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Federal Geographic Data Committee

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Organization of the FGDC

The FGDC Steering Committee sets high-level strategic direction for the FGDC as a whole. The Coordination Group advises on the day-to day business of the FGDC. The Committee structure is composed of agency-led Subcommittees and Working Groups. The Subcommittees are organized by data themes, e.g. “Cadastral.” Working Groups play a crosscutting role, dealing with issues that span many subcommittees, e.g. “Standards.” The FGDC committees and working groups provide the basic structure for institutions and individuals to interact regarding all aspects of NSDI implementation. Collectively they establish and implement strategic guidance and specific actions that support improved collection, sharing, dissemination and use of geospatial data, contributing to the development of the NSDI. Public interest groups participate within the committee structure to ensure that their needs are included in developing the national infrastructure. Building an effective NSDI requires a well-coordinated effort among Federal, tribal, State, local government, and academic institutions, as well as a broad array of private sector geographic, statistical, demographic, and other business information providers and users. Involving these stakeholders in the development of the NSDI addresses nationwide data needs of end-users.