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Interactive maps > Data download > Catalog > Land > North America > United States
Southeast Fairbanks (5 items)
North Slope (7 items)
Dillingham (4 items)
Northwest Arctic (1 items)
Matanuska-Susitna (7 items)
Lake and Peninsula (3 items)
Kodiak Island (1 items)
Kenai Peninsula (3 items)
Fairbanks North Star (2 items)
Bristol Bay (1 items)
Bethel (1 items)
Anchorage (4 items)
Aleutians West (1 items)
Valdez-Cordova (6 items)
Yukon-Koyukuk (3 items)
Wrangell-Petersburg (1 items)
Wade Hampton (1 items)
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For general USGS information see Science in your back yard: Alaska

Results 1 - 10 of 55 listed by similarity [list alphabetically]
Cretaceous magmatic rocks of Alaska [New Window]
Data derived from the 1994 map "Latest Cretaceous and Cenozoic magmatic rocks of Alaska" compiled by E.J. Moll-Stalcup, D.A. Brew, and T.L. Vallier, published (at 1:2,500,000 scale) in volume G-1 of "The Geology of Alaska" (GSA)
Surficial geologic map of the Castle Mountain fault between Houston and Hatcher Pass Road, Alaska [New Window]
A surficial geologic map showing the location of the Castle Mountain fault and other active or potentially active faults in the Matanuska-Susitna borough.
Geologic map of the Christian quadrangle, Alaska [New Window]
Geology of the Christian quadrangle in the Porcupine Plateau, southern Brooks Range, and Yukon Flats. Includes geologic map, fossil data, location of oil shale, and geospatial data sets.
GIS coverages of the Castle Mountain fault, south central Alaska [New Window]
The Castle Mountain fault is a major east-northeast striking fault in southern Alaska with historic seismicity and Holocene surface faulting. This data set is a compilation of fault segments from several publications.
Surficial geologic map of the Bettles quadrangle, Alaska [New Window]
The Bettles quadrangle includes part of the southern Brooks Range and uplands and valleys of interior Alaska. This map depicts the surficial geology and glacial history, and includes description of map units and a correlation of map units.
Surficial geologic map of the Hughes quadrangle, Alaska [New Window]
A 1:250,000 scale surficial geologic map of the Hughes quadrangle, Alaska, which extends into the southern Brooks Range and the uplands and valleys of interior Alaska. The map includes glacial history, geologic unit descriptions, and a correlation of map
Surficial geologic map of parts of the Misheguk Mountain and Baird Mountains quadrangles, Noatak National Preserve, Alaska [New Window]
Surficial geologic map of part of the Noatak River drainage system in the western Brooks Range, Alaska. Primary surficial units are late Quaternary glacial, glacio-lacustrine, and fluvial deposits. Map and report include radiocarbon dates, geologic unit
Preliminary geologic map of the northeast Dillingham quadrangle (D-1, D-2, C-1, and C-2), Alaska [New Window]
Map, report, and geospatial data on the geology of the northeastern part of the 1:250,000 scale Dillingham quadrangle, Alaska. Includes Ar40/39 radiometric ages, geologic unit descriptions, and correlation of map units.
Geologic and fossil locality maps of the west-central part of the Howard Pass quadrangle and part of the adjacent Misheguk Mountain quadrangle, western Brooks Range, Alaska [New Window]
This publication includes a bedrock geologic map depicting the complex allochthonous structure of an area along the north flank of the west-central Brooks Range. A compilation of new and previously reported macro- and micro-fossil identifications and a
Engineering geologic maps of northern Alaska, Harrison Bay quadrangle [New Window]
Map and report on the surficial deposits and bedrock of the onshore part of the Harrison Bay quadrangle, Alaska. The map area is located within the Arctic Coastal Plain and in the northeastern part of the National Petroleum Reserve of Alaska (NPRA).
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