USGS - science for a changing world
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency

Missouri Water Science Center

Domestic Well Removals (OU-6)

Contamination Discovery:

An inventory of domestic, public-supply, and industrial wells in the vicinity of New Haven was conducted during the RI. Information collected during this inventory was used to construct maps of shallow ground-water flow. During the inventory, water samples were collected from selected wells and scanned for the presence of tetrachloroethene (PCE). Additional samples collected during 2001 and 2002 indicated that PCE was present in several domestic wells downgradient (south) of Operable Unit OU2. Based on the sample results and ground-water flow information obtained during the ongoing Remedial Investigation (RI), a plume of PCE-contaminated ground water is thought to extend at least 4,000 feet south from OU2. The depth of the plume, and southern-most and western extent is unknown at this time. Concentrations of PCE in the plume range from about 1 micrograms per liter to more than 200 micrograms per liter. The EPA maximum contaminant level (MCL) for PCE in drinking water is 5 micrograms per liter.

Response Actions:

  1. As soon as the contamination was detected, the EPA and the Kellwood Company worked quickly to provide residents with clean and safe drinking water. Under EPA oversight, the Kellwood Company installed activated carbon filtration systems on several wells or residents were connected to the New Haven public water system. The company also assisted another property owner who was in the process of installing a water well when the contamination was discovered to install additional well casing and grout.
  2. The detection of PCE in domestic wells south of OU2 resulted in the Missouri Department of Natural Resources issuing a water well Drilling Advisory for the area immediately south of New Haven. The advisory recommends that new wells be cased to 180 ft deep instead of the standard 80 ft and that the entire casing annulus be grouted. Property owners or well drillers installing new wells in this area are encouraged to contact the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Wellhead Protection Program before drilling or retrofitting wells in this area.
  3. As a result of contamination, the EPA attempted to sample all domestic wells within 0.5 mile area south of OU2. No additional contamination was detected.
  4. Continued monitoring of domestic wells in the area will be done to ensure the contamination does not spread.
  5. The extent and magnitude, and fate and transport of PCE in the plume area will be characterized during the Remedial Investigation of OU2 to begin in 2003.


Remedial Investigation Feasibility Study OU-6, Domestic Well Remobal Sites

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