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USGS Conference on Communicating Science in a Virtual World

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Chris Polloni (Woods Hole, MA) with Judy Salvo (USGS Office of Communications, Reston, VA)
Chris Polloni (Woods Hole, MA) with Judy Salvo (USGS Office of Communications, Reston, VA) at the USGS conference "Communicating Science in a Virtual World."
Chris Polloni (Woods Hole, MA) attended the USGS Office of Communications 2002 annual conference on "Communicating Science in a Virtual World," held in part at the USGS eastern-region headquarters in Reston, VA. The meeting was also held simultaneously, via teleconference, at the central- and western-region headquarters in Denver, CO, and Menlo Park, CA.

The meeting was an intense experience, with 14 sessions that included cyberseminars, satellite-TV broadcasts, video, and a variety of collaborative communication and streaming media over the World Wide Web. The conference also addressed regional issues, with highlights on the Chesapeake Bay impact crater, led by Greg Gohn (Reston, VA), and on the Florida Everglades, led by Lynn Wingard (Reston, VA).

The USGS Office of Communications introduced its new structure and held discussions with eastern-region staff, headed by Michelle Barrett (Reston, VA). Participants had a tour of the fourth-floor offices of the eastern-region leadership team, with an introduction by Bonnie McGregor (USGS Eastern Regional Director). Tom Armstrong (Reston, VA) gave a thought-provoking overview of future directions in integrated science and how they might affect the USGS' communications role in the science-planning process. The meeting was interesting, challenging, and packed with good information.

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Mapping Lake Mohave

Research Delmarva Coastal Bays

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Outreach Career Options for Jr. High School Girls

Coastal Hazards Lecture

Earth Day at Lowry Park Zoo

Practical Applications of GIS

Gulf of Maine GIS Workshop for Teachers

MarineQuest 2002

Florida Caribbean Science Center Open House

Meetings CMGP Knowledge Bank

Communicating Science in a Virtual World

Continental-Shelf Territory Rights

Awards Kvenvolden Honored

Staff & Center News Student Employees

New Woods Hole Chief Scientist

Two New Employees at WHFC

University of Minnesota Visitor

Publications Special Issue of Marine Geology on USGS Monterey Bay Research

Timely Publication for Gulf of Mexico Mercury Concerns

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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)