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The Fall 08 RTOC

When: October 20-21, 2008
Where: San Francisco, CA.
The Fall RTOC occurs with the Annual Tribal Conference
Download the Meeting Agenda (PDF) (2 pp, 265K, About PDF)

Meeting Handouts

US EPA, Region 9 RTOC Workgroup Members (PDF) (8 pp, 100K)

RTOC Acronyms (PDF) (1 pp, 12K)

Action Items Region Tribal Operations Committee (PDF) (6 pp, 61K)

The EPA Report: Announcements from Region 9 Programs (PDF) (21 pp, 310K) | (PowerPoint) (21 pp, 1.1M)

Region IX RTOC Workgroup Reports (PDF) (17 pp, 93K)

RTOC Meeting Evaluation Summary Report (PDF) (2 pp, 29K)

Meeting Attendance Roster of Tribal Representatives (PDF) (2 pp, 217K)

16th Annual EPA/Tribal Conference Exiting EPA (disclaimer)
Flyer (PDF) Exiting EPA (disclaimer)

When: October 22-24, 2008
Where: San Francisco, CA.
The Annual Tribal Conference occurs with the Fall RTOC
Timothy Grant (grant.timonthy@epa.gov), 415-972-3783

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