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Earth Day Celebration at Lowry Park Zoo

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The Earth Day celebration at Lowry Park Zoo in Tampa, FL, was much smaller this year than in the past 2 years. Nevertheless, all the usual displays were present. Nancy DeWitt, Stacy Merriweather, Katie Merriweather (age 14), John Gilbert (USGS volunteer), Dale Griffin, and Morgan Griffin (age 9) represented the USGS' St. Petersburg Center for Coastal and Regional Marine Studies (CCRMS). Our table was a big success. Special thanks to Stacy who put together great kids' packets that included puzzles (which she made), games, and information about dolphins, Earth science, volcanoes, sea turtles, manatees, and alligators. Demonstrations of the kids' SOFIA Web site went well, and teachers were especially interested in the educational materials offered on the Web site. Katie Merriweather did a fantastic job supervising the kids' table and making hydrologic-cycle bracelets! Her patience with younger kids is well beyond that of the average 14-year-old. Morgan Griffin entertained our volunteer staff and kept morale high by reporting different activities occurring around us and down at the local pond.

Hands-on displays included the portable vibracore tripod, aluminum core barrel, scuba rig and dive flag, a split vibracore, and Jim Flock's poster "What is a vibracore?" It was a good day overall, thanks to everyone's hard work.

Related Web Sites
Lowry Park Zoo
Tampa, FL
Center for Coastal and Regional Marine Studies (CCRMS)
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), St. Petersburg, FL
SOFIA Kids' Page
U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

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Mapping Lake Mohave

Research Delmarva Coastal Bays

Glen Canyon Dam

Outreach Career Options for Jr. High School Girls

Coastal Hazards Lecture

Earth Day at Lowry Park Zoo

Practical Applications of GIS

Gulf of Maine GIS Workshop for Teachers

MarineQuest 2002

Florida Caribbean Science Center Open House

Meetings CMGP Knowledge Bank

Communicating Science in a Virtual World

Continental-Shelf Territory Rights

Awards Kvenvolden Honored

Staff & Center News Student Employees

New Woods Hole Chief Scientist

Two New Employees at WHFC

University of Minnesota Visitor

Publications Special Issue of Marine Geology on USGS Monterey Bay Research

Timely Publication for Gulf of Mexico Mercury Concerns

June Publications List U. S. Department of the Interior | U.S. Geological Survey
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Updated March 08, 2007 @ 10:50 AM (THF)