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Clean Energy: State and Local Climate and Energy Program logo.The State and Local Climate and Energy listserv brings you news of important state and local developments in cost-effective clean energy policies and technologies that can help address state and local concerns with air quality and greenhouse gases; energy prices, demand, and reliability; and economic development. We send about one listserv message per week to announce new policy developments; highlight technology advances; share information on new studies, reports, and upcoming events; and note new funding opportunities.

To Subscribe:

Send an e-mail to listserv@lserv.icfconsulting.com. In the body of the message type "subscribe state-local-clean-energy-environ (your first name) (your last name)" without quotes or parentheses (e.g., subscribe state-local-clean-energy-environ Jane Doe).

Or use mail, fax, or email to forward your name, email address, and the list name to:

Mollie Averyt, ICF Consulting
1725 Eye St, N.W.
Suite 1000
Washington, DC 20006
fax: 202-862-1144
email: Mollie Averyt (MAveryt@icfconsulting.com)

To Unsubscribe:

Send an e-mail to listserv@lserv.icfconsulting.com. In the body of the message type "unsubscribe state-local-clean-energy-environ (your first name) (your last name)" without quotes or parentheses (e.g., unsubscribe state-local-clean-energy-environ Jane Doe).

Or use mail, fax, or e-mail to forward your name, email address, and the list name to Mollie Averyt at the address above.

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