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Small Business in New England
Helping you find answers to your environmental questions

Welcome to our site. Use it as your first stop for information and links on a wide range of topics:

  • Compliance and enforcement
  • Sustainable practices such as pollution prevention, energy and water conservation
  • Environmental technologies to help solve a technical problem
  • Improving financial results

EPA Small Business Gateway

Small Business Environmental Home Page Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

EPA Small Business Ombudsman

  EPA Small Business Gateway
General small business information
Contacts and experts
Saving and finding money
Regulations and laws
Frequently asked questions
  Small Business Environmental Home Page
News and Events
Small Business assistance
Environmental compliance
Publications, fact sheets and videos
Industry sectors
Pollution prevention
  EPA Small Business Ombudsman
  A link between small business and the EPA
Facilitating communications between EPA and the small business community
Reviewing and resolving disputes with EPA
Increasing the understanding by EPA personnel of small businesses

New England State Environmental Agencies

Links to small business and compliance
assistance programs in New England

Compliance and Enforcement

Small Business Compliance and Enforcement (EPA HQ)
Resources to help small businesses learn about environmental compliance. Take advantage of the Small Business Compliance Policy that promotes environmental compliance among small businesses by providing incentives to discover and correct environmental problems.

Questions about the Small Business Compliance policy can be directed at EPA New England to:

Dwight Peavey (peavey.dwight@epa.gov)
Small Business Advocate, EPA New England
(617) 918-1829

Small Business Compliance Policy (18 pp., 81 KB, about PDF) (EPA HQ)

Enforcement and Assistance in New England
Access a wide range of resources on enforcement and compliance assistance in New England.

Environmental Laws and Regulations
Information on key environmental laws that protect the air we breathe, the land we live on, and the water we drink and in which we swim and fish.

Environmental Technologies

Do you need a technology or service to solve an environmental problem? Do you have an innovative technology that can help solve an environmental problem? EPA New England's Center for Environmental Industry & Technology is a window to resources, people, and programs in the environmental technology industry.

Pollution Prevention (P2)

Preventing pollution is not only an environmental strategy, but a smart business practice. Learn how to improve the business bottom line.

Programs and contacts in New England

Sustainable Practices

Energy and water conservation, waste reduction and management, and green buildings - examples of practices to help in balancing protection of the environment, a growing economy, and social responsibility. More.

Other Useful Links

Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) Click icon for EPA disclaimer., U.S. Department of Labor
Compliance assistance, laws and regulations, enforcement, news and more

Business.GOV Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
The official business link to the U.S. Government, this site guides you through the maze of government regulations and provides access to services and resources to help you start, grow, and succeed in business.

Small Business Administration (SBA) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.
Assistance for small businesses.

SBA Office of Advocacy Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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