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Regional Collaboration

Map of the North American Great Lakes - Superior, Michigan, Huron, Erie and Ontario

Federal agencies, Great Lakes Governors, Great Lakes Mayors, Great Lakes Tribes, and Members of the Great Lakes States Congressional Delegation together are convening a collaboration to restore and protect the Great Lakes ecosystem.


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EPA is hosting this information on behalf of the Great Lakes Regional Collaboration Members.

Regional Collaboration

Public Involvement

The Great Lakes Regional Collaboration (GLRC) invited and encouraged public involvement in the development of the Great Lakes Restoration and Protection Strategy to ensure that a broad range of interests were considered as the strategy was developed and implemented.

Participation in the Strategy Teams, which are charged with developing the building blocks of the Strategy, was open to all governmental, non-governmental stakeholders, and other interested group representatives.

Governmental, non-governmental stakeholders, and other interested group representatives also were welcome to attend joint meetings of the Executive Committee and the Strategy Teams, as well as Summit I and Summit II, the meetings at which the draft and final versions of the Strategy were released to the public. Meeting information was posted as it became available. In addition, upon release of the draft Strategy in July 2005, there were public meetings and a public comment period during which interested parties could provide input on the draft Strategy.

As the GLRC moves forward with implementing the Strategy, the Collaboration will continue to encourage public involvement and will work to identify additional opportunities to engage the public.





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