moths of North America [New Window]
Information on species of butterflies in North America with photos, checklists, distribution maps, aids to identification, and references.
California Information Node (CAIN) [New Window]
California Information NODE (CAIN) of the National Biological Information Infrastructure collects data and information resources critical to the study of California's diverse ecosystems, with an initial emphasis on invasive species issues.
Canoeing North Dakota rivers [New Window]
Links to streamflow, stage, pictures, maps, river descriptions, and general information for canoeing on North Dakota's rivers. Files are in PDF format.
Carolina slate belt gold deposits in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia [New Window]
Report of research on the Carolina slate belt and gold deposits in Virginia, North Carolina, South Carolina, and Georgia with geologic mapping, mineralogic, geochemical, and fluid evolution studies, radiogenic dating, and stable isotope studies.
Central California Digital Elevation Model (DEM) and bathymetry images [New Window]
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images and bathymetry data of the San Francisco Bay, Santa Clara, and the Monterey Bay and Canyon areas.
Central Energy Team publications [New Window]
Catalog of USGS publications on energy resources of the U.S. including online publications, paper publications, and geospatial products (interactive maps and GIS data)
Columbia River USGS Interdisciplinary Science Explorer WebSite [New Window]
Web site for an Internet Map Service (IMS) serving base cartographic data, USGS data, science applications and real time modelling analyses for the Columbia River basin using geospatial analysis technology.
Continental shelf GIS for the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary [New Window]
Interactive maps of the continental shelf of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary with GIS layers for sediment data, bathymetry, geology, bathymetry, sonar imagery, and tectonics.
County boundaries 2001: map layer description file [New Window]
One of many map layers of the National Atlas giving county boundaries with metadata. The county boundaries map layer can be downloaded in shapefile or SDTS formats.
Digital Line Graphs (DLGs) [New Window]
Description of Digital Line Graphs (DLG) with explanations of layers and feature types, scales, available products, media, prices, and links to search and order webpages.
Digital shorelines for Boston Harbor [New Window]
Modified version of paper by F.T. Manheim and A.G. McIntire, Civil Engineering Practice, Vol. 13, No. 1, pp. 35-48 (1998). A new shoreline file has been created for Boston Harbor by digitizing and combining the most recent charts.
Dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata) of the United States [New Window]
Manual on dragonflies and damselflies (Odonata), with links to photo thumbnails, checklists, distribution maps, and other Odonata information.
Earth Resources Observation & Science (EROS) [New Window]
Access to products archived at the EROS Data Center, Sioux Falls, SD, including aerial photography, remote sensing data, satellite imagery, maps, and elevation data with product search retrieval and ordering information.
Earth Surface Processes [New Window]
Homepage for Earth Surface Processes Team with research studies in two general categories: climate change and geologic mapping. Links to research activities, available data sets, workshop, and programs.
EarthExplorer [New Window]
Query and order satellite images, aerial photographs, and cartographic products through the U.S. Geological Survey. Log in as a guest or as a registered user with more privileges. Uses Java Script or Applet Versions for PC, MacIntosh, and Unix programs.
Earthworms of North Dakota [New Window]
Species maps, aggregate map, earthworm diagram, species photos, and bibliography of earthworm species found in North Dakota
Eastern Earth Surface Processes Team [New Window]
The Eastern Earth Surface Processes Team provides geologic mapping regional geologic studies to determine stratigraphy and geologic structure, topical studies to understand geologic and surficial processes, and syntheses of earth science data.
Eastern Geographic Science Center [New Window]
Programs, projects, laboratories, and publications related to geographic information science in the eastern United States
Environmental studies of the World Trade Center area after the September 11, 2001 attack [New Window]
Report describing the results of an interdisciplinary environmental study of the World Trade Center (WTC) area after the attack on September 11, 2001. The investigations included imaging spectroscopy mapping and laboratory analysis.
Extent of Pleistocene lakes in the western Great Basin [New Window]
Map of Pleistocene pluvial lakes in the western Great Basin (Nevada, eastern California, southern Oregon). Includes metadata, online PDF map view, and downloadable ArcInfo export files, ArcView shapefiles, and TIFF files.
Fisheries and Aquatic Resources [New Window]
The Fisheries and Aquatic Resources (FAR) node of the National Biological Information Infrastructure (NBII) provides access to fisheries and aquatic resources information via the Internet.
GISDATA Map Studio [New Window]
Access to public web map services and interfaces developed at the EROS Data Center searchable by keywords and categories with interactive maps, viewer templates, information sheets and latest news items and updates on geospatial products.
GLORIA Mapping Program [New Window]
GLORIA is a digital sidescan sonar capable of producing digital image maps of the sea floor from reflected sound waves. Site includes description of digital processing, mosaicking, and links to samples of image maps.
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) in Missouri [New Window]
Website with links to USGS hydrologic, geohydrologic, soil, and geologic projects in Missouri using geographic information systems (GIS) technology with digital datasets of images, models, and maps produced by the projects to view.
Geography [New Window]
Portal to national mapping programs and products of the Geography Discipline with multiple links to databases, datasets, map products, National Map, National Atlas, GISDATA web, National Spatial Data Infrastructure, and geographic names.
Geography research programs in Alaska [New Window]
Descriptions, results, and data on research projects using geographic analysis and monitoring and remote sensing to study ecosystems and land processes in the Arctic region.
Geoscience Data Catalog [New Window]
A catalog of earth science data produced by the U.S. Geological Survey with documentation and links to the data files. Catalog is searchable by geographic location and publication series number. Includes links to information on metadata and its use.
Geothermal industry temperature profiles from the Great Basin [New Window]
Subsurface temperature, well temperature, and well data of geothermal resources in the Great Basin.
Gulf of Maine internet map [New Window]
Gulf of Maine regional overview interactive map depicting research activities of the U.S. Geological Survey showing surficial sample sites, bathymetry, continental margin and coastal areas.
Gulf of the Farallones regional bathymetry and sidescan-sonar digital mosaics [New Window]
Remotely sensed image products covering the Gulf of the Farallones region west of San Francisco.
Historical mapping [New Window]
Information on researching and locating historical maps with reference to basic references and collections of the National Archives, Library of Congress, and the U.S. Geological Survey. Includes instructions for ordering copies of historic USGS maps.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies: coastal and nearshore mapping with oblique aerial video and still photography [New Window]
Information on video and still photography used to supplement laser altimetry measurements of the coast. The photography is used for recognizing geomorphic and cultural features impacted by storms. Links to photo collections of hurricanes and El Nino.
Hurricane and extreme storm impact studies: coastal and nearshore mapping with scanning airborne laser (LIDAR) [New Window]
Airborne scanning laser surveys (LIDAR) are used to obtaining data to investigate the magnitude and causes of coastal changes that occur during severe storms. Links to examples of coastal mapping during specific hurricanes.
Kansas flood watch [New Window]
Flood map of Kansas link to real-time data for stream gaging stations and links to flood press releases, historic floods of Kansas, flood frequency data, photos, information on hydrology of floods, and flood hazard maps.
Lake Pontchartrain basin: bottom sediments and related environmental resources [New Window]
This publication focuses on the geological framework and sedimentary processes of the Lake Pontchartrain Basin and provides links to interactive tools, regional research, and sediment data in GIS formats for display and analysis.
Lake Roosevelt-Upper Columbia River environmental studies [New Window]
Description of research studies of the Lake Roosavelt-Upper Columbia area on contaminants and effects on environmental health with links to publications and products, partners, related links, project summaries, and contacts.
Major aquifers in New Jersey [New Window]
Geologic description of the principal coastal and non-coastal aquifers in New Jersey and relationship to water quality and water supply.
Map accuracy standards [New Window]
Information on national map accuracy standards and how the USGS maintains accuracy.
Map and database of Quaternary faults and folds in Colombia and its offshore regions [New Window]
PDF file of map of Quaternary faults and folds in Columbia prepared as part of the World Map of Major Active Faults with locations, ages, and activity rates of major earthquake-related features accompanied by database of description and activity.
Mapping Partnership Office of Texas [New Window]
Guide to the cooperative mapping programs in the state of Texas administered by the USGS Texas Mapping Partnership Office. Provides description of ongoing projects with links to USGS and cooperator datasets for the state of Texas.
Mayflies of the United States [New Window]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of mayflies in the United States with links to other information websites on mayflies and reference list.
Methow River Basin [New Window]
Description of studies conducted to evaluate the surface water, ground water, water interactions, and water quality of Methow River Basin in Washington. With links to related science topics, datasets, maps, project summaries, and news.
Mid-Continent Mapping Center [New Window]
Overview of the Mid-Continent Mapping Center, Rolla, Missouri: a production, research, and data management facility for maps and digital cartographic data products, with links to directions, programs, mapping products, and visitors center.
Mineral resources online spatial data [New Window]
Website for geospatial data on mineral resources of the U.S. or the world that users can locate by geographic area, view, and download.
Mississippi Fan internet map [New Window]
Mississippi River alluvial fan interactive map with GIS data and imagery depicting core sites, depositional and channel interpretation, Gloria and SeaMarc datasets.
Moths of North America [New Window]
Homepage for information on moths of North America with life history and habitats, photos, checklists, distribution maps, submitting new county records, identification tips, common questions, and references.
Multibeam data and socio-economic issues in west-central San Francisco Bay [New Window]
Webpage based on USGS Open File Report 98-139 links to information on the San Francisco Bay estuary to study dredge disposal effects, fish habitats, sediment transport, rock pinnacles and navigation, and consequences of a large oil spill.
Multibeam mapping of selected areas of the outer continental shelf, northwestern Gulf of Mexico: data, images, and GIS [New Window]
Report provides the multibeam bathymetry and acoustic backscatter data, images, FGDC-compliant metadata, and GIS data from the 2002 surveys and 1997 USGS surveys of the Gulf.
National Atlas Map Maker - Map layers [New Window]
Links to hundreds of map layers of geospatial information listed by subjects for use with the National Atlas Map Maker to assemble, view, and print customized maps using one or more of the layers.
National Coal Assessment [New Window]
The USGS National Coal Assessment provides a quantitative study of the nation's coal endowment. Links to digital publications with maps for the Illinois Basin, Colorado, Arizona, Utah, and New Mexico, and Wyoming, Montana, and North Dakota.
National Gap Analysis Program [New Window]
Home page of the Gap Analysis Program (GAP) providing assessments of the conservation status of native vertebrate species and natural land cover types of the U.S. Links to projects, applications, status maps, and a searchable database.
National Geomagnetism Program [New Window]
Overview of USGS programs related to geomagnetism including observatories, data, program services, links to models, charts, and movies, program contacts, Intermagnet, Geomag, publications, and bibliographies.
National Mapping Program standards [New Window]
Links to standards prepared under the National Mapping Program to produce and maintain top quality mapping and geospatial data products. Documents may be viewed and downloaded in PDF and HTML formats with links to related information.
National Oil and Gas Assessment [New Window]
Links to oil and gas assessment maps of major basins in the United States and to related publications, and products.
National Petroleum Reserve Alaska Legacy Data Archive [New Window]
Access is provided to seismic data, image files of seismic data, well logs, and cores of petroleum reserves in Alaska from the National Petroleum Reserve, Alaska, and (NPRA) Legacy Data Archive.
National Water-Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program [New Window]
Primary homepage for the National Water Quality Assessment (NAWQA) Program studying water quality in river, aquifer and coastal water basins throughout the nation. Links to reports, data, models, maps and national synthesis studies.
National assessment of coastal vulnerability to sea-level rise: preliminary results of the U.S. Atlantic coast [New Window]
Brief report on map showing the relative vulnerability of the Atlantic coast to changes due to future rise in sea level. Includes links to similar maps in Open-file report 2000-178 on the Pacific Coast and 2000-179 on the Gulf of Mexico Coast.
National water conditions [New Window]
Historical maps and animations of maps for monthly and annual streamflow conditions by water year showing generalized contour patterns of streamflow conditions. Maps are for the United States, Canada, and Puerto Rico. - National Atlas of the United States [New Window]
Portal to general information on the National Atlas of the United States with access for producing specialized maps and links to thematic maps including interactive maps, multimedia maps, map layers data warehouse, wall maps, and printable maps.
New Jersey drought watch [New Window]
Update on daily streamflow conditions and drought situation in New Jersey.
Oklahoma Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data [New Window]
Access to GIS geospatial datasets for Oklahoma and the United States for Geographic Information Systems (GIS) applications.
Osage-Skiatook Petroleum Environmental Research Project, Lake Skiatook, Osage County, Oklahoma [New Window]
Study of the effects on the environment of hydrocarbons and produced water (brines) at Skiatook Lake, Osage Reservation, Oklahoma, with links to maps, photos, and data.
Overview of the greenness of the conterminous U.S. [New Window]
Site to learn about, view, and order digital image vegetation condition (greenness) maps of the conterminous U.S. based on the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with imagery from Advanced High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR).
Pacific Northwest Information Node [New Window]
Pacific Northwest Information Node is a regional information network of the National Biological Information Infrastructure intended to provide access to information and services relevant to forest resources in the Pacific Northwest.
Patuxent Bird Identification InfoCenter [New Window]
A presentation of bird photographs, songs, identification tips, distribution maps, and life history information for North American birds, and a forum for commentary and discussion on birds.
Pennsylvania compressed digital spatial data available for downloading [New Window]
Pennsylvania digital data for watershed boundaries, county geology, and flood mapping in Arc/Info format compressed with gzip utility for downloading plus links to other sources of data.
Priority ecosystem studies initiative [New Window]
Description of the priority ecosystems studies initiative with links to projects in Chesapeake Bay, Greater Yellowstone, Mojave Desert, Platte River, Salton Sea, San Francisco, and south Florida.
STATEMAP information sheets [New Window]
Click on a state on a map or list to access status of geologic mapping at the scales of 1:24,000 and 1:100,000 under the National Cooperative Geologic Mapping Program (NCGMP) providing federal matching funds for state geologic work.
San Francisco Bay Area Regional Database (BARD) [New Window]
San Francisco Bay Area Regional Database (BARD) for downloading or viewing Digital Elevation Models (DEMs), Digital Line Graphs (DLGs), Digital Raster Graphics (DRGs), and Digital Orthophotos images with standards, NSDI description, and metadata.
Satellite image map of Antarctica using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images [New Window]
Satellite image map of Antarctica using Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer (AVHRR) images, including stereo images for use with red/blue glasses.
Science In Your Watershed [New Window]
Find scientific information organized on a watershed basis to aid characterizing, assessing, anazlyzing and mainting status and health of a watershed.
Sea-floor mapping technology [New Window]
Integrated shipboard data collection, processing, and archival system for digital sidescan sonar and seismic data used in mapping the inner continental shelf.
Sea-floor morphology between Año Nuevo and Santa Cruz, California [New Window]
Report with preliminary sea floor map displaying submarine rock exposures found along the northern part of Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary, extent based on side-scan sonar records, seismic-reflection records, and underwater video.
Seafloor image map of the Monterey Bay region: USGS Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary Project [New Window]
Monterey Bay sea floor image maps.
Search for Washington State publications [New Window]
Bibliography of published reports, maps, journal articles, and proceedings related to the water resources of Washington State as published by the U.S. Geological Survey, or in cooperation with other Federal or State agencies.
Selected volcano information [New Window]
Selected books, maps, videos, and other materials produced by the USGS Volcano Hazards Program. Many products highlighted here are intended for general audiences.
ShakeMap [New Window]
ShakeMap sites provide near-real-time maps of ground motion and shaking intensity following significant earthquakes.
South Florida Ecosystem History Project [New Window]
Project is designed to integrate studies from a number of researchers compiling data from terrestrial, marine, and freshwater ecosystems within south Florida. Links to publications, maps, posters, and data of studies.
South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by region [New Window]
Listing of South Florida Information Access (SOFIA) projects by region
Southern California Mapping Project (SCAMP) [New Window]
Description of the SCAMP project to produce geologic and geophysical maps and reports that describe the geologic setting and geologic history of southern California.
Southwest Information Node (SWIN) [New Window]
The Southwest Information Node of the National Biological Information Structure (NBII) provides links to research data, maps, and information on public lands including plant and animal natural resources, ecosystems, and invasive species.
Spectroscopy Lab [New Window]
Links to Spectroscopy Lab projects to identify and map materials through spectroscopic remote sensing (imaging spectroscopy, hyperspectral imaging, imaging spectrometry, ultraspectral imaging, etc) on the Earth and in space.
Standardized National Vegetation Classification System [New Window]
Document on the National Vegetation Classification Standard with information on applications, background, development, characteristics, nomenclature standards, relationship to other classifications, and how to do vegetation mapping.
Stoneflies of the United States [New Window]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of stoneflies in the United States with links to other information websites on stoneflies and reference list.
Tampa Bay Estuary Interactive Mapping System (IMS) [New Window]
Interactive Mapping Service (IMS) is an Internet based Geographic Information System designed to provide users with online mapping capability of habitats, land use and land cover, and seagrass for areas of Tampa Bay.
Tampa Bay estuary digital library [New Window]
Database entry page to search keywords and product type (document, map, data, metadata, photos, video, animation, aerial photo) for information on the Tampa Bay estuary and related research studies.
The Earth's crust [New Window]
Information on the Earth's crust with a contour map of the thickness plus links to a global crustal database, a global crustal model - CRUST 5.1, and regional crustal models.
The National Map [New Window]
Homepage describing The National Map, which will produce a seamless, continuously maintained set of public domain geographic base information, with links to map viewer, pilot projects, reports, fact sheets, and national atlas.
The National Map Viewer [New Window]
National Map Viewer, a GIS application, is a Web-enabled portal to the geospatial information contained in The National Map. It supports on-line access and allows the download of digital data and creation of cartographic products.
The rivers of Mississippi [New Window]
Colored maps and geographic descriptions of major river basins in the state of Mississippi.
Tiger beetles of the United States [New Window]
Links to checklists and species maps showing the distribution of tiger beetles in the United States with links to photographs, other information websites on invertebrates, and reference list.
Topographic map locator [New Window]
Interactive map locator for downloading free USGS topographic maps.
U.S. Atlantic East Coast [New Window]
Atlantic East Coast interactive map with GIS datasets and sonar imagery.
U.S. Gulf of Mexico Shoreline Change [New Window]
Interactive map of the Gulf of Mexico coast reflecting shoreline changes.
U.S. Pacific West Coast internet map server [New Window]
Interactive map of the U.S. Pacific West Coast with data layers of Gloria sidescan data, multibeam backscatter and shaded relief imagery.
USGS Geography Products [New Window]
USGS mapping sciences page containing links describing cartographic and geographic products and programs. The information products are available in printed and digital formats.
USGS activities in Texas: Texas sites by basin [New Window]
Real-time water data, interactive maps, and flood reports for river basins in Texas.
USGS news and information on El Nino [New Window]
Information sources on El Nino effects such as landslides, coastal hazards, floods. Includes links to maps and images.
USGS products and publications [New Window]
List of links to electronic USGS products and publications and/or information on obtaining products in paper or other formats arranged by discipline, media type, and online products, and links to USGS libraries.
USGS recreation site: your science gateway for safe and vital enjoyment of the outdoors [New Window]
Gateway to useful USGS websites for recreation in nature watching and exploring, boating, camping, climbing, fishing, hiking, biking, and hunting, with links to maps, real-time streamflow, geology, photos, and plant and animal information.
USGS studies in the New York Bight [New Window]
Describes and provides links to USGS research in the location of the estuary and coast of Long Island, New York, to map the sea floor and to study sediment transport, contaminants, and sand resources and coastal vulnerability.
Unconsolidated aquifers of upstate New York [New Window]
Information on aquifers in upstate New York which consist of unconsolidated deposits of sand and gravel that occupy major river and stream valleys or lake plains. Links to aquifer maps at scales 1:24,000 or 1:250,000 and cooperative publications.
United Sates Antarctic Resource Center (USARC) [New Window]
Description of the Antarctic Resource Center at the USGS National Center in Reston with information on its archives of aerial photographs, maps and charts, satellite imagery, geodetic control data, image collection and publications.
United States Antarctic Resource Center [New Window]
Description of the Antarctic Resources Center and links to its workshops and archives of Antarctic maps, charts, satellite images, and photographs produced by the member nations of the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR).
Using remote sensing to detect active dust storms and map areas vulnerable to eolian erosion [New Window]
Links to remote sensing images monitoring dust storms and wind erosion.
Volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park [New Window]
Describes volcano monitoring at Yellowstone National Park including an update of recent volcanic activity, real-time data, and link to volcano monitoring techniques information.
Water quality well sites in New Jersey [New Window]
Map of New Jersey showing the locations of all well sites where ground water-quality data exists in the USGS National Water Information System (NWIS) database.
Water resources of Virginia - floods [New Window]
Brief description of project for the Federal Emergency Management Agency to prepare and modify Flood Insurance Rate Maps based on flood frequency analysis, ground surveys, and flood profiles in Virginia.
West-central Florida erosion study [New Window]
West central Florida erosion interactive map with GIS datasets to download including geologic interpretative layers, samples, bathymetry, and imagery.
Western Earth Surface Processes Team [New Window]
Overview of the research of the Western Earth Surface Processes Team with links to team projects and activities and to geologic information on the western U.S.
Western Region Geography [New Window]
Links to Western Region Geography Center for Science Policy, Earth Science Information Center, mapping status and maps sales, integrated science studies, National Atlas, Terraserver, DOQs and partnerships.
Western Region Mineral Resources Project listing [New Window]
Links to ongoing mineral resources projects in the Western Region of the United States plus links to offices and staff of the Western Mineral Resources Team.
World petroleum assessment [New Window]
A rigorous geologic foundation for estimating world undiscovered energy resources. Links to world energy resources text and maps (PDF format), total petroleum system (TPS), and world geologic maps.
Yakima River Basin [New Window]
Description of the studies of the ground water system in the Yakima River Basin and how it interacts with rivers and streams in the basin. Includes links to project status, datasets, maps, project summaries, news releases and bibliographies.

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