Fact Sheet: Mercury Spills - Instructions for cleaning up small mercury spills in your home and who to contact for assistance.

Fact Sheet: Compact Fluorescent Light Bulbs (CFLs) - Frequently asked questions about CFLs and instructions for cleaning up a broken bulb.

Bring your burned-out fluorescent and other mercury-containing bulbs to a participating

hardware stores for FREE RECYCLING
(limit 6 bulbs per customer per visit)

Vermont pharmacies and nursing homes have teamed up with the state of Vermont to offer FREE RECYCLING for Vermont residents for all types of button cell batteries. Simply bring your button cell batteries to a participating pharmacy or nursing home near you.
Lamps that bare this symbol contain mercury and should be disposed of properly. Learn more...

Mercury Education & Reduction Campaign    103 South Main Street    Waterbury, VT 05671-4911    802-241-3455
MERC is a program of the Vermont Department of Environmental Conservation

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