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2005 BOSC Review

Human Health Introduction

Human health research at ORD addresses needs arising from the Risk Assessment and Risk Management Paradigm. Human health risk assessment involves a qualitative and quantitative characterization of the relationship between environmental exposures and effects observed in exposed individuals and populations. The National Research Council (1983) has described four primary steps in the process of risk assessment, i.e., hazard identification, dose-response assessment, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. Risk assessment is the primary scientific input to the risk management process, which involves the recognition of a potential new risk and development, selection, and implementation of EPA actions to address the risk. Risk management often considers a wide variety of other factors. The overall process of risk assessment and risk management is often referred to as the Risk Assessment-Risk Management Paradigm. View full document (PDF) (11 pp, 105KB)

An Overview of the Health Research Program at the Environmental Protection Agency

The purpose of this Overview is to provide the basis for evaluating the Human Health Research Program at the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in the context of the Office of Science and Technology/Office of Management and Budget (OSTP/OMB) Research and Development Investment Criteria. These investment criteria include relevance, quality, performance and leadership. The charge questions provided to the Board of Scientific Counselors were designed Evaluation Criteria for Program Reviews Relevance Quality Performance Scientific Leadership to help evaluate these criteria. View full document (PDF) (40 pp, 218KB)

Human Health Multi-Year Plan

This Multi-Year Plan (MYP) sets forth ORD's plans for conducting research in support of the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA) Goal 8.2 - Human Health research. As a MYP, this document exists to bridge the gap between the Human Health Research Strategy (USEPA 2003) and the implementation plans established by the individual labs and centers. The MYP provides a more detailed description of how the research will achieve it's goals than does the research strategy, but it provides less technical detail than would be expected in an implementation plan. View full document (PDF) (131 pp, 990KB)

Human Health Research Strategy

Human Health Research Strategy
The mission of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is to protect public health and safeguard the natural environment. Risk assessment is an integral part of this mission in that it identifies and characterizes environmentally related human health problems. The Human Health Research Strategy document presents a conceptual framework for future human health research by EPA's Office of Research and Development (ORD). This research strategy outlines ORD's core research effort to provide broader, more fundamental information that will improve understanding of problem-driven health risk issues encountered by the EPA's Program and Regional Offices. The scope of this research document is strategic in that it discusses broad themes and general approaches. View full document (PDF) (67 pp, 1.50MB)

National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory Human Health Research Implementation Plan

NHEERL Human Health Research Implementation Plan
This document describes the implementation plan for human health research within the National Health and Environmental Effects Research Laboratory (NHEERL) for the next 8-10 years beginning in FY02. Human health research in the Office of Research and Development (ORD) of the Environmental Protection Agency (the Agency) is based on needs and goals established by the Agency in response to the Government Performance and Results Act (GPRA). The human health research described in this document aims to provide broad, fundamental scientific information that will improve understanding of problemdriven issues arising from risk assessment in the Agency's Program and Regional Offices. Human health research supports the identification of fundamental mechanisms of toxicity and development of methods and models to elucidate key scientific uncertainties important to understanding and predicting the effects of environmental agents on human health. View full document (PDF) (98 pp, 2.69MB)

Table 1: Reimbursable Extramural Funds for Human Health Research (PDF) (2 pp, 15KB)

Table 2: Grants Funded 1999-2004 (PDF) (6 pp, 15KB)

Table 3: Resources for the Star Program by Long-Term Goal (PDF) (1 page, 15KB)

Table 4: Scientific and Technical Advice (PDF) (12 pp, 62KB)

Table 5: Awards and Honors (PDF) (6 pp, 29KB)

Table 6: Publications 1999-Present (PDF) (1 page, 12KB)

Table 7: Scientific Leadership (PDF) (13 pp, 59KB)

Table 8: Pre- and Postdoctoral Students (1999-2005) (PDF) (4 pp, 25KB)

Overview: Use of Mechanistic Data in Risk Assessment (PDF) (52 pp, 150KB)

Overview: Aggregate/Cumulative Risk (PDF) (55 pp, 158KB)

Overview: Susceptible Subpopulations (PDF) (86 pp, 254KB)

Overview: Evaluating Public Health (PDF) (6 pp, 31KB)

Bibliography Human Health Research Program (1999-2005) (PDF) (102 pp, 576KB)

Proceedings Human Health Symposium - A STAR Progress Review Workshop

Proceedings Human Health Symposium - A STAR Progress Review Workshop
As part of its research program, ORD's National Center for Environmental Research (NCER), through its Science To Achieve Results (STAR) grants program, supports research to improve the ability to assess the health risks posed by exposure to a variety of toxic chemicals in the environment. View full document (PDF) (100 pp, 2.88MB)

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