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Financing for Environmental Compliance
Tribal Water Technical Assistance and Financial Resources

This page contains information on Technical Assistance Resources as well as the Financial Resources available to tribes for financing water environmental compliance. Tribal Contacts are available to answer specific water program questions.

EPA and other entities have published numerous documents and tools to assist municipal officials as they develop a financing plan. Those resources available to all communities can be located by accessing the general technical assistance or financial links under the "Water Resources and Tools" in the middle right side bar.

The technical assistance, financial resources and contact information listed in the bottom right side bar will specifically assist tribal communities. These are not exhaustive listings of available resources but rather highlights of some resources from the vast array of available tools.

Technical Assistance Resources

Indian tribes and Native Alaskan Villages face significant water and wastewater infrastructure challenges. EPA and other organizations provide technical assistance resources to help these communities protect public health and the environment. The following is a non-exhaustive list of free technical assistance resources targeted toward tribes.

The American Indian Environmental Office (AEIO)
AIEO coordinates the Agency-wide effort to strengthen public health and environmental protection in Indian Country, with a special emphasis on building Tribal capacity to administer their own environmental programs.

EPA Office of Water – Tribal Resource Directory for Drinking Water and Wastewater Treatment
The Directory is intended for use by Indian tribes and tribal environmental organizations to assist in identifying financial and technical assistance programs. It can also be explored by federal representatives as a reference document in answering questions on sources of funding and technical support for tribal drinking water and wastewater infrastructure.

EPA Office of Water – Tribal Assistance Programs
This page provides links to several federal programs that provide technical assistance and grants to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Villages.

EPA Office of Water – Clean Water Indian Program
This program is a collaboration between EPA regions, federal agencies, tribal organizations, state agencies and other entities assisting in the improvement of tribal wastewater infrastructure, water pollution control programs, and capacity development for the effective management of public health and water resource programs.

EPA’s Office of Wastewater Management – Clean Water Indian Program
This Web site details tribal financial assistance programs and initiatives, contacts, publications and success stories.

EPA Office of Water – Tribal Public Water System & Underground Injection Control Programs
This Web site includes information about federal regulation of public water systems in Indian country, including EPA direct implementation and tribal primacy.

EPA Region 10 Tribal Water Program
This Web page provides water program and grant information for tribes located in the EPA Region 10.

Bureau of Reclamation Native American Affairs Technical Assistance Program
The Bureau of Reclamation's Native American Program provides technical assistance to Indian Tribes in the field of water resource development and management through direct participation, training, and partnering.

Bureau of Reclamation Native American Affairs Office and Program
The Native American Affairs Office in the Commissioner's Office serves as the central coordination point for the Native American Affairs Program and is Reclamation's policy lead for all Native American issues.

Alaska Regional Office of Native American Fish & Wildlife Society Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Society is in the fifth year of providing training to Alaskan Native villages on water quality assessment and monitoring.

American Indian Underground Storage Tanks Project Exit EPA Disclaimer
This project creates a reserve of UST Certified Inspectors to provide tribal governments with the technical expertise to develop strong effective UST management programs. Includes information on developing tribal UST laws and regulations and enacting tribal cleanup standards. Co-sponsored by EPA and the Inter Tribal Council of Arizona, Inc.

National Environmental Services Center Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Center provides technical assistance and information about drinking water, wastewater, environmental training, and solid waste management to communities serving fewer than 10,000 individuals.

National Drinking Water Clearinghouse at West Virginia University Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Clearinghouse helps small communities by collecting, developing, and providing timely information relevant to drinking water issues. It is intended for communities with fewer than 10,000 residents and the organizations who work with them. It offers training and free telephone consultation.

Native American Water Association Exit EPA Disclaimer
The Association provides tribal water and wastewater operators, managers, administrators, utility commissions and Tribal Councils with continued training and technical assistance in their goals to: strengthen tribal sovereignty, self-determination and protect health and environment in Indian country.

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Financial Resources

Indian tribes and Native Alaskan Villages face significant water and wastewater infrastructure challenges. EPA and other organizations provide financial resources to help communities protect public health and the environment. The following is a non-exhaustive list of financial resources targeted toward tribes.


EPA Office of Water – Alaska Native Village Sanitation Grant Program
This program provides grants to Alaska Native villages for drinking water and wastewater facility construction, training and technical assistance.

EPA Office of Water – Clean Water Tribal Grant Program
This program provides grants to Indian tribes (including tribes on former reservations in Oklahoma) and Alaska Native villages for planning, design and construction of wastewater facilities.

EPA Office of Water – Tribal Grants links
This page provides information and links to multiple EPA tribal grant programs.

EPA Region 8 Water Grants
EPA Region 8 provides water grants to address water-related environmental issues. Because these grants are media-based, many are available to state, local and tribal governments, as well as non-profit and community groups.

EPA Office of Water – US/Mexico Tribal Border Infrastructure Grant Program
This page provides information about the ~$27 million dollars which has been set aside by EPA Region 9 to address high priority drinking water and wastewater projects on tribal lands.

Multi-resource Links

EPA Office of Water – Clean Water Tribal Resource Directory for Wastewater Treatment Assistance
This publication is intended for use by Indian tribes and tribal environmental organizations to assist in identifying financial and technical assistance programs targeted to tribes. It can also be explored by federal representatives as a reference document in answering questions on sources of funding and technical support for tribal wastewater infrastructure.

EPA’s Office of Wastewater Management, Clean Water Indian Program
This Web site details tribal financial assistance programs and initiatives, contacts, publications and success stories.

EPA Region 10 Tribal Water Program
This Web page provides water program and grant information for tribes located in the EPA Region 10.

EPA Office of Water – Tribal Assistance Programs
This page provides links to several federal programs that provide technical assistance and grants to Indian tribes and Alaska Native Villages.

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