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EMS at EPA Facilities

Environmental Stewardship
at EPA Facilities

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EPA is committed to the EMS process (PDF) (3 pp, 155K) and is establishing an Agencywide EMS to more effectively manage stewardship initiatives and environmental compliance requirements (PDF) (6 pp, 73K). At the core of the Agencywide efforts is facility-level action that supports EMSs at laboratory and office facilities across the nation.

EPA implemented EMSs at 32 sites, including:

The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) requires every federal agency to report twice a year on performance in meeting environmental stewardship requirements. The data is reported in the OMB Scorecard, a simple grading system of “Green” for success, “Yellow” for mixed results, and “Red” for unsatisfactory. OMB’s Environmental Stewardship Scorecard tracks the progress of five areas - EMS, green purchasing, sustainable design in buildings, electronics stewardship, and compliance management. Click the links below to see EPA’s progress on the OMB Environmental Stewardship Scorecard.


The National Vehicle and Fuel Emissions Laboratory (PDF) (4 pp, 158K) in Ann Arbor, Michigan, was awarded a 2007 White House Closing the Circle Honorable Mention for its facility-level EMS.

In June 2008, EPA re-issued its “Commitment to the Integration and Utilization of Environmental Management Systems (PDF),” (1 p, 85K)

EPA issued Agencywide Objectives, Targets, and Metrics (PDF) (6 pp, 73K), in support of integrated actions to foster a reduced environmental footprint.

EPA is leading the way with guidance and tools to help federal offices meet green purchasing requirements. For more information, see Promoting Green Purchasing: Tools and Resources to Quantify the Benefits of Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (PDF) (15 pp, 592K).

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