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The Priorities of the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Kentucky:


Terrorism and National Security


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Violent Crime, Gang Crime and Drug Trafficking

Strong and thoughtful proactive programs to reduce gun and gang violence in the District and to target criminals who use firearms to terrorize our citizens - and the neighborhoods in which they live. As well, in close coordination with our local, state and federal partners, aggressive prosecution of drug traffickers and money launderers. A major component of our violent crimes initiative is "Project Safe Neighborhoods" - a national program designed to reduce gun violence throughout the Eastern District of Kentucky and the nation.

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Crimes Against Children

Strict enforcement of federal laws designed to protect children from internet predators ("travelers" who seek out children on-line for illicit purposes) as well as vigorous prosecution of those who possess, distribute or produce child pornography. The protection of our most vulnerable citizens - our children - is of critical importance to all of us in law enforcement. Our efforts to protect children are part of our broader efforts to combat cyber crime, generally.

For more information on Crime Against Children or for recent press releases, please visit our Project Safe Childhood page.

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Public Corruption and Procurement Fraud

Corrupt public officials who trade on their offices pose a significant threat to good governance. We are committed to investigating and prosecuting public corruption at all levels of government, wherever it may exist, and to rooting out corruption in federal procurement processes.

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