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A Manager's Toolkit for Hispanic Recruitment

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EPA Managers and Supervisors:

Today, the Hispanic population is not only the fastest growing segment of the American population, it is also the only segment that is underrepresented in the Federal workforce. The Federal government would have to nearly double the number of its Hispanic employees in order to reach the same proportion that Hispanics represent in the civilian workforce. And we have an even greater challenge here at EPA, where the proportion of Hispanic employees is lower than in the Federal government as a whole.

EPA is responding comprehensively to the challenges of Hispanic underrepresentation in the Agency's workforce. EPA has launched a National Hispanic Outreach Strategy that focuses on the areas of recruitment and employment, educational alliances, contracting, program development and delivery, and improved coalition building.

Among the Agency's early achievements in the implementation of this Strategy is this publication -- "A Manager's Toolkit for Hispanic Recruitment". The Toolkit represents a practical and comprehensive resource for Agency supervisors and other decision-makers as they strive to overcome the deficit of skilled Hispanic workers in the EPA workforce. I encourage you to take advantage of the "tools" and reference materials provided in this guide to assist you in your recruitment efforts.


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