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National Geospatial Program Standards

Supplemental Technical Instructions

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Please Note: The PDF versions of the supplemental technical instructions may look slightly different from the previously published printed versions of the documents, however the content is the same.

Available Documents Version
Available Formats
Elimination of Photorevised Feature Codes During DLG Collection 

(2 p., 67KB, PDF)
06/2003 PDF Document
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Adobe Reader
Recycled Paper Symbol 
09/1999 Currently available only in print
Metadata Acknowledgment of Cooperator Participation in Digital Products 

(2 p., 18KB, PDF)
10/1997 PDF Document
Reference System Treatment for Map Products of the National Mapping Program 

(7 p., 27KB, PDF)
10/1997 PDF Document
For Sale Notes 

(1 p., 63KB, PDF)
09/1996 PDF Document
Elimination of Map Reference Codes 
09/1996 Currently available only in print
Boundary Enhancements for Federally Administered Lands 

(3 p., 23KB, PDF)
02/1995 PDF Document
Accuracy Labeling of USGS Quadrangle Maps 

(4 p., 66KB, PDF)
01/1995 PDF Document
Plant Imprint Note and Associated Dots and Star on National Mapping Program Maps 

(2 p., 19KB, PDF)
10/1994 PDF Document
Portrayal of Canadian Areas on National Mapping Program Products 

(4 p., 24KB, PDF)
10/1994 PDF Document
CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 2, Supplemental Topographic Instructions 84-2-C 
03/1994 Currently available only in print
CHANGE NOTICE NUMBER 1, Supplemental Topographic Instructions 84-2-C 
01/1994 Currently available only in print
Collection of Digital Line Graphs (DLG) from Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) Maps 
06/1993 Currently available only in print
Photoinspection Criteria for 1:24,000-Scale and 1:100,000-Scale Products 

(18 p., 366KB, PDF)
04/1993 PDF Document
Map Reprint Procedures 

(4 p., 27KB, PDF)
02/1993 PDF Document
Validation Process for U.S. Forest Service (USFS) Cartographic Feature File (CFF) Data 
12/1992 Currently available only in print
Supplemental Horizontal Control Spacing 

(1 p., 17KB, PDF)
12/1992 PDF Document
USGS 1:1,000,000-Scale and International Map of the World (IMW) Series Maps 
11/1990 Currently available only in print
Symbolization of Dual Highways on New or Replacement 1:250,000-Scale Topographic Quadrangle Maps 

(1 p., 40KB, PDF)
08/1988 PDF Document
Railroad Names on Quadrangle Map Products 
12/1987 Currently available only in print
Collar/Side Panel Formats for 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Maps 

(1 p., 40KB, PDF)
08/1986 PDF Document
Map Content and Symbol Specifications for 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Maps 
08/1986 Currently available only in print
Standards Associated With Digitizing and Naming 1:100,000-Scale Quadrangle Data Files 
07/1985 Currently available only in print
County Formatted Maps, 1:50,000 and 1:100,000 Scale 
06/1985 Currently available only in print
Preparation of New and Completely Revised 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Maps 
11/1984 Currently available only in print
Metric Contour Intervals 
07/1984 Currently available only in print
Standards Associated With Digitizing and Naming 1:100,000-Scale Quadrangle Data Files 
06/1984 Currently available only in print
Credit Note for Offshore Protraction Survey Data on 1:100,000- and 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Maps 

(1 p., 41KB, PDF)
08/1983 PDF Document
Boundaries and Special Areas Shown on Products of the National Mapping Program (NMP) 
05/1983 Currently available only in print
Placement of Name and Scale/Series Identifier on Cover Panel on Side Panel Formatted Maps 
05/1983 Currently available only in print
Digital Elevation Model (DEM) Data Acquisition from High-Altitude Photography (revised) 
07/1981 Currently available only in print
BLM Offshore Protraction Survey Data Shown on 1:100,000- and 1:250,000-Scale Quadrangle Maps 
03/1980 Currently available only in print
Standard Material Sizes, Register Punch-Hole Locations, and Graticule Placement for NMP Products 
05/1979 Currently available only in print

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Last modified: Wednesday, 29-Aug-2007 08:37:46 MDT