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United States Environmental Protection Agency
Region 1 Video Lending Library
  Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont & 9 Tribal Nations
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Thank you for visiting EPA Region 1, New England's video lending library. We are pleased to offer you the opportunity to borrow environmental videos for educational and informational purposes through this video lending library on our regional web site.

These environmental video tapes, in VHS format, are available for temporary use. Videos cover a range of subject areas and are designed for a variety of audiences. Please use the "By Audience" and "By Subject" buttons on the left side of this screen to view a listing of available videos. Click on the video title you are interested in to see a full description. Use the "Submit Request" button at the top of the full page description to make a request for this video.

Important Information: If the tape you request is available, it will be mailed within 5 business days. If not, you will be notified via your email address or telephone number that this video is already out on loan. If you receive a response that the video is unavailable, please resubmit your request in two weeks.

Borrowed tapes should be returned, in provided envelope, within three weeks of receipt to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, One Congress Street Suite 1100, Boston MA 02214 c/o Customer Service Center. Please make every effort to return videos on time as a courtesy to others. Also, we ask that you help us to evaluate these videos by filling out and returning our comment card with the video.

No more than three titles may be borrowed by one requestor at a time. We regret that we cannot reserve videos for a specific date. All videos are loaned at the time of the request.


Tapes are for informational purposes only. The views and opinions expressed in tapes not produced by the U.S. EPA do not necessarily represent the views of EPA. Copying of tapes borrowed from EPA's lending library requires written permission from the publisher/ author.


Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & 9 Tribal Nations
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Last updated on Thursday, November 6th, 2008