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Public Statements and Commitments in Support of the Action Plan

Public Statements & Commitments

A key component of the National Action Plan for Energy Efficiency is stakeholders committing to take action to advance the Recommendations in their spheres of influence. These web pages provide 97 public statements and commitments by 124 organizations as of August 2008, to advance energy efficiency. Those new in Year 2 and 3 are denoted as such with an asterisk. These stakeholders include utilities, state agencies, consumer advocates, large energy users, environmental groups, trade associations, and others. These web pages also include a list of updates accomplished in Year 2; additional organizations will provide updates in Year 3.

A complete listing of all companies and their public statements and commitments (PDF) (42 pp., 686K, About PDF) is also available.

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Alliance to Save Energy

In Year Two, the Alliance to Save Energy accomplished:

American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy

In Year Two, the American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy accomplished:

American Electric Power

American Gas Association

In Year Two, the American Gas Association accomplished:

American Public Power Association

In Year Two, the American Public Power Association accomplished:

Arkansas Public Service Commission

In Year Two, the Arkansas Public Service Commission accomplished:

*Arlington County, Virginia

*City of Aurora, Colorado

Austin Energy

In Year Two, Austin Energy accomplished:

Bonneville Power Administration

In Year Two, Bonneville Power Administration accomplished:

*Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA) International

California Memorandum of Understanding Signatories:

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, California Public Utilities Commission, California Energy Commission, Anaheim Public Utilities, Burbank Water & Power, Gridley Municipal Utilities, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, Natural Resources Defense Council, Northern California Power Agency, Pacific Gas & Electric Company, City of Palo Alto Utilities, Pasadena Water & Power, Sacramento Municipal Utility District, San Diego Gas & Electric Company, Southern California Edison Company, Southern California Gas Company, Silicon Valley Power, City of Shasta Lake Electric Utility

In Year Two, the California Memorandum of Understanding Signatories accomplished:

*Cascade County, Montana

Connecticut Departments of Public Utility Control, Environmental Protection, and Office of Consumer Counsel

In Year Two, the Connecticut Departments of Public Utility Control, Environmental Protection, and Office of Consumer Counsel accomplished:

*Costco Wholesale

*City of Denver, Colorado

*Delaware Public Service Commission

*Dominion Virginia Power

Dow Chemical Company

In Year Two, Dow Chemical Company accomplished:

Duke Energy

In Year Two, Duke Energy accomplished:

* New in Year 2 and 3.

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