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1999 Risk Characterization: Bar Charts

Note that you need Adobe Acrobat 7.0 (or higher) to be able to correctly view and print these bar charts. You can obtain this version free of charge at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html Exit EPA disclaimer .

Numbers of People Above Specified Cancer Risk Levels

These six bar charts show numbers of people whose 1999 exposure exceeded set cancer risk levels (e.g., 1 in a million) from emissions associated with all source sectors and background combined for 53 carcinogens included in the national-scale assessment. Note: this is based on 2000 census total of 285 million people.
How to read the bar chart.

Population whose 1999 exposure exceeded 1 in a million:

Population whose 1999 exposure exceeded 10 in a million:

Population whose 1999 exposure exceeded 100 in a million:

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Numbers of People Above Specified Noncancer Hazard Levels

These two bar charts show the number of people whose 1999 exposure is estimated to exceed set hazard quotient levels from all source sectors and background combined for 28 pollutants included in the national-scale assessment that have noncancer health effects (respiratory and neurological). Note: this is based on 2000 census total of 285 million people.
How to read the bar chart.

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