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Project 2: The Role of Oxidative Stress in PM-induced Adverse Health Effects
Grant Number R832413C002
RFA: Particulate Matter Research Centers (2004)

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  • Journal Article (10)
  • Reference Type Citation Progress Report Year Document Sources
    Journal Article Araujo JA, Barajas B, Kleinman M, Wang X, Bennett BJ, Gong KW, Navab M, Harkema J, Sioutas C, Lusis AJ, Nel AE. Ambient particulate pollutants in the ultrafine range promote atherosclerosis and systemic oxidative stress. Circulation Research 2008;102(5):589-596. R832413 (2008)
    R832413C001 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Circulation Research
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  • Other: Circulation Research PDF
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  • Journal Article Ayres JG, Borm P, Cassee FR, Castranova V, Donaldson K, Ghio A, Harrison RM, Hider R, Kelly F, Kooter IM, Marano F, Maynard RL, Mudway I, Nel A, Sioutas C, Smith S, Baeza-Squiban A, Cho A, Duggan S, Froines J. Evaluating the toxicity of airborne particulate matter and nanoparticles by measuring oxidative stress potential—a workshop report and consensus statement. Inhalation Toxicology 2008;20(1):75-99. R832413 (2008)
    R832413C001 (2007)
    R832413C001 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2008)
    R832413C003 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Abstract: InformaWorld
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  • Journal Article Chan RC-F, Wang M, Li N, Yanagawa Y, Onoe K, Lee JJ, Nel AE. Pro-oxidative diesel exhaust particle chemicals inhibit LPS-induced dendritic cell responses involved in T-helper differentiation. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2006;118(2):455-465. R827352 (Final)
    R827352C002 (Final)
    R832413 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ScienceDirect
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  • Journal Article Chatila TA, Li N, Garcia-Lloret M, Kim H-J, Nel AE. T-cell effector pathways in allergic diseases: transcriptional mechanisms and therapeutic targets. Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2008;121(4):812-823. R832413 (2007)
    R832413 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: ScienceDirect
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  • Journal Article Gong KW, Zhao W, Li N, Barajas B, Kleinman M, Sioutas C, Horvath S, Lusis AJ, Nel A, Araujo JA. Air-pollutant chemicals and oxidized lipids exhibit genome-wide synergistic effects on endothelial cells. Genome Biology 2007;8(7):R149. R832413 (2008)
    R832413C001 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Full-text: Genome Biology
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  • Other: Genome Biology PDF
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  • Journal Article Li N, Nel AE. The cellular impacts of diesel exhaust particles: beyond inflammation and death. European Respiratory Journal 2006;27(4):667-668. R832413 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2006)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Full-text: European Respiratory Journal
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  • Other: European Respiratory Journal PDF
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  • Journal Article Li N, Xia T, Nel AE. The role of oxidative stress in ambient particulate matter-induced lung diseases and its implications in the toxicity of engineered nanoparticles. Free Radical Biology and Medicine 2008;44(9):1689-1699. R832413 (2007)
    R832413 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract: ScienceDirect
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  • Journal Article Xia T, Kovochich M, Brant J, Hotze M, Sempf J, Oberley T, Sioutas C, Yeh JI, Wiesner MR, Nel AE. Comparison of the abilities of ambient and manufactured nanoparticles to induce cellular toxicity according to an oxidative stress paradigm. Nano Letters 2006;6(8):1794-1807. R827352 (Final)
    R827352C002 (Final)
    R827352C014 (Final)
    R832413 (2008)
    R832413C001 (2007)
    R832413C001 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2006)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Xia T, Kovochich M, Nel A. The role of reactive oxygen species and oxidative stress in mediating particulate matter injury. Clinics in Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2006;5(4):817-836. R832413 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
  • Journal Article Xia T, Kovochich M, Nel AE. Impairment of mitochondrial function by particulate matter (PM) and their toxic components: implications for PM-induced cardiovascular and lung disease. Frontiers in Bioscience 2007;12(3):1238-1246. R832413 (2008)
    R832413C002 (2007)
    R832413C002 (2008)
  • Abstract from PubMed
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