Characteristics of Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act SEA and Governors' Programs: 1999-2000

This report, based on information submitted by the States, provides details about the implementation of the Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act State Grants program for school year 1999-2000.

  • Report
    [downloadable files] PDF (3.5M)
  • Appendix A
    [downloadable files] PDF (104K)
  • Appendix B (Part 1)
    [downloadable files] PDF (1.8M)
  • Appendix B (Part 2)
    [downloadable files] PDF (1.8M)
  • Appendix C
    [downloadable files] PDF (505K)
  • Appendix D
    [downloadable files] PDF (254K)
  • Appendix E
    [downloadable files] PDF (1.3M)
  • Appendix F
    [downloadable files] PDF (344K)
  • Appendix G
    [downloadable files] PDF (788K)
  • Appendix H
    [downloadable files] PDF (533K)
  • Appendix I
    [downloadable files] PDF (91K)

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Last Modified: 09/26/2003