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Lynn Bartsch

Lynn A. Bartsch

Position title: Research Fishery Biologist


M.S. 1991 in Biology University of Wisconsin - La Crosse
B.S. 1988 in Biology University of Wisconsin - La Crosse

Primary Responsibilities/Activities:
My research focuses on the use of molecular tracers, such as fatty acids, to determine foodweb linkages and as indicators of habitat quality;  the quantification of limiting factors that control biogeochemical cycling of nitrogen in small and large rivers; and the affect of anthropogenic nutrient enrichment on the productivity and species assemblages in large rivers. 

Research Interests:

Active Projects:

Select Publications:
Cavanaugh, J. C., W B. Richardson, E. A. Strauss, and L. A. Bartsch.  2006.  Nitrogen dynamics in sediment during water level manipulation of the Upper Mississippi River.  River Research and Applications 22:651-666.

Strauss, E.A. W.B. Richardson, J. C. Cavanaugh, L. A. Bartsch, R. M. Krieling and A. J. Standorf.  2006.  Variability and regulation of denitrification in an Upper Mississippi River backwater.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 25:596-606.

Bartsch, M. R., L. A. Bartsch, and S. Gutreuter.  2005.  Strong effects of predation by fishes on an invasive macroinvertebrate in a large floodplain river.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 24(1): 168-177.

Richardson, W. B., E.A. Strauss, L.A. Bartsch, E.M. Monroe, J.C. Cavanaugh, L. Vingum and D.M  Soballe.  2004.  Denitrification in the Upper Mississippi River: rates, controls, and contribution to the nitrate flux.  Canadian Journal Fisheries Aquatic Sciences  61:1102-1112.

Strauss, E.A., W. B. Richardson, L.A. Bartsch, J.C. Cavanaugh, D.A. Bruesewitz, H. Imker, J.A. Heinz and  D.M. Soballe.  2004.  Nitrification in the Upper Mississippi River: patterns, controls, and contribution to the NO3- budget.  Journal of the North American Benthological Society 23:1-14.

Bartsch, L. A., W. B. Richardson and M.B. Sandheinrich. 2003. Zebra mussels (Dressena Polymorpha)  limit food for larval fish (Pimephales promelas) in turbulent systems: a bioenergetic analysis.  Hydrobiologia 495:59-72.

Bartsch, L. A., W. B. Richardson and T. J. Naimo.  1998.  Sampling benthic macroinvertebrates in a large flood-plain river:  considerations of sample design, sample size, and cost.  Environmental Monitoring and Assessment.  50:425-439.

Richardson, W. B. and L. A. Bartsch.  1997. Effect of zebra mussels on food webs:  Interactions with juvenile bluegill and water residence time.  Hydrobiologia 354: 141-150.

Bartsch, L. A., R. G. Rada, and J. F. Sullivan.  1995.  Similarity of solids collected by sediment traps and automated water samplers. Hydrobiologia 323:61-66.

Managing pathways of biological production of large rivers

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