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Mark P. GaikowskiMark Gaikowski

Position title: Research Physiologist

Phone: 608.781.6284
Fax: 608.783.6066

1994 M.A., Biology, University of South Dakota
1991 B.S., Biology, University of South Dakota

Primary Responsibilities/Activities:
As a research physiologist in the Fisheries Management Chemical and Aquaculture Drug team, I lead a research work group to describe the efficacy, animal safety and environmental safety of aquaculture drugs that are vital to federal and state efforts to manage the nation’s fisheries. A major portion of our work supports data submissions to ensure approval by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of safe and efficacious therapeutants for use by public resource agencies and private commercial interests. Data generated by our work group are routinely collected under strict compliance to provisions of the Good Laboratory Practices Act to ensure it meets FDA’s data collection requirements. As part of our efforts to increase the availability of safe and effective aquaculture drugs, I serve as the Co-Leader of the Joint Subcommittee on Aquaculture’s National Aquaculture Drug Research Forum (NADRF). In addition to my role as NADRF Co-Leader, I also serve as technical project team co-team leader on its Environmental Effects team and am active in its Efficacy and Target Animal Safety team.

Research Interests:

Active Projects:

Select Publications:
Ronan, P.J., M.P. Gaikowski, S.J. Hamilton, K.J. Buhl, C.H. Summers.  2007.  Ammonia causes decreased brain monoamines in fathead minnows (Pimephales promelas), Brain Research, 1147: 184-191.

Gaikowski, M.P., W.J. Larson, J.J. Steuer, and W.H. Gingerich.  2004.  Validation of two dilution models to predict chloramine-T concentrations in aquaculture facility effluent. Aquaculture Engineering.  30:127-140

Gaikowski, M.P., J.C. Wolf, R.G. Endris, and W.H. Gingerich.  2003.  Safety of Aquaflor® (Florfenicol, 50% Type A Medicated Article), Administered in Feed to Channel Catfish, Ictalurus punctatus.  Toxicologic Pathology.  31:689-697

Gaikowski, M.P., J.J. Rach, M. Drobish, J. Hamilton, T. Harder, L.A. Lee, C. Moen, and A. Moore.  2003.  Efficacy of hydrogen peroxide to control mortality associated with saprolegniasis on walleye, white sucker, and paddlefish eggs.  North American Journal of Aquaculture.  65:349-355.

Gaikowski, M.P., W.H. Gingerich, and S. Gutreuter.  2001.  Short-Duration Electrical Immobilization of Lake Trout.  North American Journal of Fisheries Management.  21:381-392.

Gaikowski, M.P., S.J. Hamilton, K.J. Buhl, S.F. McDonald, and C.H. Summers.  1996.  Acute toxicity of three fire-retardant and two fire-suppressant foam formulations to the early life stages of rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss).  Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry.  15:1365-1374.

Aquaculture Drug Research and Development

Research support to the Federal-State Drug Approval Partnership Project

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Page Last Modified: October 2, 2007