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About Map-a-Planet

The Map-a-Planet Web Site

The USGS Map-a-Planet web site is an online mapping tool that allows you to explore the images of the surface of a planet or satellite (moon), access information related to the area you're exploring, and order a seamless, tailor-made image map in a wide variety of image formats.

Map-a-Planet is driven by the MapMaker engine, software developed by the USGS Astrogeology Research Program to generate image maps from our image data repository. The data sets served by the site are cartographically accurate global image mosaics prepared by the USGS Astrogeology Research Program for NASA. There are numerous data sets available, covering many planets and satellites, from numerous spaced exploration missions, such as Viking, Voyager, and Clementine.

In addition to the web site tools for exploring these images, the site offers the Map-a-Planet Web Map Service, an online service for accessing image data from desktop GIS and mapping software.

Map-a-planet Development Team

Patty Garcia

Telephone: (928) 556-7246
Fax: (928) 556-7014
E-Mail: pgarcia@usgs.gov

Janet Barrett

Software Engineer Janet Barrett performs software development for the Imaging Node. Currently Janet provides database support to Imaging Node personnel involved with the Clementine and Mars Global Surveyor missions. She is also responsible for the maintenance of the MapMaker software that is used by the Map-a-Planet website to create custom-made digital image maps.

Telephone: (928)556-7103
Fax: (928)556-7090
E-Mail: jbarrett@usgs.gov

Annie Bennett

Computer Technician Annie Bennett provides general processing support for the Imaging Node. Both share the responsibilities for the production, validation, and distribution of the CD-ROM data products produced by the Node.

Telephone: (928) 556-7210
Fax: (928) 556-7014
E-Mail: abennett@usgs.gov

Chris Isbell

Chris Isbell, a cartographer, provides the Node with software and catalog development, data processing, and data archive design. He led the design and production of the Galileo/NIMS EDR data products produced on CD-RPM media. In addition, Chris installed the International Astronomical Union's gazetteer of planetary nomenclature on the Node's search and retrieval catalog. Currently, Chris is developing the Viking Orbiter Ancillary CD-ROM in support of the Node's restoration activies.

Telephone: (928) 556-7210
Fax: (928) 556-7014
E-Mail: cisbell@usgs.gov

Additional Acknowledgements

Many staff members of the USGS Astrogeology Research Program have brought their skills and talents to the Map-a-Planet site. Eric Eliason, Dave Larsen, Cedar Milazzo, and Rob Waltz originally developed the MapMaker Software. Tracie Sucharski has provided additional software development support For MapMaker. Adrienne Wasserman has provided data support for the site. Deborah Lee Soltesz, Brian Peck, and Kyle Winfree redesigned the site during 2005 and 2006, adding new functionality and tools, expanding the content, improving maintainability, and designing a more up-to-date look. Deborah also serves as the web server administrator.


The Map-a-Planet project and web site is maintained by the USGS Astrogeology Research Program. This material is based upon work supported by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Office of Space Science. The funding and support for the original development of Map-a-Planet was provided by the NASA Planetary Data System.