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2002 Progress Report: Development of the “Leland Legacy” Air Sampling Pump

EPA Grant Number: R828678C007
Subproject: this is subproject number 007 , established and managed by the Center Director under grant R824834
(EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).

Center: Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center (NUATRC)
Center Director: Beskid, Craig
Title: Development of the “Leland Legacy” Air Sampling Pump
Investigators: Hall, Peter
Institution: SKC Inc.
EPA Project Officer: Stacey Katz/Gail Robarge,
Project Period: January 2, 2001 through December 31, 2005 (Extended to December 31, 2008)
Project Period Covered by this Report: January 2, 2002 through December 31, 2003
RFA: Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center (NUATRC) (1997)
Research Category: Air Quality and Air Toxics , Targeted Research



The objective of this research project is to develop a personal air-sampling pump with the following specifications: (1) the pump will draw 10 L of air per minute against a pressure drop of 12 inches of water, operating continuously for 24 hours from a rechargeable battery pack; (2) the design will be optimized for quiet operation and low power, with a low noise level; (3) the pump will contain sophisticated control and data logging capabilities; and (4) this device will be lightweight, user friendly, and compatible with Dr. Sioutas' sampler.

Progress Summary:

This research project was developed in response to Request for Proposal 2000-01 "Development of a High Efficiency Pump for the Personal Particulate Matter Monitor." SKC, Inc., provided an appropriate quality control and quality assurance plan for the project that is in compliance with the National Urban Air Toxics Research Center (NUATRC) and U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) procedures.

The personal cascade impactor sampler (PCIS) pump is a dual diaphragm pump, in which rotational energy from a small direct current motor is converted to linear motion by a shaft mounted eccentric bearing and connecting rod assembly, to drive the two pumping diaphragms. The diaphragms are molded from a rubberized material and operate with a rolling motion, rather than stretching to minimize power requirements. Each pumping chamber contains inlet and exhaust valves, which respond to the pressure changes in the pump chambers during the pump stroke and require no physical actuation. The design of the valves minimizes the pressure required for opening and closing (in line with the power requirements), and reduces noise. Both the inlet and exhaust paths of the pump mechanism utilize dampener chambers to reduce pulsation in the airflow caused by the cyclic nature of the pump operation. The rigid sections of the pump are injection molded from thermoplastic material so that the pump is strong and lightweight.

The battery pack of the pump uses 10 Li-ion rechargeable cells arranged in a series/parallel arrangement to give a nominal voltage of 7.2 V with a capacity of 9 amp hours. The battery pack can be removed from the pump case to allow for quick replacement of a discharged pack if there is no time to recharge the pump. The pump case is molded using a two-shot process, which allows the body to be molded in hard plastic with an over-molding of a softer material in certain sections. The softer rubberlike material is used to form a buffer around the edges of the case to protect against damage, as well as help with noise reduction. The pump also is equipped with a microprocessor that enables data storage within the personal pump. The microprocessor makes corrections for temperature and atmospheric pressure changes, allowing the pump to be calibrated in terms of volumetric flow as required for operation with the PCIS.

SKC, Inc., officially launched the pump in Raleigh, NC, in October 2002. The attendees included a number of members from the U.S. EPA.

Future Activities:

During the next reporting period, we will test the pump with the PCIS designed by the University of Southern California team. The pump is expected to be on the market by March 2003. We also will prepare, review, and submit the final report for the project to EPA.

Journal Articles on this Report: 1 Displayed | Download in RIS Format

Other subproject views: All 2 publications 2 publications in selected types All 1 journal articles
Other center views: All 122 publications 54 publications in selected types All 46 journal articles

Type Citation Sub Project Document Sources
Journal Article Misra C, Singh M, Shen S, Sioutas C, Hall PM. Development and evaluation of a personal cascade impactor sampler (PCIS). Journal of Aerosol Science 2002;33(7):1027-1047. R828678C007 (2001)
R828678C007 (2002)
R828678C007 (2003)
R828678C007 (2004)
R828678C007 (Final)
R828678C009 (2003)
R828678C009 (Final)
R827352 (2004)
R827352 (Final)
R827352C014 (Final)
  • Full-text: Science Direct Full Text
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  • Abstract: Science Direct Abstract
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  • Other: Science Direct PDF
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  • Supplemental Keywords:

    personal cascade impactor sampler, PCIS, particulate matter, PM. , POLLUTANTS/TOXICS, ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT, Air, Scientific Discipline, Health, RFA, PHYSICAL ASPECTS, Engineering, Chemistry, & Physics, Risk Assessment, Risk Assessments, Health Risk Assessment, Physical Processes, Air Pollution Effects, air toxics, Chemicals, Biochemistry, particulate matter, Air Pollution, Environmental Monitoring, epidemiology, exposure assessment, airborne urban contaminants, air sampling pump, cardiovascular disease, health effects, Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), urban air, environmental contaminants, chemical detection techniques, lung inflamation, chemical composition, aerosol particles, air sampling, human health risk, air pollutants, human health effects, atmospheric particles, urban air quality, exposure, urban air pollution, human health, biomarker, human exposure, particulate exposure
    Relevant Websites:

    http://www.sph.uth.tmc.edu/mleland/ exit EPA

    Progress and Final Reports:
    2001 Progress Report
    Original Abstract
    2003 Progress Report
    2004 Progress Report
    Final Report

    Main Center Abstract and Reports:
    R824834    Mickey Leland National Urban Air Toxics Research Center (NUATRC)

    Subprojects under this Center: (EPA does not fund or establish subprojects; EPA awards and manages the overall grant for this center).
    R824834C001 Air Toxics Exposures Among Teenagers in New York City and Los Angeles - A Columbia-Harvard Study (TEACH)
    R824834C002 Cardiopulmonary Response to Particulate Exposure
    R824834C003 VOC Exposure in an Industry Impacted Community
    R824834C004 A Study of Personal Exposure to Air Toxics Among a Subset of the Residential U.S. Population (VOC Project)
    R824834C005 Methods Development Project for a Study of Personal Exposures to Toxic Air Pollutants
    R824834C006 Relationship Between Indoor, Outdoor and Personal Air (RIOPA)
    R824834C007 Development of the "Leland Legacy" Air Sampling Pump
    R824834C008 Source Apportionment of Indoor Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) in Urban Residences
    R824834C009 Development of a Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler (PCIS)
    R824834C010 Testing the Metals Hypothesis in Spokane
    R828678C001 Air Toxics Exposures Among Teenagers in New York City and Los Angeles—A Columbia-Harvard Study (TEACH)
    R828678C002 Cardiopulmonary Effects of Metal-Containing Particulate Exposure
    R828678C003 VOC Exposure in an Industry Impacted Community
    R828678C004 A Study of Personal Exposure to Air Toxics Among a Subset of the Residential U.S. Population (VOC Project)
    R828678C005 Oxygenated Urban Air Toxics and Asthma Variability in Middle School Children: A Panel Study (ATAC–Air Toxics and Asthma in Children)
    R828678C006 Relationship between Indoor, Outdoor and Personal Air (RIOPA). Part II: Analyses of Concentrations of Particulate Matter Species
    R828678C007 Development of the “Leland Legacy” Air Sampling Pump
    R828678C008 Source Apportionment of Indoor PAHs in Urban Residences 98-03B
    R828678C009 Development of a Personal Cascade Impactor Sampler (PCIS)
    R828678C010 Testing the Metals Hypothesis in Spokane
    R828678C011 A Pilot Geospatial Analysis of Exposure to Air Pollutants (with Special Attention to Air Toxics) and Hospital Admissions in Harris County, Texas
    R828678C012 Impact of Exposure to Urban Air Toxics on Asthma Utilization for the Pediatric Medicaid Population in Dearborn, Michigan
    R828678C013 Field Validation of the Sioutas Sampler and Leland Legacy Pump – Joint Project with EPA’s Environmental Technology Validation Program (ETV)
    R828678C014 Performance Evaluation of the 3M Charcoal Vapor Monitor for Monitor Low Ambient Concentrations of VOCs
    R828678C015 RIOPA Database Development
    R828678C016 Contributions of Outdoor PM Sources to Indoor and Personal Exposures: Analysis of PM Species Concentrations” Focused on the PM Speciation and Apportioning of Sources
    R828678C017 The Short and Long-Term Respiratory Effects of Exposure to PAHs from Traffic in a Cohort of Asthmatic Children

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    The perspectives, information and conclusions conveyed in research project abstracts, progress reports, final reports, journal abstracts and journal publications convey the viewpoints of the principal investigator and may not represent the views and policies of ORD and EPA. Conclusions drawn by the principal investigators have not been reviewed by the Agency.

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