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Jason RohwederJason J. Rohweder

Position title: Spatial Applications, Biologist

Phone: 608.781.6228
Fax: 608.783.6066

1998 M.S., Resource Analysis, Saint Mary’s University of Minnesota
1995 B.S., Ecology, Winona State University

Primary Responsibilities/Activities:
I have interdisciplinary expertise in biology, geographical information systems (GIS) and application programming. My work emphasizes landscape ecology and the creation of flexible tools and models to assess species habitat. 

Research Interests:

Active Projects:

Select Publications:
Thogmartin, W. E., T. J. Fox, J. J. Rohweder, M. G. Knutson, and T. C. Will. 2006. Emerging Technologies: LINK: a land conservation decision support tool. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 87(3) [online] URL: <>

Korschgen, C. E., M. G. Knutson, T. J. Fox, L. Holland-Bartels, H. C. DeHaan, C. H. Theiling, J. J. Rohweder, K. P. Kenow, L. E. Leake, and T. Will. in press.  Natural resource assessment and decision support tools for bird conservation planning. C. John Ralph and Terrell D. Rich, editors. 2005. Bird Conservation Implementation and Integration in the Americas: Proceedings of the Third International Partners in Flight Conference 2002.  Gen. Tech Rep.  PSW-GTR-191. Albany, CA: Pacific Southwest Research Station, Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture.  Two volumes.

Rohweder, J. J., S. J. Zigler, S. N. Hulse, and T. J. Fox, 2005, Techniques and Methods Book 6, Modeling Techniques, Section C, Decision Support Systems, Chapter 1, Middle Mississippi River Decision Support System: User’s Manual: U.S. Geological Survey, Techniques and Methods 6 C-1, 53 p. + CD-ROM.

Fox, T. J., J.  J. Rohweder, K. P. Kenow, C. E. Korschgen, and H. C. DeHaan, 2003, Geographic Information System Tools for Conservation Planning: User’s Manual: U.S. Geological Survey, Biological Resources Discipline Information and Technology Report USGS/BRD/ITR-2003-0005, 4 p. + Appendixes A-B + CD-ROM.

Rohweder, J. J. The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources map, combining aerial photography and collected telemetry points, shows the distribution of Common Snapping Turtle populations in the Upper Mississippi River [map]. Scale not given.  In:  Allan Falconer and Joyce Foresman, editors A System for Survival, GIS and Sustainable Development.  Redlands, CA:  Environmental Systems Research Institute, 2002, p.17. 

DeHaan, H. C., T .J. Fox, C. E. Korschgen, C. H. Theiling, and J. J. Rohweder.  2000.  Habitat Needs Assessment GIS Query Tool for the Upper Mississippi River System:  User’s Manual.  Prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, 1222 Spruce Street, St. Louis, Missouri 63103-2833.

Theiling, C., C. Korschgen, H. De Haan, T. Fox, J. Rohweder, and L. Robinson. 2000. Habitat needs assessment for the Upper Mississippi River System: technical report. Contract Report prepared for U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, St. Louis District, St. Louis, Missouri. 248 pp.

Rohweder, J.J. 1997 Common Snapping Turtle Telemetry Points [map]. Scale not given.  In:  ESRI Map Book; Implementing Concepts of Geography, v 14, Redlands, CA:  Environmental Systems Research Institute, 1999, p.36.


Application of Wind Fetch and Wave Models for Habitat Rehabilitation and Enhancement Projects

Mark Twain National Wildlife Refuge and Illinois River National Wildlife and Fish Refuge decision support systems

Geographic Information System Tools for Conservation Planning

Development of a decision support system for John Day Reservoir

Development of a spatial decision support system in support of the contaminant assessment process at Acadia National Park

Great Lakes islands geographic information system/decision support system

Great Lakes Basin Lake Sturgeon Geographic Information System Database

Middle Mississippi River Decision Support System

Acadia National Park Nutrient Load and Estuarine Response Decision Support System

Acadia National Park Landscape Scale Conservation and Easement Planning

LINK: ArcGIS Tools for Conservation Planning

Habitat needs assessment for the Upper Mississippi River System

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