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Diatoms: Taxonomic and Ecological Tools for Assessment

Research Task: 8327CM8.8.0
Task Manager: Sarah Spaulding

Diatoms are accepted, robust indicators for monitoring and assessing freshwater ecosystems in western North America (e.g., the Environmental Protection Agency Environmental Monitoring and Assessment Program [EMAP], and the USGS National Water Quality Assessment), but their full potential has been hindered by inconsistencies and sparse information on ecological tolerances. As a result, existing taxonomic resources are incomplete. To assist States, Tribes, and other public organizations in using diatom data collected from western North America, the EPA—through the regional EMAP program—is supporting development of a Web resource that integrates taxonomic and ecological diatom data for EPA Region 8. In 2005, a collaborative team from the USGS, EPA, University of Colorado, and Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia developed and launched a technologically novel database that integrates diatom taxonomy, nomenclature, reference images, maps, access to samples, and species count data. The site, Antarctic Freshwater Diatoms, has already served as model of internally consistent and publicly accessible taxonomic and ecologic data that supports Federal and State compliance with the Clean Water Act. Currently investigators are expanding the existing database structure into a system that will address the need within EPA Region 8 states for accessible taxonomic information on western diatoms (see Current Version 03 December 2007 wireframe prototype in three formats on the above link). FORT and partner agency scientists are using existing permanent diatom slides prepared for the Western EMAP to develop the site content. FORT objectives are to conduct basic taxonomic and autecological research on a group of diatom taxa (initially, a priority list of the 150 most valuable indicator taxa).

 For more information contact Sarah Spaulding

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