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Additional Funding opportunities, Technical Assistance, and Information Resources



EPA Resources

EPA New England Initiatives

Environmental Merit Awards Program

Smart Growth $

Urban Environmental Program $

EPA Programs

Drinking Water

Environmental Education

Environmental Justice $

EPA New England Tribal Contacts

Federal Brownfields Tax Incentive and Treasury's New Market Tax Credit Program

Hazardous Substances Research Centers

Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response

Superfund Program

Environmental Laws

Technology Assistance

Brownfields Technology Support Center Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Center for Environmental Industry and Technology

ENERGY STAR ™ Click icon for EPA disclaimer.


Community-Based Environmental Protection

Sustainability (General)

Environmentally Sound Sustainable Practices
Energy Efficiency, Environmental Management Systems, Global Climate Change, Green Buildings, PerformanceTrack, Pollution Prevention , Solid Waste Reduction & Recycling

Environmentally Preferable Purchasing

Green Communities Kit

Other Federal Resources

Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR)

Army Corps of Engineers

HQ Environmental Division Brownfields  Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Brownfields National Partnership Action Agenda (1997)

Department of Energy

BrightfieldsCM - Redeveloping Brownfields with Solar Energy Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Housing and Urban Development

HUD- Economic Development Programs $ Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

HUD - Brownfields Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

HUD - Community Planning and Development Programs $ Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

National Park Service

Urban Park and Recreation Recovery Program (UPARR) $ Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Public / Private Partnerships, Non-Profit, and Not-for-Profit Agencies

Brownfields.com Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Environmental Business Council of New England Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

National Association of Local Government Environmental Professionals Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Northeast-Midwest Institute Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Smart Growth Network Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Sustainable USA Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

U.S. Council of Mayors Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

Vermont Forum on Sprawl Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Environmental Authorities

State Resources




New Hampshire

Rhode Island


State Public Records of Brownfields Sites

States and Tribes receiving EPA Brownfields Section 128(a) funding must establish and maintain a public record of sites. The public record includes sites at which response actions have been completed during the previous year and sites at which response actions are planned to be addressed in the next year. The public record also identifies sites that, upon completion of the response action, will be suitable for unrestricted use. If not, the public record identifies the institutional controls relied on in the remedy.



All Sites: http://www.ct.gov/dep/cwp/view.asp?a=2715&q=324930#PublicRecordRequirement Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Contact:
Graham Stevens
Brownfields Coordinator
(860) 424-4166


All Sites: http://www.maine.gov/dep/rwm/data/remdescriptanddata.htm Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Contact:
Nick Hodgkins
Brownfields Coordinator
(207) 287-4854


All Sites: http://www.mass.gov/dep/cleanup/sites/sitelook.htm Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Contact:
Catherine Finneran
Brownfields Coordinator
(617) 556-1138

New Hampshire

All Site: http://www.des.state.nh.us/BrownfieldsNH/Brownfields_Sites.html#public Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Contact:
Mike Wimsatt
Brownfields Coordinator
(603) 271-6422

Rhode Island

All Sites: http://www.dem.ri.gov/brownfields/documents/index.htm Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Contact:
Kelly Owens
Brownfields Coordinator
(401) 222-2797 x7108


All Sites: http://www.anr.state.vt.us/dec/wastediv/SMS/RCPP/pubs Brownfield_Sites_List.pdf (7 pp., 51 KB, about PDF) Click icon for EPA disclaimer.

State Contact:
George Desch
Hazardous Sites Manager
(802) 241-3491

Local Partnerships

City or county departments such as environment, planning, economic development, and local community development corporations (CDCs) are valuable resources in developing cleanup and redevelopment plans, conducting community outreach, and leveraging financial and technical resources from public or private sources. Contact your city's brownfields representative to find out if there are additional information or resources in your area.

Serving Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, Rhode Island, Vermont, & Tribal Nations

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