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Tribal Water Protection

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Drinking Water Capacity Clearinghouse:
New funding program for Tribal drinking water systems

In 2006, the EPA and the InterTribal Council of Arizona developed a new funding program to help build capacity for Region 9 tribal drinking water systems. The new program – the Drinking Water Capacity Clearinghouse – offers reimbursement to tribes for any costs associated with small-scale, capacity-building activities related to drinking water system management and operations.

Eligible costs include training and activities that build tribal capacity in the technical, managerial and financial components of running a public water system.

Examples of eligible activities

How can you participate?

To discuss project ideas, contact your Region 9 drinking water contact.
Additional contacts

Deborah Patton (deborah.patton@itcaonline.com)
Inter Tribal Council of Arizona
(602) 258-4822

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Safe Drinking Water (SDWA) Programs

The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) regulates all public water systems in the United States. The act sets regulations defining standards for drinking water contaminants and implements monitoring and reporting requirements.

Drinking Water Act Tribal Set-Aside Program (DWTSA)

photo of: Pipeline Installation workers at Gila River, Arizona
Pipeline Installation at Gila River, Arizona
The Drinking Water Act Tribal Set-Aside Program (DWTSA) provides funding to construct infrastructure improvements for public water systems serving federally recognized indian tribes and Alaska Native Villages (ANVs). Projects addressing the greatest health risks are ranked highest for funding. The grants are for the planning, design, and constructions of drinking water facilities.

Examples of eligible activities

This program has funded $29 million in projects since FY2000 including 29 feasibility studies and 48 construction projects. Each year the DWTSA program in Region 9 receives approximately $4 million. DWTSA funds come from a 1.5% set-aside of the Drinking Water Act State Revolving Loan Fund (SRF) program. No matching funds are required, but eligibility criteria includes adequate technical, financial, and managerial capacity.

Guidance and application

Contact information
Linda Reeves (reeves.linda@epa.gov)
WTR-6 DWTSA Coordinator EPA Region 9
75 Hawthorne Street
San Francisco, CA 94105-3901
(415) 972-3445
Fax: 415-947-3549

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Tribal Border Infrastructure Program

Developing well for Manzanita Band of Kumeyaay Nation
Developing well for Manzanita Band of Kumeyaay Nation
EPA will issue a request for project proposals when funds for the tribal border infrastructure program becomes available. The request for proposals will be posted on EPA's Web site and mailed to tribes within the 62-mile Border Region.

Examples of eligible activities

This program is funded by Congressional Special Appropriations for the U.S./Mexico Border program. A total of $29.4 million has been provided since FY1996. Proposals for $1M of FY 07 funding are due 12/21/07.


36 projects for 14 Tribes have been funded. Two-thirds of these projects are complete or under construction. At a cost of $2,615 per home, this program has provided basic sanitation for 1800 homes and safe drinking water for 7900 homes.

Contact information

Linda Reeves (reeves.linda@epa.gov)
(415) 972-3445

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Tribal Source Water Protection Programs

The purpose of the Tribal Source Water Program is to protect the public health of communities through preventing the contamination of drinking water. The Source Water Program is voluntary for tribes. Region 9 is proactively working with tribes through education and outreach, as well as technical assistance and funding (PDF) (14 pp, 99K, About PDF) to help tribes develop and implement a Source Water Program.

A Source Water Program enables tribes to assess possible contamination threats to their public drinking water supply sources and to develop and implement protection measures to protect these sources against contamination threats.

Source water assessments include four basic steps and provide a basis for developing and implementing protection measures.

Funding Accomplishments

Through the Region 9 Source Water Assessment Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreements (DITCA) program, the Ground Water Office funds tribes to carry out Source Water assessment and protection activities to protect their sources of drinking water.

Funds typically range from $25,000 to $75,000 per Tribe. Tribes are encouraged to complete a source water assessment before applying for source water protection funds. Funds only cover public water supplies. There are no matching requirements for these funds. In 2006 and 2007, Region 9 issued nearly $500,000 in grant funds for Tribal Source Water Assessment and Protection awards. This year the Region intends to issue over $700K in grant funds for these awards.

Examples of Eligible Activities

Outreach Material

Tribal Public Water System Supervision Source Water Assessment and Protection Program: 2008 Direct Implementation Tribal Cooperative Agreement Funding Guidance (PDF) (14 pp, 99K, About PDF)

"Protecting Drinking Water: A Workbook for Tribes" (Exiting EPA (disclaimer) Water Education Foundation Web site)

Fact sheet on Tribal Source Water Programs "Drinking Water Quality in Indian Country: Protecting Your Sources (PDF)" (4 pp, 428K,  About PDF)

Contact information

Jamelya Curtis (curtis.jamelya@epa.gov)
(415) 972-3529

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