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West Nile Virus - Texas
Cumulative Sentinel Map

Texas locator map These county and county equivalent data show the results of tests on blood samples from sentinel chickens, provided by local health officials. Sentinel chickens are birds placed in cages that are exposed to mosquitoes in the area. Chickens that are bitten by infected mosquitoes develop antibodies, but are not otherwise affected by the virus. Note that the map includes all areas of positive (confirmed or probable) WNV results, but not necessarily all areas with submitted samples or no reports.




Note: These data are provisional and may be revised or adjusted in the future

Texas sentinel Map 04/22/03

Cumulative positive cases:

Dallas County 15
Lubbock County 6


Cumulative Report Maps for the year 2002, Texas
Cumulative Human Cumulative Veterinary Cumulative Bird Cumulative Mosquito


Texas State Health Department West Nile Info

For further information or questions, please contact the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention:  

(970) 221-6400