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Program Assessment for Agencies of the Department of the Interior

Research Task: 8327CMP.3.0
Task Manager: Joan Ratz

From time to time, Department of the Interior (DOI) agencies are required to conduct assessments of their progress. Such requirements are possible subsequent to the Government Reporting and Performance Act or PART regulations, among others. Because performance evaluation is a social science research function, DOI agencies, projects, and programs have requested that FORT social scientists conduct such assessments for them. Two evaluation studies underway examine (1) the National Gap Analysis Program (GAP) and (2) training programs at the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service's National Conservation Training Center (NCTC). For over 15 years, GAP has provided spatial data that theoretically can be used as a framework to make assessments about how well biodiversity is protected, and what aspects of biodiversity need greater protection. FORT researchers are investigating how effective GAP has been in changing decision-makers' use of GIS-based biological information. For NCTC, the success of specific training programs, such as those for conservation professionals or refuge volunteers, is being evaluated.

 For more information contact Joan Ratz

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