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Asset Management

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Transportation Asset Management Case Studies
Data Integration: The Pennsylvania Experience

Closing Thoughts

Over the past five years, PENNDOT has made significant progress toward improving both its business practices and the IT resources required to support them. Further work in these areas is vital for PENNDOT to continue to address the growing needs of an aging infrastructure system in an era of intensifying competition for limited resources.

Further Information

Gary Hoffman, PE, PLS
PENNDOT Deputy Secretary for Highway Administration

Hal Rogers, PE
PENNDOT Bureau of Design


Cambridge Systematics, Inc. High-level architecture concept. PennDOT Asset Management Concept Plan (February 2001).

PENNDOT. BMS diagram—Bearing Point, BMS Re-write Vision, PowerPoint presentation (March 2003).

———. Inventory statistics and photographs. PennPlan Moves! Pennsylvania Long Range Transportation Plan 2000-2005.

———. Bureau of Planning and Research, Geographic Information Division. VideoLog application screen shot. PENNDOT GIS Strategic Plan, Implementation Review Report, Executive Summary (December 2002).

Photography Credits

Front cover: Benjamin Franklin Bridge, Philadelphia

Inside front cover: I-76, Philadelphia

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Vicki Miller
Office of Asset Management
E-mail Vicki

This page last modified on 10/03/08

United States Department of Transportation - Federal Highway Administration