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Reportable Quantity Adjustments for Carbamates and Carbamate- Related Hazardous Waste Streams; Reportable Quantity Adjustment for Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing Process Waste (K178)

[Federal Register: August 16, 2006 (Volume 71, Number 158)]
[Rules and Regulations]
[Page 47106-47122]
From the Federal Register Online via GPO Access [wais.access.gpo.gov]


40 CFR Parts 302 and 355
[EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010; EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0011; FRL-8210-5]
RIN 2050-AE12
Reportable Quantity Adjustments for Carbamates and Carbamate-
Related Hazardous Waste Streams; Reportable Quantity Adjustment for 
Inorganic Chemical Manufacturing Process Waste (K178)

AGENCY: Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).
ACTION: Final rule.


SUMMARY: This rule promulgates adjustments to the reportable quantities 
under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and 
Liability Act for 28 individual carbamates and five carbamate-related 
hazardous waste streams and for the inorganic chemical manufacturing 
process waste K178 from their statutory one-pound reportable 
quantities. All of the substances are listed as hazardous wastes under 
the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act, and as hazardous substances 
under the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and 
Liability Act.

DATES: This final rule is effective on September 15, 2006.

ADDRESSES: EPA has established two dockets for this action under Docket 
ID No. EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010 and EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0011. All documents 
in the dockets are listed on the http://www.regulations.gov Web site. 
Although listed in the index, some information is not publicly 
available, e.g., CBI or other information whose

[[Page 47107]]

disclosure is restricted by statute. Certain other material, such as 
copyrighted material, is not placed on the Internet and will be 
publicly available only in hard copy form. Publicly available docket 
materials are available either electronically through 
http://www.regulations.gov or in hard copy at the Superfund Docket, EPA/DC, 
EPA West, Room B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. The 
Public Reading Room is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Monday through 
Friday, excluding legal holidays. The telephone number for the Public 
Reading Room is (202) 566-1744, and the telephone number for the 
Superfund Docket is (202) 566-0270.

FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Lynn Beasley, Regulation and Policy 
Development Division, Office of Emergency Management, Office of Solid 
Waste and Emergency Response (5104A), Environmental Protection Agency, 
1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460; telephone number: 
(202) 564-1965; fax number: (202) 564-2625; e-mail address: 


A. Does This Action Apply to Me?

          Type of entity                Examples of affected entities
Industry..........................  Manufacturers, handlers,
                                     transporters, and other users of
                                     carbamates. These substances are
                                     often used as insecticides,
                                     fungicides, herbicides,
                                     accelerators in the vulcanization
                                     of rubber, or as chemical
                                     intermediates in the manufacture of
                                     drugs, pesticides, or resins. In
                                     addition, entities that may release
                                     K178 waste streams will also be
State, Local, or Tribal             State Emergency Response
 Governments.                        Commissions, and Local Emergency
                                     Planning Committees.
Federal Government................  National Response Center, and any
                                     Federal agency that may release
                                     these carbamates and waste streams.

    This table is not intended to be exhaustive, but rather provides a 
guide for readers regarding entities likely to be regulated by this 
action. This table lists the types of entities that EPA is now aware 
could potentially be regulated by this action. Other types of entities 
not listed in the table could also be regulated. To determine whether 
your facility, company, business, or organization is regulated by this 
action, you should carefully examine the changes to 40 CFR parts 302 
and 355. If you have questions regarding the applicability of this 
action to a particular entity, consult the person listed in the 

B. Outline of This Preamble

    The contents of this preamble are listed in the following outline:

I. Introduction
    A. What is the Statutory Authority for This Rulemaking?
    B. What Types of Releases Are Exempt From These Reporting Requirements?
II. Background
III. Summary of This Action
    A. What Is the Scope of This Rule?
    B. What Methodology Did EPA Use To Adjust the RQs of the 
Individual Carbamates?
    1. RQ Adjustment Methodology
    2. Final RQ Adjustments
    C. What Are the Final Adjusted RQs for the Individual Carbamates?
    D. What Methodology Did EPA Use To Assign RQs for the Carbamate-
Related Waste Streams?
    1. RQ Assignment Methodology for F- and K-Hazardous Waste Streams
    2. RQ Assignments for the Carbamate-Related Waste Streams
    a. Comment Received on the Proposed RQ Adjustment for K156 and K157
    b. Response To Comment--Application of Mixture Rule to Listed Wastes
    E. What Conforming Changes Are Made to 40 CFR Table 302.4 and 
its Appendix A?
    F. What Conforming Changes Are Made to 40 CFR Part 355?
    G. What Final RQ Is Assigned to the K178 Waste?
    1. Comment Received on the Proposed RQ Adjustment for K178
    2. Response To Comment--Application of Mixture Rule to Listed Wastes
IV. Statutory and Regulatory Reviews
    A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review
    B. Paperwork Reduction Act
    C. Regulatory Flexibility Act
    D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act
    E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism
    F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With 
Indian Tribal Governments
    G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health and Safety Risks
    H. Executive Order 13211: Energy Effects
    I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act
    J. The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq. as Added 
by the Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996)

I. Introduction

A. What Is the Statutory Authority for This Rulemaking?

    The Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and 
Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA), 42 U.S.C. 9601 et seq., as amended by 
the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986, gives the 
Federal government broad authority to respond to releases or threats of 
releases of hazardous substances from vessels and facilities. The term 
``hazardous substance'' is defined in section 101(14) of CERCLA by 
referencing various Federal environmental statutes. For example, the 
term includes ``any hazardous waste having the characteristics 
identified under or listed pursuant to section 3001 of the Solid Waste 
Disposal Act * * *,'' also known as the Resource Conservation and 
Recovery Act (RCRA).
    Section 102(b) of CERCLA establishes reportable quantities (RQs) of 
one pound (``statutory RQs'') for releases of most CERCLA hazardous 
substances. Under section 102(a) of CERCLA, the Administrator of EPA 
has the authority to adjust these RQs by regulation (``adjusted RQs'').
    Under CERCLA section 103(a), the person in charge of a vessel or 
facility from which a CERCLA hazardous substance is released in a 
quantity that equals or exceeds its RQ must immediately notify the 
National Response Center (NRC) of that release. A release is reportable 
if an RQ or more of the hazardous substance is released within a 24-
hour period. (See 40 CFR 302.6.) This reporting requirement serves as a 
trigger for informing the government of a release so that Federal 
personnel can evaluate the need for a Federal removal or remedial 
action and undertake any necessary action in a timely fashion.
    In addition to the reporting requirements under CERCLA section 103, 
section 304 of the Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act 
of 1986 (EPCRA), 42 U.S.C. 11001 et seq., requires owners or operators 
of certain facilities to report releases of extremely hazardous 
substances (EHSs) and CERCLA hazardous substances to State and local 
authorities. (See 40 CFR 355.40.) Thus, after the release of an EHS or 
a hazardous substance in a quantity equal to or greater than its RQ, 
facility owners or operators must immediately notify the community 
emergency coordinator for each local emergency planning

[[Page 47108]]

committee for any area likely to be affected by the release, and the 
State emergency response commission of any State likely to be affected 
by the release.

B. What Types of Releases Are Exempt From These Reporting Requirements?

    To determine whether you must report the release of a carbamate 
that equals or exceeds its RQ, you should note that section 103(e) of 
CERCLA exempts from the notification provisions of CERCLA section 
103(a): ``* * * the application of a pesticide product registered under 
the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act or * * * the 
handling and storage of such a pesticide product by an agricultural 
producer.'' The legislative history of CERCLA suggests that Congress 
intended this exemption to apply to the application of a pesticide 
generally in accordance with the pesticide's purpose.
    If a release of a CERCLA hazardous substance meets the criteria 
under CERCLA section 103(e) for an exemption from reporting to the NRC, 
the same release is also exempt from the notification requirements to 
State and local authorities under EPCRA section 304. For this final 
rule, therefore, the use of carbamates as pesticides in accordance with 
its use and purpose is not subject to the reporting requirements under 
CERCLA section 103(e) and EPCRA section 304.
    As stipulated by EPA in an earlier final rule (50 FR 13464, Apr. 4, 
1985), we do not consider the spill of a pesticide to be an application 
of the pesticide, nor do we consider a pesticide spill to be in 
accordance with the pesticide's purpose. Consequently, spills of a 
carbamate pesticide that equal or exceed an RQ must be reported to the 
NRC under CERCLA section 103 and to the appropriate State and local 
authorities under EPCRA section 304.

II. Background

    In this final rule, EPA adjusts the statutory one-pound RQs for 28 
individual carbamates and five carbamate-related waste streams. The 
adjustments to these statutory one-pound RQs were proposed in December 
2003. (See 68 FR 67916, Dec. 4, 2003.) This final rule includes RQ 
adjustments not only for individual carbamates, but also for 
thiocarbamates, dithiocarbamates, carbamoyl oximes, and several other 
individual substances that are closely related to carbamate production 
and/or waste generation. The preamble to this final rule refers to all 
28 individual substances for which the RQ adjustments are made as 
``carbamates,'' and to the five waste streams as ``carbamate-related'' 
waste streams. In addition, EPA is adjusting the statutory one-pound RQ 
of another hazardous waste stream, K178, which is unrelated to the 
carbamates addressed in this rule (see Section III.G of this preamble 
for information regarding K178). A summary of the developments leading 
up to this final rule as it relates to the carbamate-related substances 
is provided below.
    On November 8, 1984, Congress amended RCRA by enacting the 
Hazardous and Solid Waste Amendments of 1984 (HSWA), 42 U.S.C. 6901 et 
seq. In one provision of HSWA--a newly added RCRA section 3001(e)(2)--
Congress directed EPA to determine whether several wastes, including 
wastes generated from the production of carbamates, should be listed as 
RCRA hazardous wastes. Carbamates are widely used as active ingredients 
in pesticides, herbicides, insecticides, and fungicides, and in the 
production of synthetic rubber. Before Congress enacted HSWA in 1984, 
EPA already had regulated several carbamate substances under RCRA, 
CERCLA, and other statutes.
    Based on our evaluation of the carbamate production wastes, we 
published a proposal to list 80 carbamate-related substances as RCRA 
hazardous wastes and as CERCLA hazardous substances. (See 59 FR 9808, 
Mar. 1, 1994.) The 80 substances included: (1) 70 individual 
carbamates; (2) six carbamate-related waste streams; and (3) four 
generic groups of carbamate products or captive intermediates with 
limited toxicity data.\1\ On February 9, 1995, we finalized the listing 
of 64 of the 80 substances as RCRA hazardous wastes and CERCLA 
hazardous substances, deferring action on 12 individual substances and 
the four generic groups of carbamate products or captive intermediates 
with limited toxicity data included in the March 1994 proposed rule. 
(See 60 FR 7824, Feb. 9, 1995.) EPA listed a total of 58 individual 
carbamates and six carbamate-related hazardous waste streams as RCRA 
hazardous wastes and CERCLA hazardous substances in the February 1995 
final rule.\2\ Corrections to minor errors in the February 1995 final 
rule were later published. (See 60 FR 19165, Apr. 17, 1995 and 60 FR 
25619, May 12, 1995.) We also modified our interpretation of the rule 
as it affected listings for K156 and K157 hazardous wastes. (See 60 FR 
41817, Aug. 14, 1995.)

    \1\ These chemicals with limited toxicity data were divided into 
structure-toxicity groups (esterase (cholinesterase) inhibiting, 
other non-cancer toxicity, potentially carcinogenic, and toxic metal 
(metallocarbamates)). (See 59 FR 9840, Mar. 1, 1994.)
    \2\ Independent of the March 1994 proposed and February 1995 
final rules, EPA added and adjusted the RQs for six individual 
carbamates to 40 CFR table 302.4--List of Hazardous Substances and 
Reportable Quantities, due to their listing under the Clean Air Act, 
Clean Water Act, or both. The six substances and their Chemical 
Abstracts Service Registry Numbers (CASRNs) are: carbaryl (CASRN 63-
25-2); carbofuran (CASRN 1563-66-2); mercaptodimethur (CASRN 2032-
65-7); mexacarbate (CASRN 315-18-4); triethylamine (CASRN 121-44-8); 
and propoxur (CASRN 114-26-1). We adjusted the RQ for the first five 
of these six substances in a final rule (50 FR 13456, Apr. 4, 1985) 
and later adjusted the RQ for the last substance, propoxur, in 
another final rule (60 FR 30926, Jun. 12, 1995).

    On November 1, 1996, the Court of Appeals (D.C. Circuit) ruled that 
EPA failed to follow proper rulemaking procedures in making some of the 
carbamate listing determinations in the February 1995 rule. 
Dithiocarbamate Task Force v. EPA, 98 F.3d 1394 (D.C. Cir. 1996). The 
court vacated the RCRA hazardous waste and CERCLA hazardous substance 
listings for 24 \3\ of the 58 individual carbamates and one of the six 
carbamate-related waste streams (K160) included in that rule. The court 
also vacated three other carbamate-related waste streams (K156, K157, 
and K158) to the extent that they applied to the chemical 3-iodo-2-
propynyl n-butylcarbamate. Under the court decision, the vacated carbamate 
listings are to be treated as though they had never been in effect.

    \3\ The 24 vacated listings and their Chemical Abstracts Service 
Registry Numbers (CASRNs) and Hazardous Waste No. 
(U###) were: Bis(pentamethylene)thiuram 
tetrasulfide (120-54-7), (U400); Copper, 
bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-(137-29-1), (U393); Dazomet (533-
74-44), (U366); Disulfiram (97-77-8), (U403); Iron, 
tris(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-(14484-64-1), (U396); Metam 
Sodium (137-42-8), (U384); Selenium, 
tetrakis(dimethyldithiocarbamate) (144-34-3), (U376); 
Carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl, potassium salt (128-03-0), (U383); 
Carbamodithioic acid, (hydroxymethyl)methyl-, monopotassium salt 
(51026-28-9), (U378); Carbamodithioic acid, methyl-, monopotassium 
salt (137-41-7), (U377); Carbamodithioic acid, dibutyl, sodium salt 
(136-30-1), (U379); Carbamodithioic acid, diethyl-, sodium salt 
(148-18-5), (U381); Carbamodithioic acid, dimethyl-, sodium salt 
(128-04-1), (U382); Carbamodithioic acid, diethyl-, 2-chloro-2-
propenyl ester (95-06-7), (U277); Tetrabutylthiuram disulfide (1634-
02-2), (U402); Bis(dimethylthiocarbamoyl) sulfide (97-74-5), (U401); 
Ethyl Ziram (14324-55-1), (U407); Butylate (2008-41-5), (U392); 
Cycloate (1134-23-2), (U386); EPTC (759-94-4), (U390); Molinate 
(2212-67-1), (U365); Pebulate (1114-71-2), (U391); Carbamothioic 
acid, dipropyl-, S-propyl ester (1929-77-7), (U385); and Carbamic 
acid, butyl-, 3-iodo-2-propynyl ester (55406-53-6), (U375).

    To clarify the status of the vacated listings for the regulated 
community and the public, EPA amended the lists of RCRA hazardous 
wastes (40 CFR part 261) and CERCLA hazardous substances (40 CFR part 
302) to remove the entries

[[Page 47109]]

for the 24 individual carbamates and one carbamate-related waste stream 
(K160) that were vacated by the court, and revised the entries for 
K156, K157, and K158 to indicate that they do not apply to 3-iodo-2-
propynyl n-butylcarbamate (62 FR 32974, Jun. 17, 1997). The court's 
ruling did not change the February 1995 listing of the 34 remaining 
individual carbamates as RCRA hazardous wastes, which includes the six 
carbamates that were listed as hazardous substances due to their 
listing under the Clean Air Act, Clean Water Act, or both. Those 
listings remain in effect.
    Upon the effective date of the February 1995, final rule, the 28 
\4\ remaining individual carbamates and the five carbamate-related 
hazardous waste streams became hazardous substances under CERCLA 
section 101(14)(C) and received one-pound statutory RQs. This final 
rule adjusts the RQs for these 28 individual substances and five waste 
streams (proposed for adjustment in December 2003) based on criteria 
that relate to the possibility of harm from the release of each 
hazardous substance into the environment. EPA is revising the 40 CFR 
table 302.4--List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities to 
reflect these changes and other conforming changes.

    \4\ Note: Six of the 34 individual carbamates already have their 
final adjusted RQs, see FN 2, above.

              Diagrams Showing Evolution of This Final Rule

     Diagram 1.--Listing RCRA Hazardous Wastes and CERCLA Hazardous
                       March 1, 1994 Proposed Rule
                               59 FR 9808
                     80 Carbamate-Related Substances
          RCRA Hazardous Wastes and CERCLA Hazardous Substances
70 Individual Carbamates          6 Carbamate-        4 Generic Groups.
 (Includes 6 individual            Related Waste
 carbamates with CERCLA RQs        Streams.
 adjusted previously under 50 FR
 13456 and 60 FR 30926).
                       February 9, 1995 Final Rule
                               60 FR 7824
                     64 Carbamate-Related Substances
          RCRA Hazardous Wastes and CERCLA Hazardous Substances
  This completes the RCRA Hazardous Waste Listing for these substances
58 Individual Carbamates (Action  6 Carbamate-        0 Generic Groups
 deferred on 12 Individual         Related Waste       (Action deferred
 Carbamates).                      Streams.            on 4 generic

         Diagram 2.--November 1, 1996 Court of Appeals Decision
     Dithiocarbamate Task Force v. EPA 98 F.3d 1394 (D.C.Cir. 1996)
58 Individual Carbamates (Court vacated  6 Carbamate Related Waste
 24 individual carbamates).               Streams (Court vacated 1 waste
                                          stream, partially vacated 3
                        June 17, 1997 Final Rule
                               62 FR 32974
  Amended February 9, 1995 Final Rule to Conform with Court of Appeals
34 Individual Carbamates (Includes 6     5 Carbamate-Related Waste
 individual carbamates with CERCLA RQs    Streams.
 adjusted previously under 50 FR 13456
 and 60 FR 30926).

       Diagram 3.--RQ Adjustment for CERCLA Hazardous Substances
                     December 4, 2003 Proposed Rule
                               68 FR 67916
28 Individual Carbamates (34 individual  5 Carbamate-Related Waste
 carbamates less the 6 individual         Streams.
 carbamates with RQ adjustments under
 50 FR 13456 and 60 FR 30926).
                               FINAL RULE
     FINAL CERCLA RQ Adjustments for 28 Individual Carbamates and 5
                     Carbamate-Related Waste Streams

    Eleven of the individual substances with RQ adjustments in this 
final rule are also EPCRA section 302 EHSs. For the names of these 11 
substances, see the revisions to Appendices A and B of 40 CFR part 355, 
included at the end of this final rule. In 1989, we proposed to adjust 
the RQs for all the EPCRA EHSs.\5\ (See 54 FR 35988, Aug. 30, 1989.) 
Except for the 11 substances included in this rule, we finalized 
adjustments to the RQs for all the EHSs at 61 FR 20473, May 7, 1996. 
The adjusted RQs for these 11 substances are now finalized by this action.

    \5\ We used the data from this August 30, 1989, proposed 
rulemaking, as well as more recent data, to support the RQ 
adjustments proposed for these 11 substances in this rule.

III. Summary of This Action

A. What Is The Scope of This Rule?

    In this final rule, we are adjusting the one-pound statutory RQs for 28

[[Page 47110]]

individual carbamates (one of which is adjusted to a final RQ of one-
pound) and five carbamate-related waste streams. In addition, EPA is 
adjusting the one-pound statutory RQ of another hazardous waste stream, 
K178, which is unrelated to the carbamates addressed in this rule (see 
Section III.G. of this preamble for information regarding K178). We 
based these adjustments on specific scientific and technical criteria 
that relate to the possibility of harm from the release of a CERCLA 
hazardous substance in certain amounts. RQs are based, in part, on a 
determination of possible or potential harm, but they are not a 
determination that releases of a particular amount of a hazardous 
substance necessarily will harm the public health, welfare, or the 
environment. The quantity released is just one factor that the Federal 
government considers when it assesses the need to respond to such a 
release. Other factors include, but are not limited to, the location of 
the release, its proximity to drinking water supplies or other valuable 
resources, and the likelihood of exposure or injury to nearby 
populations. The RQ adjustments that EPA is finalizing in this final 
rule will enable us to focus our resources on those releases that are 
most likely to pose potential threats to public health, welfare, or the 
environment. These RQ adjustments will also help to relieve the 
regulated community and emergency response personnel from the burden of 
making and receiving reports of releases that are unlikely to pose such 

B. What Methodology Did EPA Use To Adjust the RQs of the Individual 

    EPA has wide discretion to adjust the statutory RQs for hazardous 
substances under CERCLA. Administrative feasibility and practicality 
are important considerations.
1. RQ Adjustment Methodology
    The methodology for adjusting the RQ of an individual hazardous 
substance begins with an evaluation of its intrinsic physical, 
chemical, and toxicological properties. These intrinsic properties--
called ``primary criteria''--are aquatic toxicity, mammalian toxicity 
(oral, dermal, and inhalation), ignitability, reactivity, chronic 
toxicity, and potential carcinogenicity.\6\ When there are sufficient 
data in the scientific literature on the chronic toxicity and/or 
potential carcinogenicity (two of the six primary criteria) of a 
hazardous substance, we evaluate and summarize these data in a 
chemical-specific profile.

    \6\ For further information on assigning adjusted RQs to 
hazardous substances under the primary criteria, see the Technical 
Background Document to Support Rulemaking Pursuant to CERCLA Section 
102, Volume 2, August 1986 (for chronic toxicity), Volume 3, July 
1989 (for potential carcinogenicity), and Volume 1, March 1985 (for 
the four other primary criteria), available for inspection at the 
Superfund Docket in the EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, Room 
B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. These documents 
are not available electronically; contact the Superfund Docket and 
reference, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010-0043,'' ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-
0010-0044,'' and ``EPA-HQ6-SFUND-2002-0010-0042,'' respectively.

    For each intrinsic property, EPA ranks the hazardous substance on a 
five-tier scale, associating a specific range of values on each scale 
with an RQ value of 1, 10, 100, 1,000, or 5,000 pounds. Each hazardous 
substance may receive several tentative RQ values based on the primary 
criteria. The lowest of the tentative RQs becomes the ``primary 
criteria RQ'' for that substance.
    After assigning the primary criteria RQs, EPA evaluates the 
substances for their susceptibility to certain degradative processes. 
These natural degradative processes, which we use as ``secondary RQ 
adjustment criteria,'' are biodegradation, hydrolysis, and photolysis 
(BHP). If a hazardous substance, when released into the environment, 
degrades relatively rapidly to a less hazardous form by one or more of 
the BHP processes, we generally increase its RQ (as determined by the 
primary RQ adjustment criteria) by one level.\7\ Conversely, if a 
hazardous substance degrades to a more hazardous product after its 
release, we assign an RQ equal to the RQ for the more hazardous 
substance, which may be one or more levels lower than the RQ for the 
original substance.

    \7\ We do not raise an RQ level based on BHP if the primary 
criterion RQ is already at its highest possible level (100 pounds 
for potential carcinogens and 5,000 pounds for all other types of 
hazardous substances). The secondary adjustment criteria of BHP are 
not applied to radionuclides.

2. Final RQ Adjustments
    Following an extensive review of available scientific literature on 
the 28 individual carbamates adjusted in this final rule, we found that 
chronic toxicity profiles were warranted for nine of the 28 carbamates, 
and that potential carcinogenicity profiles were warranted for six of 
the 28 carbamates. EPA sought comment on those 15 draft chemical-
specific profiles in its December 2003, proposed rule. The Agency 
received no comment on any of the 15 draft chemical-specific profiles. 
RQs for several of the substances included in this rule are based, at 
least in part, on the conclusions drawn in those profiles.
    Three carbamates--bendiocarb, benomyl, and thiophanate-methyl--had 
BHP data that were a sufficient basis for adjusting the primary 
criteria RQs for these substances. Although several other carbamates 
(e.g., propham) had BHP data that suggest rapid degradation, the 
evidence for most of these substances was not conclusive. Therefore, no 
adjustment to the RQs for the other 25 carbamates was proposed on the 
basis of BHP.\8\ EPA sought additional degradation data (e.g., data on 
BOD5 values and on half lives) for these 28 individual substances; \9\ 
however, no additional data were submitted in response to this request 
for comment.

    \8\ To review a summary of the BHP data on the 28 carbamates 
included in this rule, see Exhibit 4-3 of the Technical Background 
Document to Support Rulemaking Pursuant to CERCLA Section 102, 
Volume 8, available for inspection at the Superfund Docket in the 
EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, Room B102, 1301 Constitution 
Ave., NW., Washington, DC. This document is not available 
electronically; contact the Superfund Docket and reference, ``EPA-
    \9\ One or more of the following criteria should be met for a 
hazardous substance to qualify for further RQ adjustment based on 
BHP: (1) Biodegradation: the substance must have a five-day 
biochemical oxygen demand (BOD5) that equals or exceeds 50 percent 
of the theoretical oxygen demand as calculated based on 
stoichiometric oxidation; and (2) Hydrolysis/Photolysis: the half-
life of the substance in the environment must be five days or less. 
For further information on the methodology for applying BHP, see the 
Technical Background Document to Support Rulemaking Pursuant to 
CERCLA Section 102, Volume 1, March 1985, available for inspection 
at the Superfund Docket in the EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, 
Room B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. This 
document is not available electronically; contact the Superfund 
Docket and reference, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010-0042.''

    EPA could not locate acceptable data on any of the primary or 
secondary criteria for three of the 28 individual carbamates in this 
proposed rule (see Table 1). In the past, when the statutory RQs of 
such data-poor hazardous substances were adjusted, we used data from 
chemically similar, surrogate substances.\10\ Keeping with that 
practice, we conducted an analysis of other carbamates to identify 
potential surrogate substances for the three data-poor hazardous 

    \10\ We used surrogate substances for the carbamates with 
primary criteria data that are chemically similar, based primarily 
on structural analogy, to the data-poor substances. For further 
information and examples of EPA's use of surrogate data to adjust 
RQs of hazardous substances, see Section 2 of the Technical 
Background Document to Support Rulemaking Pursuant to CERCLA Section 
102, Volume 8, available for inspection at the Superfund Docket in 
the EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, Room B102, 1301 
Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. This document is not 
available electronically; contact the Superfund Docket and 
reference, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010-0048.''

    Table 1 lists the chemically similar carbamates EPA used as 
surrogates, and

[[Page 47111]]

the RQs that we proposed and now assign to each data-poor substance 
based on its chemically similar surrogate.\11\ We requested primary and 
secondary criteria data on these three data-poor substances and 
solicited comment in the December 2003 proposal, as well as the choice 
of surrogate substances used to adjust the RQs for these three 
carbamates; however, we received no data or comment on these three 
data-poor substances or choice of surrogate substances.

    \11\ These three data-poor carbamates also are included in the 
list of 28 individual carbamates that appear in Table 2. For further 
information on the three data-poor carbamates and the chemically-
similar, surrogate substances that EPA has identified, see Section 3 
of the Technical Background Document to Support Rulemaking Pursuant 
to CERCLA Section 102, Volume 8, available for inspection at the 
Superfund Docket in the EPA Docket Center, (EPA/DC) EPA West, Room 
B102, 1301 Constitution Ave., NW., Washington, DC. This document is 
not available electronically; contact the Superfund Docket and 
reference, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010-0048.''

               Table 1.--RQs for the Data-Poor Carbamates
        Data-poor carbamate                 Surrogate           (pounds)
Bendiocarb phenol.................  Bendiocarb...............       1000
Carbofuran phenol.................  Carbofuran...............         10
Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate.  Ziram....................         10

    Note that in Table 2 below, we proposed, and now assign as 
proposed, different RQs for the data-poor carbamate/surrogate pair of 
Bendiocarb phenol (data-poor carbamate) and Bendiocarb (its surrogate) 
as shown in Table 1, above. In Table 2, EPA applied the secondary 
criteria of BHP to adjust the RQ for bendiocarb to 100 pounds. Due to 
structural differences between the two substances, it was not 
appropriate to apply the BHP data for bendiocarb to bendiocarb phenol. 
Therefore, the final adjusted RQ for bendiocarb phenol is 1000 pounds. 
(see Tables 1 and 2).

C. What Are the Final Adjusted RQs for the Individual Carbamates?

    Table 2 lists the chemical names, CASRNs, and final adjusted RQs 
for the 28 individual carbamates included in this final rule. The final 
adjusted RQs for 27 of the 28 individual carbamates were raised from 
their statutory one-pound levels; one of the 28 individual carbamates 
``Dimetilan'' was adjusted to a final RQ of one-pound.

        Table 2.--Final Adjusted RQs for 28 Individual Carbamates
                                                          Final adjusted
              Chemical name                    CASRN       RQ  (pounds)
A2213...................................      30558-43-1            5000
Aldicarb sulfone........................       1646-88-4             100
Barban..................................        101-27-9              10
Bendiocarb..............................      22781-23-3             100
Bendiocarb phenol.......................      22961-82-6            1000
Benomyl.................................      17804-35-2              10
Carbendazim.............................      10605-21-7              10
Carbofuran phenol.......................       1563-38-8              10
Carbosulfan.............................      55285-14-8            1000
m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate...............         64-00-6              10
Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate..........       5952-26-1            5000
Dimetilan...............................        644-64-4               1
Formetanate hydrochloride...............      23422-53-9             100
Formparanate............................      17702-57-7             100
Isolan..................................        119-38-0             100
Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate.......      15339-36-3              10
Metolcarb...............................       1129-41-5            1000
Oxamyl..................................      23135-22-0             100
Physostigmine salicylate................         57-64-7             100
Physostigmine...........................         57-47-6             100
Promecarb...............................       2631-37-0            1000
Propham.................................        122-42-9            1000
Prosulfocarb............................      52888-80-9            5000
Thiodicarb..............................      59669-26-0             100
Thiophanate-methyl......................      23564-05-8              10
Tirpate.................................      26419-73-8             100
Triallate...............................       2303-17-5             100
Ziram...................................        137-30-4              10

[[Page 47112]]

D. What Methodology Did EPA Use To Assign RQs for the Carbamate-Related 
Waste Streams?

    In addition to the 28 individual carbamate hazardous substances, we 
also proposed and now assign RQs for the five carbamate-related RCRA 
hazardous waste streams (K156, K157, K158, K159, and K161). As 
described below, the methodology used to assign RQs to the RCRA F- and 
K-hazardous waste streams differs from the standard methodology used to 
adjust individual hazardous substances described in Section III.B.1, 
1. RQ Assignment Methodology for F- and K-Hazardous Waste Streams
    The methodology to assign RQs to RCRA F- and K-hazardous waste 
streams is based on an analysis of the hazardous constituents of the 
waste streams. Specifically, EPA identifies the constituents of concern 
in each RCRA hazardous waste stream in 40 CFR part 261, Appendix VII. 
We then determine the RQ for each constituent within that waste stream 
and assign the lowest RQ value of the constituents as the RQ for the 
waste stream. We also used this same methodology to adjust the RQ for 
K178 (see Section III.G. for more information).
2. RQ Assignments for the Carbamate-Related Waste Streams
    In the February 1995 final rule, five carbamate-related waste 
streams were assigned the statutory one-pound RQ required by CERCLA 
section 102(b). (See 60 FR 7824, Feb. 9, 1995.) In the December 2003 
proposed rule, EPA used its standard methodology for assigning RQs for 
RCRA waste streams and assigned a one-pound final RQ for waste stream 
K161 and 10-pound final RQs for the remaining four carbamate-related 
waste streams (K156, K157, K158, and K159). The assigned RQs are based 
on the constituent(s) with the lowest RQ within each of the waste 
streams. This rule assigns the final RQs to each of the five carbamate-
related hazardous waste streams as proposed. Table 3 lists the 
constituents and constituent RQs of each of the five carbamate-related 
hazardous waste streams.

     Table 3.--Constituents of Five Carbamate-Related Waste Streams
            Carbamate waste stream  constituents               (pounds)
K156.......................................................           10
  benomyl..................................................           10
  carbaryl.................................................          100
  carbendazim..............................................           10
  carbofuran...............................................           10
  carbosulfan..............................................         1000
  formaldehyde.............................................          100
  methylene chloride.......................................         1000
  triethylamine............................................         5000
K157.......................................................           10
  carbon tetrachloride.....................................           10
  formaldehyde.............................................          100
  methyl chloride..........................................          100
  methylene chloride.......................................         1000
  pyridine.................................................         1000
  triethylamine............................................         5000
K158.......................................................           10
  benomyl..................................................           10
  carbendazim..............................................           10
  carbofuran...............................................           10
  carbosulfan..............................................         1000
  chloroform...............................................           10
  methylene chloride.......................................         1000
K159.......................................................           10
  benzene..................................................           10
  butylate.................................................          100
  EPTC.....................................................         1000
  molinate.................................................           10
  pebulate.................................................          100
  vernolate................................................          100
K161.......................................................            1
  antimony.................................................         5000
  arsenic..................................................            1
  metam sodium.............................................           10
  ziram....................................................           10

a. Comment Received on the Proposed RQ Adjustment for K156 and K157
    In response to the proposed rule, 68 FR 67916, Dec. 4, 2003, EPA 
received one comment \12\ regarding the 10-pound RQ assigned to K156 
and K157. The commenter represents a manufacturer of carbamate products 
and is familiar with EPA's 1994 RCRA carbamate rulemaking process. The 
commenter would like to see higher RQs assigned for the K156 and K157 
process wastes, although he acknowledges the Agency's policies in 
assigning RQs for waste streams.

    \12\ You can view the full comment (e-mail) by going to: 
http://www.regulations.gov, clicking on ``Advanced Search'' in the bar at 
the top of the page, then ``Document Search.'' Search for the 
document, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010-0115.''

    The commenter also requested that, ``EPA provide clear guidance and 
examples of how the CERCLA RQ mixture rule applies to reporting 
scenarios where the waste is K156 or K157, but contains none of the 
above constituents, or contains one or more of these constituents at 
known concentrations.''
b. Response To Comment--Application of Mixture Rule to Listed Wastes
    Since the commenter did not provide any information to support a 
higher RQ for EPA Hazardous Waste Nos. K156 and K157, we are 
maintaining the 10 pound RQ for these two hazardous substances. With 
respect to the mixture rule, 40 CFR 302.6(b)(1) provides notification 
requirements where the quantity of all of the hazardous constituents of 
the mixture or solution is known and where the quantity of one or more 
of the hazardous constituent(s) of the mixture or solution is unknown.

    Note: The Agency has issued guidance on applying the mixture 
rule for reporting purposes (EPA publication, ``Questions and 
Answers on Release Notification Requirements and Reportable Quantity 
Adjustments,'' specifically questions 37-40 and Exhibit 1--Mixture 
Rule Scenarios.) \13\

    \13\ You can view this publication by going to: 
http://www.regulations.gov, clicking on ``Advanced Search'' in the bar at 
the top of the page, then ``Document Search.'' Search for the 
document, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0010-0115.''

    Application of the mixture rule may be most useful when the 
concentration levels of all the hazardous constituents in a particular 
carbamate waste stream are known and when an RQ or more of any 
hazardous constituent is released. For the carbamate waste streams 
addressed in this rule, appropriate use of the mixture rule may help 
reduce the burden of notification requirements for the regulated 
community, while adequately protecting public health and welfare and 
the environment.

E. What Conforming Changes Are Made to 40 CFR Table 302.4 and Its 
Appendix A?

    EPA is modifying the entries in 40 CFR table 302.4--List of 
Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities, for the carbamates 
added by the February 1995, final rule. Specifically, we are revising 
the entries for the chemical names of the carbamates in the ``Hazardous 
substance'' column of table 302.4 to reflect the chemical names for 
these substances as they appear in the RCRA tables of hazardous wastes 
at 40 CFR 261.33(e) and (f).
    For example, the February 1995, final rule lists two names for each 
individual carbamate in table 302.4--a chemical name and a synonym in 
parenthesis. However, whereas that final rule alphabetically lists 
these two names as separate entries in the RCRA tables of hazardous 
wastes in 40 CFR 261.33, it only adds one entry for each carbamate to 
the list of hazardous substances.
    Because each of the 28 individual carbamates included in this final 

[[Page 47113]]

has at least two separate entries in the RCRA tables of hazardous 
wastes, we are listing each of them as separate entries in table 302.4. 
To effectuate this change, this rule removes the previously listed 
names for these hazardous substances and adds the chemical names and 
synonyms as separate entries in table 302.4. We believe that these 
changes to table 302.4 will improve consistency between the chemical 
lists under RCRA and CERCLA and help to make carbamate synonyms easier 
to find in the tables.
    We have also made these conforming changes to entries in Appendix A 
to table 302.4 for the 28 carbamates added to table 302.4, by the 
February 1995, final rule.

F. What Conforming Changes Are Made to 40 CFR part 355?

    Appendices A and B of 40 CFR part 355 list EHSs and their threshold 
planning quantities (TPQs) under EPCRA and their CERCLA RQs, where 
applicable. Eleven of the individual carbamates with RQs adjusted by 
this final rule are also EHSs and CERCLA hazardous substances. In this 
final rule, EPA is revising Appendices A and B of 40 CFR part 355 to 
include those adjusted RQs. You can see the revisions to Appendices A 
and B at the end of this final rule for the names of the individual 

G. What Final RQ Is Assigned to the K178 Waste?

    Section III.D.1 above describes the Agency's standard methodology 
for assigning RQs for RCRA F- and K-hazardous waste streams, a process 
that is based on an analysis of the hazardous constituents of each 
waste identified in 40 CFR part 261, Appendix VII. We determine an RQ 
for each constituent and establish the lowest RQ value of all of the 
constituents as the assigned RQ for the hazardous waste stream. When 
there are hazardous constituents identified in the waste stream that 
are not individual CERCLA hazardous substances, EPA develops an RQ for 
those constituents in order to assign an appropriate RQ to the waste 
stream. (See 48 FR 23552, May 25, 1983.) In other words, we derive the 
RQ for a RCRA hazardous waste stream based on the lowest RQ of all of 
the hazardous constituents identified for that waste in Appendix VII of 
40 CFR Part 261, regardless of whether all of the constituents are 
CERCLA hazardous substances.
    In September 2000, EPA published a proposed rule to list three 
waste streams from the inorganic chemical manufacturing industry as 
RCRA hazardous wastes in 40 CFR 261.32 and as CERCLA hazardous 
substances in 40 CFR 302.4. (See 65 FR 55684, Sept. 14, 2000.) In that 
rule, we proposed to adjust the statutory one-pound RQ for two of the 
three waste streams, K176 and K177. Waste stream K178 contained two 
hazardous constituents: thallium, which is a CERCLA hazardous substance 
with a 1,000-pound RQ, and manganese, which is not a CERCLA hazardous 
substance identified in 40 CFR 302.4 and does not have an RQ. Because 
EPA did not develop an RQ for manganese in time for the September 2000, 
proposed rule, we did not propose to adjust the statutory one-pound RQ 
for K178 in that rule.
    Numerous commenters to the September 2000, proposed rule objected 
to using manganese as a basis for listing K178 as a hazardous waste, 
citing potential adverse impacts to many industries. Although EPA 
believed that manganese poses significant issues that ultimately should 
be resolved, the court-ordered schedule for the hazardous waste 
listings provided no flexibility to address those issues fully before 
finalizing the listings. For that reason, in the November 2001, final 
rule, EPA deferred final action on adding manganese to Appendix VII of 
40 CFR part 261 as a basis for listing K178 as a hazardous waste. (See 
66 FR 58258, Nov. 20, 2001.) The final hazardous waste listing for K178 
was based solely on thallium.\14\ As a result, we proposed an RQ of 
1,000 pounds for the K178 waste stream, which is based on the 
constituent RQ for thallium. This rule assigns the final RQ for the 
K178 waste stream as proposed.

    \14\ Note that EPA also modified the listing description in the 
November 2001 final rule to read, ``Residues from manufacturing and 
manufacturing-site storage of ferric chloride from acids formed 
during the production of titanium dioxide using the chloride-
ilmenite process.''

a. Comment Received on the Proposed RQ Adjustment for K178
    In response to the proposed rule published in December 2003, EPA 
received one comment\15\ regarding the 1,000-pound RQ assigned to K178. 
The commenter represents a production facility directly affected by the 
K178 listing. The commenter expresses support for the 1,000 pound RQ 
assigned to the K178 listed hazardous waste and believes that the basis 
for the adjustment (RQ for thallium) is sound for use in the 
establishment of the 1,000-pound RQ. Because the individual containers 
of K178 hazardous wastes used for accumulation and transportation to an 
off-site RCRA hazardous waste treatment facility will contain more than 
1,000 pounds, the commenter also requests that EPA discuss, ``the 
proper application, with examples, of the CERCLA RQ mixture rule to 
listed wastes such as K178.''

    \15\ You can view the full comment (email) by going to: 
http://www.regulations.gov, clicking on ``Advanced Search'' in the bar at 
the top of the page, then ``Document Search.'' Search for the 
document, ``EPA-HQ-SFUND-2002-0011-0018.''

b. Response to Comment--Application of Mixture Rule to Listed Wastes
    As described above (see section III.D.2.b.), where the person in 
charge has knowledge of the specific constituent mix of the hazardous 
waste stream, it may be appropriate to use the mixture rule to 
determine whether there has been a release above an RQ for that waste 
stream consistent with the known constituent mixture of the hazardous 
waste stream. For example, for the inorganic chemical manufacturing 
process waste stream K178, the RQ is based on the constituent thallium; 
however, there are other constituents (nonhazardous) that make up the 
waste stream. If the person in charge knows the relative amounts of 
thallium to nonhazardous constituents in his waste stream, it may be 
appropriate to use the mixture rule for RQ purposes for that waste 
stream. It is important to note that attenuation of the waste stream 
for the purpose of diluting the relative amount of thallium is 
inconsistent with the intent of the mixture rule.

IV. Statutory and Regulatory Reviews

A. Executive Order 12866: Regulatory Planning and Review

    This action is not a ``significant regulatory action'' under the 
terms of Executive Order (EO) 12866 (58 FR 51735, October 4, 1993) and 
is therefore not subject to the review under the EO.

B. Paperwork Reduction Act

    This action does not impose any new information collection burden. 
This final rule represents a reduction in the burden for both industry 
and the government because we are raising the RQs for all but two of 
the substances included in this final rule. The Office of Management 
and Budget (OMB) has previously approved the information collection 
requirements contained in the existing regulations 40 CFR 302 and 40 
CFR 355 under the provisions of the Paperwork Reduction Act, 44 U.S.C. 
3501 et seq. and has assigned OMB control number 2050-0046, EPA ICR 
number 1049.10 and OMB control number 2050-0086, EPA ICR number 
1445.06. A copy of the OMB approved Information Collection Requests 
(ICRs) may be obtained from Susan Auby,

[[Page 47114]]

Collection Strategies Division; U.S. Environmental Protection Agency 
(2822T); 1200 Pennsylvania Ave., NW., Washington, DC 20460 or by 
calling (202) 566-1672.
    The proposed rule estimated that the annual reporting and 
recordkeeping burdens associated with reports to the NRC will be 
reduced by approximately 720 hours (ICR No. 1049.09) and to SERCs and 
LEPCs by 880 hours (ICR No. 1395.04). That estimate was based on 
reports received for the period 1995 through 1999. Based on the period 
2000 through 2002 (there was only one reported release) the estimated 
annual reporting and recordkeeping burdens associated with reports to 
the NRC will be reduced by 3 hours and to SERCs and LEPCs by 9 hours.
    Burden means the total time, effort, or financial resources 
expended by persons to generate, maintain, retain, or disclose or 
provide information to or for a Federal agency. This includes the time 
needed to review instructions; develop, acquire, install, and utilize 
technology and systems for the purposes of collecting, validating, and 
verifying information, processing and maintaining information, and 
disclosing and providing information; adjust the existing ways to 
comply with any previously applicable instructions and requirements; 
train personnel to be able to respond to a collection of information; 
search data sources; complete and review the collection of information; 
and transmit or otherwise disclose the information.
    An agency may not conduct or sponsor, and a person is not required 
to respond to a collection of information unless it displays a 
currently valid OMB control number. The OMB control numbers for EPA's 
regulations in 40 CFR are listed in 40 CFR part 9.

C. Regulatory Flexibility Act

    The Regulatory Flexibility Act (RFA) generally requires an agency 
to prepare a regulatory flexibility analysis of any rule subject to 
notice and comment rulemaking requirements under the Administrative 
Procedure Act or any other statute unless the agency certifies that the 
rule will not have a significant economic impact on a substantial 
number of small entities. Small entities include small businesses, 
small organizations, and small governmental jurisdictions.
    For purposes of assessing the impacts of this rule on small 
entities, small entity is defined as: (1) A small business that has 
fewer than 1000 or 100 employees per firm depending upon the SIC code 
the firm primarily is classified; (2) a small governmental jurisdiction 
that is a government of a city, county, town, school district or 
special district with a population of less than 50,000; and (3) a small 
organization that is any not-for-profit enterprise which is 
independently owned and operated and is not dominant in its field.
    After considering the economic impacts of this final rule on small 
entities, I hereby certify that this action will not have a significant 
economic impact on a substantial number of small entities. In 
determining whether a rule has a significant economic impact on a 
substantial number of small entities, the impact of concern is any 
significant adverse economic impact on small entities, since the 
primary purpose of the regulatory flexibility analyses is to identify 
and address regulatory alternatives ``which minimize any significant 
economic impact of the proposed rule on small entities.'' 5 U.S.C. 603 
and 604. Thus, an agency may certify that a rule will not have a 
significant economic impact on a substantial number of small entities 
if the rule relieves regulatory burden, or otherwise has a positive 
economic effect on all of the small entities subject to the rule.
    We have therefore concluded that this final rule will relieve 
regulatory burden for small entities.

D. Unfunded Mandates Reform Act

    Title II of the Unfunded Mandates Reform Act of 1995 (UMRA), Public 
Law 104-4, establishes requirements for Federal agencies to assess the 
effects of their regulatory actions on State, local, and tribal 
governments and the private sector. Under section 202 of the UMRA, EPA 
generally must prepare a written statement, including a cost-benefit 
analysis, for proposed and final rules with ``Federal mandates'' that 
may result in expenditures to State, local, and tribal governments, in 
the aggregate, or to the private sector, of $100 million or more in any 
one year. Before promulgating an EPA rule for which a written statement 
is needed, section 205 of the UMRA generally requires EPA to identify 
and consider a reasonable number of regulatory alternatives and adopt 
the least costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative 
that achieves the objectives of the rule. The provisions of section 205 
do not apply when they are inconsistent with applicable law. Moreover, 
section 205 allows EPA to adopt an alternative other than the least 
costly, most cost-effective or least burdensome alternative if the 
Administrator publishes with the final rule an explanation why that 
alternative was not adopted. Before EPA establishes any regulatory 
requirements that may significantly or uniquely affect small 
governments, including tribal governments, it must have developed under 
section 203 of the UMRA a small government agency plan. The plan must 
provide for notifying potentially affected small governments, enabling 
officials to have meaningful and timely input in the development of EPA 
regulatory proposals with significant Federal intergovernmental 
mandates, and informing, educating, and advising small governments on 
compliance with the regulatory requirements.
    This rule contains no Federal mandates (under the regulatory 
provisions of Title II of the UMRA) for State, local or tribal 
governments or the private sector. The rule imposes no enforceable duty 
on any State, local, or tribal governments. EPA also has determined 
that this rule contains no regulatory requirements that might 
significantly or uniquely affect small governments. In addition, as 
discussed above, the private sector is not expected to incur costs 
exceeding $100 million. Thus, this final rule is not subject to the 
requirements of Sections 202 and 205 of UMRA.

E. Executive Order 13132: Federalism

    Executive Order 13132, entitled ``Federalism'' (64 FR 43255, Aug. 
10, 1999), requires EPA to develop an accountable process to ensure 
``meaningful and timely input by State and local officials in the 
development of regulatory policies that have federalism implications.'' 
``Policies that have federalism implications'' is defined in the 
Executive Order to include regulations that have ``substantial direct 
effects on the States, on the relationship between the national 
government and the States, or on the distribution of power and 
responsibilities among the various levels of government.''
    This final rule does not have federalism implications. It will not 
have substantial direct effects on the States, on the relationship 
between the national government and the States, or on the distribution 
of power and responsibilities among the various levels of government, 
as specified in Executive Order 13132. This rule directly affects 
manufacturers, handlers, transporters, and other users of carbamates 
that may release them into the environment; in addition, entities that 
may release K178 hazardous waste will also be affected. There are no 
State and local government bodies that incur direct compliance costs by 
this rulemaking. Thus, Executive Order 13132 does not apply to this rule.
    In the spirit of Executive Order 13132, and consistent with EPA 
policy to

[[Page 47115]]

promote communications between EPA and State and local governments, EPA 
specifically solicited comment on the proposed rule from State and 
local officials.

F. Executive Order 13175: Consultation and Coordination With Indian 
Tribal Governments

    Executive Order 13175, entitled ``Consultation and Coordination 
with Indian Tribal Governments'' (59 FR 22951, Nov. 9, 2000), requires 
EPA to develop an accountable process to ensure ``meaningful and timely 
input by tribal officials in the development of regulatory policies 
that have tribal implications.'' This final rule does not have tribal 
implications, as specified in Executive Order 13175. This rule does not 
significantly or uniquely affect the communities of Indian tribal 
governments, nor would it impose substantial direct compliance costs on 
them. Thus, Executive Order 13175 does not apply to this rule.

G. Executive Order 13045: Protection of Children From Environmental 
Health and Safety Risks

    The Executive Order 13045: ``Protection of Children From 
Environmental Health Risks and Safety Risks'' (62 FR 19885, April 23, 
1997) applies to any rule that: (1) Is determined to be ``economically 
significant'' as defined under Executive Order 12866, and (2) concerns 
an environmental health or safety risk that EPA has reason to believe 
may have a disproportionate effect on children. If the regulatory 
action meets both criteria, the Agency must evaluate the environmental 
health or safety effects of the planned rule on children, and explain 
why the planned regulation is preferable to other potentially effective 
and reasonably feasible alternatives considered by the Agency.
    This final rule is not subject to the Executive Order because it is 
not economically significant as defined in Executive Order 12866, and 
because the Agency does not have reason to believe the environmental 
health or safety risks addressed by this action present a 
disproportionate risk to children.

H. Executive Order 13211: Energy Effects

    This rule is not subject to Executive Order 13211, ``Actions 
Concerning Regulations That Significantly Affect Energy Supply, 
Distribution, or Use'' (66 FR 28355, May 22, 2001) because it is not a 
significant regulatory action under Executive Order 12866.

I. National Technology Transfer and Advancement Act

    As noted in the proposed rule, Section 12(d) of the National 
Technology Transfer and Advancement Act of 1995 (``NTTAA''), Public 
Law. No. 104-113, 12(d) (15 U.S.C. 272 note) directs EPA to use 
voluntary consensus standards in its regulatory activities unless to do 
so would be inconsistent with applicable law or otherwise impractical. 
Voluntary consensus standards are technical standards (e.g., materials 
specifications, test methods, sampling procedures, and business 
practices) that are developed or adopted by voluntary consensus 
standards bodies. The NTTAA directs EPA to provide Congress, through 
OMB, explanations when the Agency decides not to use available and 
applicable voluntary consensus standards.
    The action does not involve technical standards. Therefore, EPA did 
not consider the use of any voluntary consensus standards.

J. The Congressional Review Act (5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as Added by the 
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996)

    The Congressional Review Act, 5 U.S.C. 801 et seq., as added by the 
Small Business Regulatory Enforcement Fairness Act of 1996, generally 
provides that before a rule may take effect, the agency promulgating 
the rule must submit a rule report, which includes a copy of the rule, 
to each House of the Congress and to the Comptroller General of the 
United States. EPA submitted a report containing this final rule, and 
other required information, to the U.S. Senate, the U.S. House of 
Representatives, and the Comptroller General of the United States prior 
to publication in the Federal Register. A major rule cannot take effect 
until 60 days after it is published in the Federal Register. This 
action is not a ``major rule'' as defined by 5 U.S.C. 804(2). This rule 
will be effective September 15, 2006.

List of Subjects

40 CFR Part 302

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Chemicals, 
Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Intergovernmental relations, 
Natural resources, Reporting and recordkeeping requirements, Superfund, 
Water pollution control, Water supply.

40 CFR Part 355

    Environmental protection, Air pollution control, Disaster 
assistance, Hazardous substances, Hazardous waste, Intergovernmental 
relations, Natural resources, Penalties, Reporting and recordkeeping 
requirements, Superfund, Water pollution control, Water supply.

    Dated: August 9, 2006.
Stephen L. Johnson,

? For the reasons set out in the preamble, title 40, chapter I of the 
Code of Federal Regulations is amended as follows:


? 1. The authority citation for part 302 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 9602, 9603, 9604; 33 U.S.C. 1321 and 1361.

? 2. Table 302.4 in Sec.  302.4 is amended by removing the following 
entries: ``1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, (Bendiocarb phenol)'', 
``1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, methyl carbamate (Bendiocarb)'', 
``7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-(Carbofuran phenol)'', 
``Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with (3aS-cis)-1,2,3,3a,8,8a-
hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethylpyrrolo[2,3b]indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester 
(1:1) (Physostigmine salicylate)'', ``Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-
yl, methyl ester (Carbendazim)'', ``Carbamic acid, [1-
[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl ester (Benomyl)'', 
``Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester 
(Barban)'', ``Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino)thio]methyl-, 2,3-dihydro-
2,2-dimethyl-7benzofuranyl ester (Carbosulfan)'', ``Carbamic acid, 
dimethyl-,1[(dimethylamino)carbonyl]-5-methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl ester 
(Dimetilan)'', ``Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1-(1methylethyl)-
1H-pyrazol-5-yl ester (Isolan)'', ``Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-
methylphenyl ester (Metolcarb)'', ``Carbamic acid, [1,2phenylenebis 
(iminocarbonothioyl)]bis-, dimethyl ester (Thiophanate-methyl)'', 
``Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester (Propham)'', 
``Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3,3-trichloro-2-
propenyl) ester (Triallate)'', ``Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-
(phenylmethyl) ester (Prosulfocarb)'', ``1,3-Dithiolane-2-
carboxaldehyde, 2,4-dimethyl-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxime 
(Tirpate)'', ``Ethanimidothioci acid, 2-(dimethylamino-N-hydroxy-2-oxo-
, methyl ester (A2213)'', ``Ethanimidothoic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-

[[Page 47116]]

[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-2-oxo-, methyl ester (Oxamyl)'', 
``Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'-[thiobis[(methylimino) carbonyloxy]]bis-, 
dimethyl ester (Thiodicarb)'', ``Ethanol, 2,2'oxybis-, dicarbamate 
(Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate)'', ``Manganese, 
dimethyldithiocarbamate)'', ``Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[3-
[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-, monohydrochloride (Formetanate 
hydrochloride)'', ``Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[2-methyl-4-
[[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-(Formparanate)'', ``Phenol, 3-(l-
methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate (m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate)'', 
``Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(l-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate (Promecarb)'', 
``Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methylsulfonyl)-, O-[(methylamino)carbonyl]
oxime (Aldicarb sulfone)'', ``Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-ol, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-
hexahydro-1,3a,8-trimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester), (3aS-cis)-
(Physostigmine)'', ``Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-
(Ziram)'', ``K156'', ``K157'', ``K158'', ``K159'', ``K161'', and K178''.

? 3. Table 302.4 in Sec.  302.4 is amended by adding the following new 
entries in alphabetical order, as set forth below (applicable footnotes 
have been republished without change):

                      Table 302.4.--List of Hazardous Substances and Reportable Quantities
                         [Note: All comments/notes are located at the end of this table]
                                                                            Statutory    RCRA waste    Final RQ
                    Hazardous substance                         CASRN     code[?]
No.      pounds (Kg)
A2213......................................................     30558431             4         U394  5000 (2270)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Aldicarb sulfone...........................................      1646884             4         P203   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Barban.....................................................       101279             4         U280    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Bendiocarb.................................................     22781233             4         U278   100 (45.4)
Bendiocarb phenol..........................................     22961826             4         U364   1000 (454)
Benomyl....................................................     17804352             4         U271    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-........................     22961826             4         U364   1000 (454)
1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, methyl carbamate......     22781233             4         U278   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-..................      1563388             4         U367    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with (3aS-cis)-                   57647             4         P188   100 (45.4)
 b]indol-5-yl methylcarbamate ester (1:1)..................

                                                  * * * * * * *
Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl ester..........     10605217             4         U372    10 (4.54)
Carbamic acid, [1-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1H-benzimidazol-2-     17804352             4         U271    10 (4.54)
 yl]-,methyl ester.........................................
Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-2-butynyl ester.       101279             4         U280    10 (4.54)
Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino)-thio]methyl-, 2,3-dihydro-       55285148             4         P189   1000 (454)
 2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl ester.........................
Carbamic acid, dimethyl-,1-[(dimethyl-amino)carbonyl]-5-          644644             4         P191    1 (0.454)
 methyl-1H-pyrazol-3-yl ester..............................
Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1-(1-methylethyl)-1H-          119380             4         P192   100 (45.4)
 pyrazol-5-yl ester........................................

                                                  * * * * * * *
Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl ester...............      1129415             4         P190   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Carbamic acid, [1,2-phenylenebis(iminocarbonothioyl)]bis-,      23564058             4         U409    10 (4.54)
 dimethyl ester............................................
Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl ester................       122429             4         U373   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-(2,3,3-trichloro-     2303175             4         U389   100 (45.4)
 2-propenyl) ester.........................................
Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-(phenylmethyl) ester......     52888809             4         U387  5000 (2270)
Carbendazim................................................     10605217             4         U372    10 (4.54)
Carbofuran phenol..........................................      1563388             4         U367    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Carbosulfan................................................     55285148             4         P189   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate..................................        64006             4         P202    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate.............................      5952261             4         U395  5000 (2270)

[[Page 47117]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
Dimetilan..................................................       644644             4         P191    1 (0.454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4-dimethyl-, O-              26419738             4         P185   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-hydroxy-2-oxo-,      30558431             4         U394  5000 (2270)
 methyl ester..............................................
Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-                     23135220             4         P194   100 (45.4)
 [[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-2-oxo-, methyl ester.........

                                                  * * * * * * *
Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'- [thiobis[(methylimino)             59669260             4         U410   100 (45.4)
 carbonyloxy]]bis-, dimethyl ester.........................

                                                  * * * * * * *
Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate.........................      5952261             4         U395  5000 (2270)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Formetanate hydrochloride..................................     23422539             4         P198   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Formparanate...............................................     17702577             4         P197   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Isolan.....................................................       119380             4         P192   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
3-Isopropylphenyl N-methylcarbamate........................        64006             4         P202    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Manganese, bis (dimethyl carbamodithioato-S,S')-...........     15339363             4         P196    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Manganese dimethyldithio carbamate.........................     15339363             4         P196    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[3-[[(methylamino)-            23422539             4         P198   100 (45.4)
 carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-, monohydrochloride..................
Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[2-methyl-4-                   17702577             4         P197   100 (45.4)
 [[(methylamino) carbonyl]oxy]phenyl]-.....................

                                                  * * * * * * *
Metolcarb..................................................      1129415             4         P190   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Oxamyl.....................................................     23135220             4         P194   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Phenol, 3-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate...............        64006             4         P202    10 (4.54)
Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl carbamate......      2631370             4         P201   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Physostigmine..............................................        57476             4         P204   100 (45.4)
Physostigmine salicylate...................................        57647             4         P188   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Promecarb..................................................      2631370             4         P201   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methyl- sulfonyl)-, O-                     1646884             4         P203   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Propham....................................................       122429             4         U373   1000 (454)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Prosulfocarb...............................................     52888809             4         U387  5000 (2270)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-ol, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a- hexahydro-1,3a,8-         57476             4         P204   100 (45.4)
 trimethyl-, methylcarbamate (ester), (3aS-cis)-...........

[[Page 47118]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
Thiodicarb.................................................     59669260             4         U410   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Thiophanate-methyl.........................................     23564058             4         U409    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Tirpate....................................................     26419738             4         P185   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Triallate..................................................      2303175             4         U389   100 (45.4)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Zinc, bis(dimethyl carbamodithioato-S,S')-.................       137304             4         P205    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
Ziram......................................................       137304             4         P205    10 (4.54)

                                                  * * * * * * *
K156.......................................................  ...........             4         K156    10 (4.54)
    Organic waste (including heavy ends, still bottoms,
     light ends, spent solvents, filtrates, and decantates)
     from the production of carbamates and carbamoyl
     oximes. (This listing does not apply to wastes
     generated from the manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-
K157.......................................................  ...........             4         K157    10 (4.54)
    Wastewaters (including scrubber waters, condenser
     waters, washwaters, and separation waters) from the
     production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This
     listing does not apply to wastes generated from the
     manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.)
K158.......................................................  ...........             4         K158    10 (4.54)
    Bag house dusts and filter/separation solids from the
     production of carbamates and carbamoyl oximes. (This
     listing does not apply to wastes generated from the
     manufacture of 3-iodo-2-propynyl n-butylcarbamate.)
K159.......................................................  ...........             4         K159    10 (4.54)
    Organics from the treatment of thiocarbamate wastes.
K161.......................................................  ...........             4         K161    1 (0.454)
    Purification solids (including filtration, evaporation,
     and centrifugation solids), bag-house dust and floor
     sweepings from the production of dithiocarbamate acids
     and their salts. (This listing does not include K125
     or K126).

                                                  * * * * * * *
K178.......................................................  ...........             4         K178   1000 (454)
    Residues from manufacturing and manufacturing-site
     storage of ferric chloride from acids formed during
     the production of titanium dioxide using the chloride-
     ilmenite process.
[?] Indicates the statutory source as defined by 1, 2, 3, and 4, as described in the note preceding Table

* * * * *

? 4. Appendix A to Sec.  302.4 is amended by revising the following 
entries, as set forth below:

   Appendix A to Sec.   302.4.--Sequential CAS Registry Number List of
                       CERCLA Hazardous Substances
           CASRN                         Hazardous substance

                             * * * * * * * *
57476......................  Physostigmine.
                             Pyrrolo[2,3-b]indol-5-ol, 1,2,3,3a,8,8a-
                              methylcarbamate (ester), (3aS-cis)-.
57647......................  Benzoic acid, 2-hydroxy-, compd. with (3aS-
                              methylcarbamate ester (1:1).
                             Physostigmine salicylate.

[[Page 47119]]

                              * * * * * * *
64006......................  m-Cumenyl methylcarbamate.
                             3-Isopropylphenyl N-methylcarbamate.
                             Phenol, 3-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl

                              * * * * * * *
101279.....................  Barban.
                             Carbamic acid, (3-chlorophenyl)-, 4-chloro-
                              2-butynyl ester.

                              * * * * * * *
119380.....................  Carbamic acid, dimethyl-, 3-methyl-1-(1-
                              methylethyl)-1H-pyrazol-5-yl ester.

                              * * * * * * *
122429.....................  Carbamic acid, phenyl-, 1-methylethyl

                              * * * * * * *
137304.....................  Zinc, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-S,S')-.

                              * * * * * * *
644644.....................  Carbamic acid, dimethyl-,1-[(dimethyl-

                              * * * * * * *
1129415....................  Carbamic acid, methyl-, 3-methylphenyl

                              * * * * * * *
1563388....................  7-Benzofuranol, 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-.
                             Carbofuran phenol.

                              * * * * * * *
1646884....................  Aldicarb sulfone.
                             Propanal, 2-methyl-2-(methyl-sulfonyl)-, O-

                             * * * * * * * *
2303175....................  Carbamothioic acid, bis(1-methylethyl)-, S-
                              (2,3,3-trichloro-2-propenyl) ester.

                              * * * * * * *
2631370....................  Phenol, 3-methyl-5-(1-methylethyl)-, methyl

                              * * * * * * *
5952261....................  Ethanol, 2,2'-oxybis-, dicarbamate.
                             Diethylene glycol, dicarbamate.

                              * * * * * * *
10605217...................  Carbamic acid, 1H-benzimidazol-2-yl, methyl

                              * * * * * * *
15339363...................  Manganese, bis(dimethylcarbamodithioato-
                             Manganese dimethyldithiocarbamate.

                              * * * * * * *
17702577...................  Formparanate.
                             Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[2-methyl-
17804352...................  Benomyl.
                             Carbamic acid, [1-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1H-
                              benzimidazol-2-yl]-, methyl ester.

                              * * * * * * *
22781233...................  Bendiocarb.
                             1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-, methyl
22961826...................  Bendiocarb phenol.
                             1,3-Benzodioxol-4-ol, 2,2-dimethyl-.
23135220...................  Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-
                              methyl ester.

[[Page 47120]]

23422539...................  Methanimidamide, N,N-dimethyl-N'-[3-
                             Formetanate hydrochloride.
23564058...................  Carbamic acid, [1,2-
                              dimethyl ester.

                              * * * * * * *
26419738...................  1,3-Dithiolane-2-carboxaldehyde, 2,4-
                              dimethyl-, O-[(methylamino)-

                              * * * * * * *
30558431...................  Ethanimidothioic acid, 2-(dimethylamino)-N-
                              hydroxy-2-oxo-, methyl ester.

                              * * * * * * *
52888809...................  Carbamothioic acid, dipropyl-, S-
                              (phenylmethyl) ester.

                              * * * * * * *
55285148...................  Carbamic acid, [(dibutylamino)-thio]methyl-
                              , 2,3-dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl

                              * * * * * * *
59669260...................  Ethanimidothioic acid, N,N'-
                              dimethyl ester.

                              * * * * * * *


? 5. The authority citation for part 355 continues to read as follows:

    Authority: 42 U.S.C. 11002, 11004, and 11048.

? 6. Appendix A in part 355 is amended by revising the following entries, 
to read as set forth below (footnotes ``*'' and ``h'' have been 
republished without change):

   Appendix A To Part 355.--The List of Extremely Hazardous Substances and Their Threshold Planning Quantities
                                              [Alphabetical order]
                                                                                    Reportable       planning
           CAS No.                       Chemical name                 Notes         quantity*       quantity
                                                                                     (pounds)        (pounds)

                                                  * * * * * * *
26419-73-8...................  Carbamic Acid, Methyl-, O-(((2,4-  ..............             100      100/10,000
                                Dimethyl-1, 3-Dithiolan-2-

                                                  * * * * * * *
644-64-4.....................  Dimetilan........................  ..............               1      500/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
23422-53-9...................  Formetanate Hydrochloride........             (h)             100      500/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
17702-57-7...................  Formparanate.....................  ..............             100      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
119-38-0.....................  Isopropylmethyl-pyrazolyl          ..............             100             500

                                                  * * * * * * *
1129-41-5....................  Metolcarb........................  ..............           1,000      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
23135-22-0...................  Oxamyl...........................  ..............             100      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
64-00-6......................  Phenol, 3-(1-Methylethyl)-,        ..............              10      500/10,000

[[Page 47121]]

                                                  * * * * * * *
57-47-6......................  Physostigmine....................  ..............             100      100/10,000
57-64-7......................  Physostigmine, Salicylate (1:1)..  ..............             100      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
2631-37-0....................  Promecarb........................             (h)           1,000      500/10,000

                                                 * * * * * * *
* Only the statutory or final RQ is shown. For more information, see 40 CFR Table 302.4.


* * * * *
    h Revised TPQ based on new or re-evaluated toxicity data.
* * * * *

? 7. Appendix B in part 355 is amended by revising the following entries, 
to read as set forth below (footnotes ``*'' and ``h'' have been 
republished without change):

   Appendix B To Part 355.--The List of Extremely Hazardous Substances and Their Threshold Planning Quantities
                                               [CAS number order]
                                                                                    Reportable       planning
           CAS No.                       Chemical name                 Notes         quantity*       quantity
                                                                                     (pounds)        (pounds)

                                                  * * * * * * *
57-47-6......................  Physostigmine....................  ..............             100      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
57-64-7......................  Physostigmine, Salicylate (1:1)..  ..............             100      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
64-00-6......................  Phenol, 3-(1-Methylethyl)-,        ..............              10      500/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
119-38-0.....................  Isopropylmethyl-pyrazolyl          ..............             100             500

                                                  * * * * * * *
644-64-4.....................  Dimetilan........................  ..............               1      500/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
1129-41-5....................  Metolcarb........................  ..............           1,000      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
2631-37-0....................  Promecarb........................             (h)           1,000      500/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
17702-57-7...................  Formparanate.....................  ..............             100      100/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
23135-22-0...................  Oxamyl...........................  ..............             100      100/10,000
23422-53-9...................  Formetanate Hydrochloride........           (\h\)             100      500/10,000

                                                  * * * * * * *
26419-73-8...................  Carbamic Acid, Methyl-, O-(((2,4-  ..............             100      100/10,000
                                Dimethyl-1, 3-Dithiolan-2-

                                                  * * * * * * *

[[Page 47122]]

    *Only the statutory or final RQ is shown. For more information, 
see 40 CFR Table 302.4.


* * * * *
    \h\ Revised TPQ based on new or re-evaluated toxicity data.
* * * * *
[FR Doc. E6-13491 Filed 8-15-06; 8:45 am]


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