RSIL Home > Laboratory Services > Prices and Analyses

Prices and Analyses

RSIL Price List

  • Laboratory services are provided for USGS programs and personnel. Laboratory services can be provided to other federal, state, and county agencies if specific requirements are met. Analytical costs will be higher than those listed because USGS overhead must be added.  Contact T. B. Coplen to discuss your needs. Laboratory services cannot be provided to private individuals or companies. Visit links to other stable isotope laboratories on the web.

  • Choose either Direct Sample Submission or NWQL Sample Submission.
    • Direct Submission samples should be submitted with sample information in either the New RSIL Submittal file or the Standard RSIL Submittal file on a floppy disc (or a CD) packed with the samples

    • Samples submitted through the NWQL must include ASR forms, will be billed by NWQL, will receive data from NWQL, and must be sent to the Isotope Laboratory in Reston (not to Denver).

    • Send both NWQL and Direct Submission Samples to: U.S. Geological Survey, Isotope Laboratory, 431 National Center, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, VA 20192
  • Priority service is available if the lab is given advance notice. Turn-around time is 24 to 48 hours for hydrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of water. The surcharge is an additional 50%. Please contact Haiping Qi at to arrange.

    Direct Price Schedule: If user does not go through NWQL, but instead submits samples directly to RSIL and provides sample information on the downloadable Excel Worksheet

Both H-2/H-1 and O-18/O-16 isotope-ratio analysis of water (>3.5 mL) (Instructions)

Number of samples

Price each

1 - 9


10 - 39


40 - 249


over 250


Plus additional cost for samples < 3.5 mL


11-mL vials with Polyseal caps for small samples (144 ea)



Only H-2/H-1 isotope-ratio analysis of water (Instructions)

Number of samples

Price each

1 - 9


10 - 39


40 - 249


over 250



Only O-18/O-16 isotope-ratio analysis of water (Instructions)

Number of samples

Price each

1 - 9


10 - 39


40 - 249


over 250



Both H-2/H-1 and O-18/O-16 isotope-ratio analysis of pore water in sediments or biological material (toluene extraction method) (Instructions)

Price each



N-15/N-14; O-18/O-16 of NO3

N-15/N-14 and O-18/O-16 of NO3 in water(user must provide NO3 concentration accurate to within ±10 percent) (Instructions

Number of samples

Price each

     1 to 5 samples


     6 to 11 samples


     12 to 19 samples


     20 to 39 samples


     40 to 99 samples


N-15/N-14 of dissolved NO3 (user must provide NO3 concentration accurate to within ±10 percent) (Instructions)


     1 to 39 samples


     40 to 99 samples


Discontinued (Contact RSIL): N-15/N-14 of NO3 in soil (Instructions)


Discontinued (Contact RSIL): N-15/N-14 and O-18/O-16 of NO3 in soil (Instructions)



N-15/N-14 of NH4

Price each

N-15/N-14 of NH4 in water (user must provide NH4 conc) (Instructions)


Discontinued (Contact RSIL): N-15/N-14 of NH4 in soil (Instructions)



C-13/C-12 and O-18/O-16 of powdered calcite (Instructions)

Number of samples

Price each

1 - 9


10 or 39


40 or more



C-13/C-12 of DIC (sample precipitated as strontium carbonate) (Instructions)

Price each



O-18/O-16 of Sulfate or Nitrate salt (AgNO3, NaNO3, KNO3, Ag2SO4 or BaSO4 solid, 99% minimum purity, 5 milligrams minimum)

Price each



S-34/S-32 and O-18/O-16 analyses of water

Price each

Dissolved SO4 > 20 mg/L collected in 1 or 2 bottles (Instructions)


Dissolved SO4 < 20 mg/L collected on anion exchange resin (Instructions)



S-34/S-32 analyses of water and solids

Price each

Dissolved SO4 > 20 mg/L collected in 1 or 2 bottles (Instructions)


Dissolved SO4 < 20 mg/L collected on anion exchange resin (Instructions)


Dissolved sulfide as pure Ag2S (Instructions)


Sulfate in rock or sediment (Instructions)


Total sulfide in rock (Instructions)



Resin cartridge (shipping extra)



C-13/C-12; N-15/N-14 of vertebrates, invertebrates, and sediments

Price each

C-13/C-12 and N-15/N-14 , C conc, and N conc of vertebrates (Instructions)


C-13/C-12 and C conc of vertebrates (Instructions)


N-15/N-14 and N conc of vertebrates (Instructions)


C-13/C-12, N-15/N-14, C conc, and N conc of invertebrates, plants and sediments (Instructions)


C-13/C-12 and C conc of invertebrates, plants and sediments (Instructions)


N-15/N-14 and N conc of invertebrates, plants and sediments (Instructions)



S-34/S-32 of biologic material (Instructions)


  • NWQL Price Schedule

Lab Code or Schedule


NWQL   Price each

489 (Instructions)

O-18/O-16 only of water


1574 (Instructions)

H-2/H-1 only of water


1142 (normal rate)

H-2/H-1 and O-18/O-16 of water


1172 (bulk rate)

(40 or more) H-2/H-1 and O-18/O-16 of water


1135 (Instructions)

C-13/C-12 of calcite (includes 1137)


1137 (Instructions)

O-18/O-16 of calcite (included in 1135)


1832 (Instructions)

N-15/N-14, C-13/C-12, and N and C conc in solid


1947 (Instructions)

S-34/S-32 of total sulfide in rock


1948 (Instructions)

S-34/S-32 of dissolved sulfide as pure Ag2S


1949 (Instructions)

S-34/S-32 of dissolved SO4 < 20 mg/L


1950 (Instructions)

S-34/S-32 of sulfate in rock or sediment


1951 (Instructions)

S-34/S-32 of dissolved SO4 > 20 mg/L


2893 (Instructions)

N-15/N-14 and N conc in solid


1832 (Instructions)

N-15/N-14, C-13/C-12, and N and C conc in solid


2894 Discontinued (Info)

N-15/N-14 of nitrate in soil (Contact RSIL)


2895 Discontinued (Info)

N-15/N-14 of ammonium in soil (Contact RSIL)


2897 Discontinued (Info)

N-15/N-14 and O-18/O-16 of nitrate in soil (Contact RSIL)


2898 (Instructions)

N-15/N-14 of ammonium dissolved in water


2899 (Instructions)

N-15/N-14 of nitrate dissolved in water


2900 (Instructions)

N-15/N-14 and O-18/O-16 of nitrate dissolved in water



  • Shipping Address

To submit either NWQL or RSIL Direct submission samples, send all samples with either ASR forms or a floppy disc (or CD) containing the New RSIL Submittal file or the Standard RSIL Submittal file to:

U.S. Geological Survey
Isotope Laboratory
National Center
12201 Sunrise Valley Dr
Reston, VA 20192


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