I2SL's Electronic Library (E-Library)

I2SL's E-Library is a portal of information on new technologies, case studies, lessons learned, and other valuable resources for architects, engineers, builders, owners, and operators of laboratories and other high-performance facilities. If you have a resource to share, learn how to submit a paper.

The links below include selected highlights from the Labs21 2007 & 2008 Annual Conferences. Papers are organized by topic and then alphabetical by title. Key words are provided to help you find what you need.

E-Library Topic Areas

How to Submit

If you have a paper, case study, presentation, or other piece of useful information that you would like to share with the sustainable laboratory community, I2SL would like to hear from you! Simply e-mail your submission suggestion to I2SL.

Evaluating Performance


Laboratory Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing Systems


Specialty Labs

Sustainable Architecture