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Woods Hole Specialists Present Practical Applications of GIS

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VeeAnn Cross and Tammie Middleton of the Woods Hole Field Center (WHFC) presented a lecture to undergraduate students at Cape Cod Community College on how the USGS uses GIS (Geographic Information Systems) for research in coastal and marine environments. Course instructor Chris Crawford had invited WHFC to present information for his course entitled "Introduction to GIS." VeeAnn gave an overview of GIS technology and presented its applications in her work on the Southwest Washington Coastal Erosion project led by Guy Gelfenbaum (Menlo Park, CA). Her talk emphasized the use of real-time GIS in data collection and its integration with sidescan-sonar and seismic-reflection data to help guide selection of sediment-sample locations.

Tammie discussed her work with the Historic Area Remediation Site project, or HARS, which is headed by Brad Butman (WHFC). Tammie showed how GIS was used in the collection and integration of the various data used in the HARS study. Some of the data types mentioned were multibeam, navigation, and sediment data. Tammie also gave a short summary of other areas where the WHFC has worked with GIS.

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Cape Cod Community College
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Staff & Center News Student Employees

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Two New Employees at WHFC

University of Minnesota Visitor

Publications Special Issue of Marine Geology on USGS Monterey Bay Research

Timely Publication for Gulf of Mexico Mercury Concerns

June Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)