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Current National Threat Level is elevated

The threat level in the airline sector is High or Orange. Read more.

Ready.gov Success Stories

$3 Billion in Preparedness Grants Available

Secretary Chertoff at press conference November 5, 2008 announcing FY 2009 application guidance at the Ronald Reagan Building in Washington, D.C.

November 5, 2008 – The Department released FY 2009 application guidance for 14 federal grant programs totaling more than $3 billion to help state and local governments strengthen community preparedness. More than $27 billion has been provided since 2002 to strengthen our nation’s ability to prevent, protect, respond and recover from terrorist attacks, major disasters or other emergencies.

"Several years of investment have taken us largely from capability building to performance-based planning and investment," said Secretary Chertoff. "This year’s funding priorities are consistent with last year, and reflect a mature and disciplined grants program." Read more

More than $64 Million Awarded to Ike Victims

November 5, 2008 (Austin, Texas) – FEMA and the state of Texas have awarded more than $64 million in financial assistance for Hurricane Ike disaster-related expenses. Disaster-related grants awarded to eligible renters and homeowners include $148,719 in medical, dental and funeral expenses, $7.6 million for vehicle replacement or repair, $2.1 million for serious miscellaneous expenses and $54 million for personal property replacement. More at FEMA.gov

TSA, EU Agree on Cargo Screening Standards

Air Cargo by Nina Chantrasmi

October 31, 2008 – The Transportation Security Administration announced an agreement with the European Union Directorate General for Energy and Transport on air cargo screening standards for passenger carrying aircraft. The agreement was reached in advance of a February 2009 deadline to screen 50 percent of air cargo on passenger carrying aircraft. "By synchronizing the way that air cargo is secured on both sides of the Atlantic, we’re taking another potential vulnerability off the table for terrorists," said Secretary Chertoff. "I commend our European Union partners on their commitment to this landmark agreement." Read more